EBP Group assignment Nurse-to patient Ratio Assignment help – Discussion Board As a group, use the assigned nursing research study to discuss how the research design of the study is appropriate for the type of research question/problem posed by the author. In both of your postings, please address ALL of the following information below: • Assignment help – Discuss the research question or problem of the article. • Describe the study design. • Based on the above information, did the researchers use the correct design to answer their question or problem? • Please provide a rationale for your answer. Participation in discussions require all students to complete at least two well-constructed postings (1st and 2nd posting), focusing in on the topic presented with at least one paragraph that has three complete sentences. Rubric for TEAM EBP Assignment help – Discussion Board Assignment First Posting First posting demonstrate san understanding of the concepts presented in the lesson. Knowledge of the issue is demonstrated along with synthesis and application. Second Posting to follow The second posting answers the questions and provides supporting details, examples of synthesis, analysis, and/or and understanding in the writing. Responses to others and advances the learning by including at least two of the following components: • offering advice • posing a question • providing an alternative point-ofview • Reflects understanding of the area of interest Formatting, Grammar, and Sentence Structure Responses/postings are grammatically correct with no spelling or punctuation errors. Help write my thesis – APA formatting (uses level headings, citing in the body of the writing and lists references correctly) is correct. Help write my thesis – APA has less than three errors. Following directions/Accuracy of Information All of the questions were answered correctly. The information provided (either in the postings or in the final team posting) was clearly related to the question.

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