Topic: Foreign Direct Investment
Paper details:

OUTLINE OF TOPIC: Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
Foreign direct investment (FDI) has attracted research interest because of its potential positive economic impact on the host countries’ economies. Even though there is no agreement regarding growth benefits, several studies have emphasized the positive impact of FDI on economic growth through employment, acquired knowledge and management skills, as well as technology spillovers. In the wake of the global financial crisis and several regional fiscal crises, attracting FDI in order to foster economic activity has become a priority for many countries facing financing and market liquidity problems. Students investigating these topics will use data from UNCTAD the World Bank, the OECD, Penn World Table (PWT), IMF, Bloomberg and SNL to analyse and critically assess the impact of foreign direct investment on growth.

Dissertation Question
How coronavirus impacted foreign direct investments in Greece

Structure of work:
Introduction – 500 words
This should include
– what the paper is about
– what motivated you to do the paper
– what are recent developments
– How my research will contribute to study – what I’ll do

Literature Review – 900-1000 words
– What author did/their idea
– How he did it – methodologies/ model
– What did the author find?

Methodology & Data – 300 words
– Source I’ll use/where I found the source/why you selected it/what the models about
Data -what source of data I’d use
1.organisation for economic co-operation and development
2.UNCTAD the world bank
3.- Bloomberg

Key readings:
– Alfaro, L., Chanda, A., Kalemli-Ozcan, S., & Sayek, S. (2010). Does foreign direct investment promote growth? Exploring the role of financial markets on linkages. Journal of Development Economics, 91(2), 242-256.

– Baltas, N., Tsionas, M., & Baltas, K. (2018). Foreign direct investment in OECD countries: A special focus in the case of Greece. Applied Economics (Forthcoming)

– Busse, M., & Groizard, J. L. (2008). Foreign direct investment, regulations and growth. The World Economy, 31(7), 861-886.

– Campos, N.F., & Kinoshita, Y. (2002). Foreign direct investment as technology transferred: Some panel evidence from the transition economies. The Manchester School, 70(3), 398-419.

– Johnson, A. (2006). The Effects of FDI Inflows on Host Country Economic Growth (No. 58). Royal Institute of Technology, CESIS-Centre of Excellence for Science and Innovation Studies.

– Kim, W.S., Lyn, E., & Zychowicz, E. (2003). Is the source of FDI important to emerging market economies? Evidence from Japanese and US FDI. Multinational Finance Journal, 7, 107­130.

– Krifa-Schneider, H., & Matei, I. (2010). Business Climate, Political Risk and FDI in Developing Countries: Evidence from Panel Data. International Journal of Economibptcs and Finance, 2(5), 54-65.

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