After viewing the video

“ ,” whichEmpathy: The Human Connection to Patient Care represents the professor’s views on why we need to have an impact on healthcare, you should find it easy to see that many facets of the system could be changed.

“In my opinion, we need to broaden access, improve quality, and expand the ability to educate patients about the care they are receiving.” -professor.

With this idea in mind, post your own views on what aspect(s) of healthcare you want to change. ________________________________

Assignment Grading Rubric

Quality of Initial Post ● The initial post is on time and of the correct length

(500–750 words). ● All components of the initial post requirements are addressed. ● Course content synthesis is applied. ● References are included according to the Assignment help – Discussion


Organization, Writing Mechanics, and Help write my thesis – APA Format ● Clearly organized, no or limited writing mechanics and/or Help write my thesis – APA


Following your completion of the video,

You should be able to understand how many aspects of the system could be modified if you read “Empathy: The Human Connection to Patient Care,” which outlines the professor’s ideas on why we need to have an impact on healthcare.

“We need to extend access, improve quality, and expand our ability to educate people about the care they are receiving,” says the author. -professor.

With this in mind, share your thoughts on what aspect(s) of healthcare you would like to see changed.

Rubric for grading assignments

Initial Post Quality The initial post is on time and of the proper length.

(between 500 and 750 words) The initial post requirements are handled in full, and course content synthesis is used. According to the Assignment help – Discussion, references are included.


Help write my thesis – APA Format, Organization, and Writing Mechanics Clearly organized, no or limited writing mechanics, and/or Help write my thesis – APA Format


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