Posted: January 28th, 2022
Nursing Assingment
The purpose of this assignment is to identify potential strengths and weaknesses to better prepare the student for the: (a) APEA post-predictor Exam, (b) national certification exam after graduation (i.e., ANCC, AANP), and (c) first year of FNP clinical practice. A certification review study plan will be created to address any identified content-area opportunities for improvement. This study plan should be used throughout the course to guide the student.
Activity Learning Outcomes
Through this assignment, the student will:
1. Demonstrate a command of essential knowledge needed for safe, quality, primary care practice as a family nurse practitioner. (CO #4)
2. Demonstrate competencies essential of the family nurse practitioner role as leaders and advocates of holistic, safe, and quality care. (CO #5)
1. Review the results of the APEA Pre-Predictor exam taken in detail (attached document). Include a copy of this report as an appendix in your assignment submission.
2. Review the following APEA knowledge areas: Cardiovascular, dermatology, endocrine, EENT, gastroenterology, health promotion, hematology, men’s health, neurology, orthopedics, pediatrics, pregnancy, professional issues, psychiatry, respiratory, sexually transmitted infections, urology, and women’s health.
3. Review the following APEA testing domains: Assessment, diagnosis, evaluation, pharmacotherapeutics, and planning and intervention.
4. There must be a minimum of four (4) knowledge areas and two (2) testing domains included in the study plan (additional weak areas are encouraged to be included). At a minimum, the student should select the lowest scored four (4) knowledge areas and the lowest scored two (2) testing domains.
5. The study plan must include at least six (6) total learning goals based on the knowledge areas and testing domains (see above). Each goal must have at least four (4) associated learning activities, a timeline for completion (within the current class timeframe), and a reflection.
6. Learning activities must be clearly identified and detailed.
7. Learning activities may include, but are not limited to:
o Practicing with subject specific and additional 150 question exams in the APEA myQbank
o Additional time studying specific areas of the APEA review module
o Watching a webinar
o Reading specific journal articles
o Attending a conference or workshop
o Working with preceptor in clinical setting to address identified weaknesses
o Reviewing case studies
o Going through a practice simulation
o Studying from the certification review textbook
o Attending a live certification review course
Preparing the Assignment
The assignment must be completed in a table format (see below) or organized in such a way that each learning goal is clearly separated and easily identifiable. All parts of this assignment must be the student’s original work. Help write my thesis – APA format is not required.
Learning Goal (identified from APEA-Pre-Predictor Exam)
What do you want to accomplish? Learning Activities
How are you going to accomplish your goal? Timeline
When do what to accomplish your goal? Reflection
How will accomplishing your goal improve your certification preparation or make you a better nurse practitioner?
Improve my knowledge of respiratory function and diseases. Complete respiratory subject specific exams in the APEA myQbank. I will continue to practice with these until I consistently score at least 90%.
Review respiratory/pulmonary in the Clinical Guidelines in Primary Care textbook.
Read at least 4-advanced practice nursing/medical journal articles related to respiratory.
Ask my preceptor to guide me through a detailed lung assessment at my clinical site.
Attend the on ground FNP Intensive and focus on respiratory during the review. The majority of this goal will be accomplished by week 5 and will be reviewed as necessary through week 8 of this course. Learning activity number 5 will be accomplished by week 8. Improving my respiratory assessment and diagnosis skills will ensure that I have the knowledge to make the best care decisions for my patients. Increasing my understanding about the disease process and medications will help me communicate with my colleagues and recognize changes in my patients that I may not have recognized without this knowledge. Additionally, increasing my knowledge in this area will better prepare me to be successful on my national certification exam.
Certification Review Plan
Certification Review Plan
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLearning Goals
Potential learning goals are identified from performance on the APEA Pre-Predictor Exam to inform a certification review plan to be completed while enrolled in this course. These objectively written goals answer the question: What do you want to accomplish? 20 pts
The assignment contains a minimum of 6 learning goals (4 based on the student’s lowest scored APEA Pre-Predictor knowledge areas, and 2 from the lowest scored testing domain areas). All goals are objectively written and unique to student specific learning needs without being redundant. 18 pts
Very Good
The assignment contains a minimum of 6 learning goals (4 based on the student’s lowest scored APEA Pre-Predictor knowledge areas, and 2 from the lowest scored testing domain areas). Some but not all goals (~25%) are objectively written. 17 pts
The assignment contains a minimum of 6 learning goals based on the student’s lowest scored APEA Pre-Predictor knowledge areas, and from the lowest scored testing domain areas. ~> 50% goals are not objectively written. 10 pts
Needs Improvement
The assignment contains a minimum of 4 learning goals based on the student’s lowest scored APEA Pre-Predictor knowledge areas, and from the lowest scored testing domain areas. Most goals (~>75%) are not objectively written. 0 pts
The assignment contains less than 4 learning goals based on the student’s lowest scored APEA Pre-Predictor knowledge areas, and from the lowest scored testing domain areas OR Learning goals are poorly written and are not reflective graduate-level work.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLearning Activities
Varied learning activities are planned for each learning goal identified in the first step of this assignment. These objectively written activities answer the question “How are you going to accomplish your goal?” 25 pts
Learning activities support the learning goals. There must be at least 4 separate learning activities clearly identified for each learning goal. Learning activities are unique and specific to each goal and not redundant. Outstanding work on all elements. 23 pts
Very Good
Learning activities support the learning goals. There must be at least 4 separate learning activities clearly identified for each learning goal. Learning activities are unique and specific to each goal and not redundant. Excellent work but missing one sub-element. 21 pts
Learning activities support the learning goals. There must be at least 4 separate learning activities clearly identified for each learning goal. Learning activities are unique and specific to each goal and not redundant. Missing more than one element. Learning activities may lack focus or clarity at times. 13 pts
Needs Improvement
Learning activities support the learning goals. There must be at least 4 separate learning activities clearly identified for each learning goal. Learning activities are unique and specific to each goal and not redundant. Several elements are either missing or underdeveloped. Learning activities lack focus and/or clarity. 0 pts
Does not provide meaningful learning activities or large areas of required information is missing. OR Learning activities are poorly written and are not reflective of graduate-level writing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReflection
A graduate-level reflection will relate strengths and weaknesses and consider both formative and summative evaluative methods. The reflection will answer the question: How will accomplishing your goal improve your certification preparation or make you a better nurse practitioner? 20 pts
Reflection identifies how accomplishing the learning goal will improve certification preparation or make the student a better nurse practitioner. Reflection also includes student self-reflection on strengths, and opportunities to overcome any weaknesses (i.e. time, lack of learning space, interruptions, lack of clinical experience with topic). Outstanding work. 18 pts
Very Good
Reflection identifies how accomplishing the learning goal will improve certification preparation or make the student a better nurse practitioner. Reflection also includes student self-reflection on strengths, and opportunities to overcome any weaknesses (i.e. time, lack of learning space, interruptions, lack of clinical experience with topic). Excellent work but missing one sub-element. 17 pts
Reflection identifies how accomplishing the learning goal will improve certification preparation or make the student a better nurse practitioner. Reflection also includes student self-reflection on strengths, and opportunities to overcome any weaknesses (i.e. time, lack of learning space, interruptions, lack of clinical experience with topic). Missing more than one element. Reflection may lack focus or clarity at times. 10 pts
Needs Improvement
Reflection identifies how accomplishing the learning goal will improve certification preparation or make the student a better nurse practitioner. Reflection also includes student self-reflection on strengths, and opportunities to overcome any weaknesses (i.e. time, lack of learning space, interruptions, lack of clinical experience with topic). Several elements are either missing or underdeveloped. Reflection lacks focus and/or clarity. 0 pts
Does not provide meaningful reflection or large areas of required information is missing. OR Reflections are poorly written and are not reflective of graduate-level writing.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTimeline
A timeline will be created over 8 weeks to complete the various activities of the plan in a balanced-learning format. This timeline answers the question: When do what to accomplish your goal? 25 pts
Timeline clearly identifies when each learning goal and activity will be accomplished. Timeline is present for each learning activity and considers student weekly time needed to accomplish learning activity. All goals must be accomplished within the current class timeframe. Outstanding work on all elements. 23 pts
Very Good
Timelines are present, but information is vague in some areas. Overall, well written and comprehensive. Only minor areas left out. 21 pts
May be missing one timeline or information is incomplete or unclear as written. 13 pts
Needs Improvement
Missing more than one timeline. Information not complete nor in student’s own words. 0 pts
Large areas missing in information. OR Timelines poorly written and not reflective of graduate level writing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment Format
Assignment is effectively organized and polished. Writing is demonstrative of a clearly organized set of ideas following a logical and consistent pattern and is succinct where appropriate.
Mechanics of Writing
Completes assignment in accordance with the standards of the latest edition of the American Psychological Association (Help write my thesis – APA) Publication Manual 10 pts
Succinct and clear learning goals, learning activities, timeline, and reflection. Contains all elements. Outstanding organization. Study plan is organized and grouped by learning goals in a table that aligns all components of the study plan under each learning goal AND/OR Help write my thesis – APA format, grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation are accurate, or with zero errors. 9 pts
Very Good
Clear learning goals, learning activities, timeline, and reflection. Contains all elements. AND/OR Help write my thesis – APA format, grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation are accurate, or with 1-2 errors. 8 pts
Learning goals, learning activities, timeline, and reflection may be vague and non-specific at times. May be missing one element. AND/OR Two to four errors in Help write my thesis – APA format, grammar, spelling, and syntax noted. 5 pts
Needs Improvement
Unclear learning goals, learning activities, timeline, and reflection. Missing more than one element. AND/OR > 4 errors in Help write my thesis – APA format, grammar, spelling, and syntax noted. 0 pts
Not organized. Presentation not consistent with graduate-level writing. AND/OR 5 or more errors in Help write my thesis – APA format, grammar, spelling, and syntax noted
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLate Penalty Deductions
Students are expected to submit assignments by the time they are due. Assignments submitted after the due date and time will receive a deduction of 10% of the total points possible for that assignment for each day the assignment is late. Assignments will be accepted, with penalty as described, up to a maximum of three days late, after which point a zero will be recorded for the assignment. Quizzes and discussions are not considered assignments and are not part of the late assignment policy. 0 pts
Manual deductions 0 pts
Manual deductions
0 pts
Total Points: 100
The goal of this project is to identify potential strengths and shortcomings so that the student can better prepare for the following exams: (a) APEA post-predictor Exam, (b) national certification exam after graduation (i.e., ANCC, AANP), and (c) first year of FNP clinical practice. To address any identified content-area opportunities for improvement, a certification review study plan will be established. This study plan should be used to assist the student throughout the course.
Activity Learning Objectives
The student will: 1. Demonstrate command of essential knowledge required for safe, high-quality primary care practice as a family nurse practitioner through this project. (CO No. 4)
2. Demonstrate the skills required of family nurse practitioners in their roles as leaders and advocates for comprehensive, safe, and high-quality care. (Country of Origin #5)
1. Review
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