Posted: February 28th, 2022
BIM Assignment essay
Department of Mechanical and Construction Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Environment
MCE | Department Education Board Referral/Deferral SEM3 Version 5.1i | Page 1 of 3
Deferral/Referral Coursework Specification
1 Module Information
1.1 Module Title
Building Information Modelling Management, Theory and Practice.
1.2 Module Code Number
1.3 Module Level and Credit Points
Level 7 – 20 credits
1.4 Module Leader
Ray Elysee
1.5 Coursework Title
DEFERRAL/REFERRAL WORK: Task 1 – Literature review (100% of Module Marks)
1.6 Coursework Specification Author
Ray Elysee
1.7 Academic Year and Semester(s)
SEM3 2020
2 Coursework Submission and Feedback
2.1 Release Date of Coursework Specification to Students
17:00 BST on 9 July 2021
2.2 Mechanism Used to Disseminate Coursework Specification to Students
Assessment and Submission folder on Blackboard module
2.3 Date and Time of Submission of Coursework by Students
11:00 BST on 28 August 2021
2.4 The mechanism for Submission of Coursework by Students
Submission is electronic via the Blackboard link in the Referral work > Component 1 Resit folder available
in the Assessment page of the module website on eLP.
2.5 Return Date of Unconfirmed Internally Moderated Mark(s) and Feedback to Students
No later than 11:00 BST on 28 September 2021
2.6 The mechanism for Return of Unconfirmed Internally Moderated Mark(s) and Feedback to
Turnitin digital submission portal and/or My Grades on Blackboard module
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3 Assessment Details
3.1 Module Learning Outcomes (MLOs) Assessed by Coursework
Knowledge & Understanding:
1. Analyse the role of Building Information Modelling and within the production management process.
2. Formulate solutions to design and its response to emerging offsite processes (modern methods of
3. Justify and defend design or managerial choices made within the production process of a simulated
4. Apply disciplinary knowledge and multi-disciplinary skill to overcome complex problems of practice and
identify appropriate solutions.
5. Reflect upon learning achieved within integrated collaborative environments.
3.2 Coursework Overview
Literature review: The purpose of this assessment is to for students to engage with peer-reviewed
quality academic literature in order to produce an argument critically analysing collaborative working and
the design management process on BIM enabled projects.
3.3 Coursework Tasks to be Completed by Students
The submission should be structured as follows:
Commence by contextualising key strategic targets across the Architectural, Engineering and
Construction (AEC) industry in relation to the use of BIM and Modern Methods of Construction.
In the main body of the report the student should make use of a range of quality academic literature
in order to explore collaborative working and the importance of effective building design
management processes on BIM-enabled projects.
Suitable conclusions should then be drawn (as informed by the literature) as how the AEC industry
can respond to current challenges and opportunities in this area.
To successfully complete this report a minimum of 20 carefully selected sources should be used to inform
the literature review. These are to be relevant peer-reviewed quality academic journal articles.
Relevant textbooks and conference papers can also be used to support the review. Web based sources
should not be used, and will not be counted as any of these 20 selected sources.
3.4 Expected Size of Submission
(e.g. typical word length, number of pages, time limit for a presentation. If there is a maximum size limit,
please specify along with the penalties for exceeding this limit).
4,000 equivalent words (excluding the references section).
Figures (diagrams, illustrations, photographs etc.) and tables are welcome but must be fully
incorporated into the submission, integrated with the text and fully explained as to why they are
exhibited. 200 words are counted for each figure/table used.
The work must form a structured and coherent whole. On the front sheet of the submission, identify
the total number of words used (excluding references section) and the number of figures/tables
Penalties for exceeding this limit: If the work exceeds the allowable word limit by 10% (i.e. 300
words) then a 10% marks penalty will apply. This 10% penalty will continually be applied for any
additional text that exceed blocks of 300 words thereafter.
3.5 Referencing Style
You are to write your coursework using the Cite Them Right version of the Harvard referencing system.
An online guide to Cite Them Right is freely available to Northumbria University students at:
3.6 Assessment Criteria
Introduction: Provide sufficient contextualisation – 10%
Main Body: Produce a coherent narrative supported by quality academic literature – 60%
Conclusions: Provide an effective summary – 10%
Presentation: Issues of style structure, format, across the report and in the in-text citation and
references sections – 20%
Total: 100%
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You are expected to fully understand and consider these criteria in preparing the Reports. Full criteria
breakdown is also provided at the end of this document.
4 Guidance for Students on Policies for Assessment
The University has several policies for assessment. The following information, which is available to you
from the link below, provides guidance on these policies, including relevant procedures and forms.
(1) Assessment Regulations and Policies
(a) Assessment Regulations for Taught Awards
(b) Group Work Assessments Policy
(c) Moderation Policy
(d) Retention of Assessed Work Policy
(e) Word Limits Policy
(2) Assessment Feedback
(a) Anonymous Marking Policy
(3) Late Submission of Work and Extension Requests
(4) Personal Extenuating Circumstances
(5) Technical Extenuating Circumstances
(6) Student Complaints and Appeals
(7) Academic Misconduct
(8) Student Disability and Unforeseen Medical Circumstances
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