Theoretical Frameworks and Research
A nursing research study without a solid theoretical foundation is like driving without a map. You may have an ultimate destination in mind, as well as multiple stops along the route, but without a map, you are unlikely to accomplish your trip’s objectives. Similarly, without a theoretical framework to guide your research, you may end up with unscholarly, unreliable data that do not inform evidence-based nursing practice. Choosing a suitable theoretical framework allows researchers to improve questions, hypotheses, target populations, and research procedures and designs.

Learn how theory informs research and can contribute to evidence-based practice this week. You evaluate numerous contemporary ideas and approaches for nursing research.

Theory, Research, and EBP
Young children typically wonder why and how things work as they explore their world. This is how researchers approach a new problem. Researchers create new hypotheses or refine old ones to explain the world. They utilize models and frameworks to explain “how” processes and events occur. Theories and models help academics comprehend the world and explore it meaningfully.

Almost every research question can benefit from current theory or model. Researchers should think about their study topics and choose the best theory or model for their research plan. The choice of a theory or model is critical in research.

You focus on theory and models in research and evidence-based practice in this Assignment help – Discussion.


Review Chapter 6 of the course text. Focus on current conceptual theories and models in nursing research.

Pick a theory or model that interests you.

Find a research article that uses the theory or model you chose in the Walden Library.

Consider how the article’s research study is shaped by the theory or model.

Now consider a topic in your profession that you would want to research.

Review this week’s media presentation and think about how to find an appropriate theory or model for a study.

Answers to questions

1.Summarize the article and explain how the selected theory or model was applied in the research.

2. Evaluate the benefit of using a proven theory or model.

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