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Part A: Multiple-ChoiceChoose the answer that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1. In “Twa Corbies,” what attitude toward death does the author present? a. sadness and regret b. fear and uncertainty c. acceptance d. vengeful and angry2. In “Lord Randall,” the comparison between love and poison a. expresses an exaggerated sense of love’s power. b. celebrates the joys of romance. c. emphasizes a realistic view of love and death. d. mirrors the importance of a mother-son relationship.3. What do “Twa Corbies” and “Lord Randall” suggest about medieval attitudes toward women in romantic relationships? a. They are highly respected but unloved. b. They are untrustworthy and dangerous. c. They are unwitting victims of chivalry and romance. d. They exist to save men from their evil ways.4. How do the events in “Barbara Allan” echo the medieval ideas presented in “Lord Randall”? a. The events in “Barbara Allan” equate love sickness with death in the same way “Lord Randall” does. b. “Lord Randall” and “Barbara Allan” express thoughts about the fleeting nature of life. c. “Barbara Allan” and “Lord Randall” investigate the importance of romance, chivalry, and revenge. d. Barbara Allan and Lord Randall are both murdered.5. How is the perspective of medieval life presented in “Get Up and Bar the Door” different from those presented in the other ballads? a. This ballad expresses a more romantic view of life and love than the other ballads. b. This ballad lacks the same sense of humor in addressing medieval attitudes as the other ballads. c. This ballad presents a humorous and exaggerated look at married life, not a romanticized view of love. d. This ballad tells more about medieval relationships than the other ballads do.6. An iambic foot is a. a refrain. b. one unstressed and one stressed syllable. c. an unbalanced line in a ballad. d. a type of symbolism.7. “Barbara Allan” laments a. Sir John’s murder of Barbara. b. that Sir John and Barbara were unable to express their love in life.  c. that Barbara was incapable of loving John at any time. d. that Barbara knew what was happening, but Sir John did not.8. “Get Up and Bar the Door” reflects real life because a. people often fight about petty issues. b. the pudding bree represents money. c. people often miss opportunities. d. the pudding bree is a symbol of wasted time.9. A ballad stanza has how many lines? a. five b. three c. four d. two10. Ballads are a reflection of a. the times in which they were written. b. musical tastes of the twentieth century. c. all of the problems and troubles of a group of people. d. none of the above.11. “Lord Randall” is about a. an illicit love affair. b. the robbery of an elderly couple. c. a poisoning that may be physical or metaphorical. d. a noble involved in espionage.12. Which statement would you include in a summary of the first section of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight? a. The Green Knight has a beard. b. The Green Knight arrives at King Arthur’s court in the middle of a New Year’s Eve feast. c. Sir Gawain flinches when the Green Knight swings his ax. d. King Arthur is amazed by the Green Knight, but he does not show it.13. Which of the following events from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight conveys a sense of the supernatural? a. The Green Knight challenges King Arthur’s knights. b. Sir Gawain arrives at the Green Castle and finds it hideous. c. The Green Knight does not die from Sir Gawain’s blow. d. The Green Knight only scratches Sir Gawain with his ax.14. Which plot element characteristic of medieval romances is missing in the excerpt you read from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight? a. castle life b. adventure c. chivalry d. a woman in distress15. In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, why does Sir Gawain volunteer to fight the Green Knight? a. He wants to protect the honor of his king and fellow knights. b. He wants to settle an old dispute he has with the Green Knight. c. He wants to protect the queen. d. He wants to prove that the Green Knight is not real.16. Which of the following events in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight represents a deviation from the ideals of chivalry? a. King Arthur accepts the Green Knight’s challenge. b. Sir Gawain keeps the magic girdle. c. Sir Gawain takes the Green Knight’s ax. d. The Green Knight reminds Sir Gawain of his promise.17. Which character is not essential to a summary of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight? a. King Arthur b. the lady of the castle near the Green Chapel c. the lord of the castle near the Green Chapel d. Guenevere18. Sir Gawain’s internal conflict in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight involves his guilt over a. his theft of King Arthur’s sword Excalibur. b. disappointing King Arthur. c. violating the chivalric code. d. accepting the knight’s challenge.19. Which saying best paraphrases what the Green Knight says to Sir Gawain at the end of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight? a. Live by the sword and die by the sword. b. Admit your mistakes and move on. c. A leopard never changes his spots. d. The best is yet to come.20. A central theme of Morte d’ Arthur involves the a. belief that all wars are unjust. b. belief that evil will always prevail. c. principles of chivalry. d. fear of death.21. Which of the following parts of Morte d’ Arthur involves an element of the supernatural? a. King Arthur’s campaign against Sir Lancelot b. the death of Sir Lucan the Butler c. Sir Bedivere’s decision to stay with the hermit d. the catching of King Arthur’s sword22. The battle between King Arthur and Sir Mordred in Morte d’ Arthur is similar to other legends of the Middle Ages because a. it is historically accurate. b. it is completely realistic. c. its heroes fight nobly. d. it presents death solely in an idealized, spiritual manner.23. In Morte d’ Arthur, why does Sir Bedivere disobey King Arthur’s order to throw the king’s sword into the lake? a. He hates Arthur. b. He believes Arthur will live as long as he keeps the sword. c. He thinks it a shame to throw away such a noble sword. d. He and the Green Knight are plotting to overthrow Arthur.24. Which statement is least essential to a summary of Morte d’ Arthur? a. A battle starts when a knights raises a sword to strike a snake. b. Sir Bedivere reluctantly throws King Arthur’s sword into the lake. c. Arthur may return to protect England. d. Sir Bedivere weeps for the death of his brother.25. Chaucer uses the pilgrimage primarily as a device to a. emphasize the characters’ religious aspirations. b. frame the stories told by individual characters. c. describe the rigors of medieval life. d. create a vivid and realistic setting.26. The narrator of The Canterbury Tales is portrayed as a. stern and judgmental. b. sophisticated and worldly. c. robust and merry. d. observant and attuned to detail.27. The narrator says he plans to “give account of all their words and dealings, / Using their very phrases as they fell.” For which kind of characterization would an author provide such details? a. direct characterization b. indirect characterization c. overt characterization d. dramatic characterization28. Chaucer’s attitude toward the Nun is best described as a. amused tolerance. b. polite detachment. c. marked scorn. d. weary reproachfulness.29. Determine which statement best summarizes this quote from The Canterbury Tales: “He was an easy man in penance-giving / Where he could hope to make a decent living; / It’s a sure sign whenever gifts are given / To a poor Order that a man’s well shriven, / And should he give enough he knew in verity / The penitent repented in sincerity.” a. The Friar cannot make enough money to live. b. The Friar is extremely judgmental. c. The Friar frequently doubts his beliefs. d. The Friar thinks sinners who make large gifts are truly sorry for their sins.30. Determine what the following quotation from The Canterbury Tales says about the Friar: “But anywhere a profit might accrue / Courteous he was and lowly of service too.” a. He helps others make money. b. He is humble and servile. c. He has aspirations to be a merchant. d. He will use people for money.31. Determine what the following quotation from The Canterbury Tales suggests about the Miller: “His mighty mouth was like a furnace door. / A wrangler and a buffoon, he had a store / Of tavern stories, filthy in the main. / His was a master-hand at stealing grain.” a. The Miller has refined social graces. b. The Miller looks for the goodness in people. c. The Miller is an evil, cruel person. d. The Miller is a coarse, crude character.32. Read the following lines about the woman of Bath in The Canterbury Tales and summarize what they suggest: “In all the parish not a dame dared stir / Towards the altar steps in front of her.” a. She is a religious fanatic. b. She hates the Christian church. c. She is selfish and arrogant. d. She disdains the company of women.33. Chaucer calls the Franklin’s girdle “white as morning milk” to a. reiterate the Franklin’s obsession with food. b. emphasize the Franklin’s personal cleanliness. c. symbolize the Franklin’s purity of heart. d. show the Franklin’s fondness for fancy clothes.34. Determine the answer that best summarizes the meaning of this quote: “Whatever money from his friends he took / He spent on learning or another book / And prayed for them most earnestly, returning / Thanks to them thus for paying for his learning.” a. He stole his friends’ money, spent it on books, and then prayed his friends would return. b. Whatever money he borrowed from his friends he spent on his studies and books, prayed for more books, and then sent his friends thank-you notes for paying for his learning. c. Whatever money he could get from his friends he spent on his studies and books, prayed for his books, and then returned thanks to his friends for paying for his learning. d. Whatever money he borrowed from his friends he spent on his studies and books and then prayed earnestly for his friends as a way of giving them thanks.35. Which of the following is an example of indirect characterization? a. “He was an honest worker, good and true . . .” b. “. . . His mighty mouth was like a furnace door.” c. “Children were afraid when he appeared.” d. “He wore a fustian tunic stained and dark . . .”36. By positioning his description of the Miller almost immediately after that of the Plowman, Chaucer accentuates a. the cruelty of the Plowman. b. the kindness of the Miller. c. the kinship between these two laborers. d. the Plowman’s virtue and the Miller’s crudity.37. What theme does Chaucer convey in “The Prologue” to The Canterbury Tales? a. the conflicts inherent in society b. the basic evil of the human race c. the infinite variety of human nature d. the pitfalls of sensual pleasure38. Which of the following is most likely true of the Squire and the Knight in “The Prologue” to The Canterbury Tales? a. The Squire is braver than the Knight. b. The Knight is more musically inclined than the Squire. c. The Knight is more interested in romance than the Squire. d. The Knight and the Squire are both brave and adventurous.39. In The Canterbury Tales, the pilgrim who ran a profitable business selling fake holy relics was the a. Parson. b. Merchant. c. Pardoner. d. Summoner.40. Children feared which character in The Canterbury Tales?” a. the Miller b. the Summoner c. the Squire d. the KnightPart B: True or FalseDetermine whether each statement is true or false.41.Hexameter is a line of poetry with seven poetic feet. a. true b. false42. In a dactylic foot, the first syllable is stressed, and the last two are unstressed. a. true b. false43. Lord Randall’s dogs were poisoned by his lover’s husband. a. true b. false44. Chaucer was the first author to frame stories within another story. a. true b. false45. In “Get Up and Bar the Door,” the husband kills the strangers. a. true b. false46. In Morte d’ Arthur, Sir Bedivere told King Arthur in a dream to meet with Sir Mordred immediately. a. true b. false47. In The Canterbury Tales, the Miller is the Knight’s son. a. true b. false48. In The Canterbury Tales, the Plowman is the Parson’s brother. a. true b. false49. Sir Mordred was the illegitimate son of King Arthur. a. true b. false50. There is some historical evidence that King Arthur may have been a real Celtic chieftain. a. true b. false

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