As it is commonly known, Alphabet Inc.’s mission is to organize information and make it accessible to the world in a way that it is useful. Similarly, their vision is to provide the access to this information with ease, in a way that the data retains its full integrity. Their core values align directly with these as it mostly pertains to doing good in the world and focusing on the user experience while creating innovative technology that can transform businesses worldwide. By integrating personal values with the organization’s fundamental principles, it ensures that employees’ behaviors are consistent with company strategies. Experts explain that the goal of evaluating the congruence of values is to diagnose and close a gap by ensuring that employees’ values align with the organization’s ideals (Gelle-Jimenez, et al., 2021).

The strengths of the core values of Alphabet Inc. can be seen through the importance they put on their user base. In a traditional software or hardware company, the user and client interface are generally the base for the implementation of any project as the consumer base will be using these products. Another one of their greatest strengths is their ability to go above and beyond as it relates to performance and innovation. One of the core values omitted within their ideals is integrity, as it relates to the collection and restructuring of data. It is known that computer based systems are the target of hackers and malicious intent, security and the accessibility of secured data is one of the core values that are not mentioned.

Analysts describe the process in which a person acts upon their core values as the value implementation process. I believe this is important when making decisions and meeting new people in order to establish boundaries and secure successful outcomes. My core values are honesty, social justice, and perseverance; these core values are challenging in corporate America but also provide me with the strength necessary to tackle obstacles. Core actualization includes removing roadblocks, questioning established systems, and incorporating value into human resource management techniques (Byrtek & Dickerson, 2013). Which is why it is so important for me to share such values and actively work on creating boundaries for the things that go against these or monitor the effect that these have on daily interactions and future interests and goals.


Byrtek, G. J., & Dickerson, M. (2013). Actualizing Organizational Core Values: Putting Theory

into Practice. Business Management Dynamics, 3(2), 7-25.

Gelle-Jimenez, M., Bandojo, A. J. P., & Aguiling, H. M. (2021). Evaluating Congruence of

Values: Basis for Developing a Values-Based Competency Model for Managing Human Resources. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, 10, 17-34.

Student 2: Felicia Stanley

A mission statement is a declaration of an organization’s reason for being and helps to distinguish the differences between similar organizations (David, David, & David, 2014). A mission statement is recommended so that organizations can ensure that all employees and managers understand the firm’s purpose or reason for being. They are also used to provide a basis for prioritization of key internal and external factors used to create strategies for achieving goals (David, David, & David, 2014). The mission statement provides a basis for the allocation of resources and provide a basis for organizing work, departments, activities, and segments around a common purpose (David, David, & David, 2014). A mission statement is the first step to strategic management. The overall purpose of a carefully written mission is to effectively establish objectives and formulate strategies (David, David, & David, 2014). K12 Stride’s mission is to help learners of all ages reach their full potential through inspired teaching and personalized learning. The leadership team at K12 Stride states that this is done by providing clear pathways for learners to expand their skills, explore their options, and change their lives.

Like the mission statement a school’s vision embodies all the values that it strives to instill in its pupils and inspire in the community. It is an impactful declaration that should also serve as a powerful motivator for the school’s staff, unifying them in their approach to teaching and guiding the school’s decision-making. At K12 Stride the CEO states that the vision is to build the skills and confidence learners need to make their way forward in life. He also states in the annual report that the broader vision is to do things smarter, better, and faster.

Core Values

Core values highlight what is truly important in the organization’s practices as well as function as a guideline in implementing employees’ tasks. Core values enable followers to find higher purpose and meaning in work life as well as achieve organizational goals (Oh, Cho, & Lim, 2018). Oh, Cho, and Lim (2018) in the article “The mediating effect of practicing core values”, explains that core values have been regarded as an organization’s cultural cornerstone. The best way to define core values is to use a description stating that core values are the shared beliefs and culture of an organization that leads to a sometimes visible and invisible performance principles that all members of the organization can act on to achieve organizational goals and objectives (Oh, Cho, & Lim, 2018). Core values are important because it provides employees with a sense of responsibility and ownership to uphold organizational standards (Oh, Cho, & Lim, 2018).

Core values are guiding principles and tenets of an organization that influences attitudes, norms and beliefs of the people that work within the organization. Core values of an organization are generally outlined by the founders of the organization and play a key role in shaping the culture of the organization. K12 Stride uses an acronym to communicate their core values. The acronym is PACT. PACT stands for Passion, Accountability, Courage, and Trustworthiness. These core values are needed and appreciated when working with youth. Especially accountability. Accountability teaches all parties that they have an obligation to accept responsibility. I would also add respect, responsibility, and integrity to the core values. Respect teaches us all that we should treat others the way we want to be treated. Responsibility teaches us to embrace opportunities to contribute and integrity encourages us to know and do the right thing.

Personal Core Values

Personal core values are what encompass your foundational beliefs, which then dictate your behavior and guide you to make decisions. Personal core values are derived from life experiences and during the process of building self-awareness. My core values include but is not limited to family, communication, honesty, achievement, faith, and service. My family influences decisions I have made to not take career opportunities outside of Georgia and where I chose to purchase my house. It was and is important to me to be close to my mom. Communication is another personal core value that ranks high on my list. I value having information properly relayed to me while also ensuring that my thoughts are heard by other people. As I reflect on my own core values achievement, faith, and service are highly ranked. Accomplishing various goals such as receiving my master’s degree, providing and outlet for young people, or serving food to the hungry adds value to my life and impacts my motivation.


David, M. E., David, F. R., & David, F. R. (2014). MISSION STATEMENT THEORY AND PRACTICE: A CONTENT ANALYSIS AND NEW DIRECTION. International Journal of Business, Marketing, & Decision Science, 7(1).

Oh, J., Cho, D., & Lim, D. H. (2018). Authentic leadership and work engagement: the mediating effect of practicing core values. Leadership & Organization Development Journal.


The purpose of Alphabet Inc., as it is popularly known, is to organize information and make it valuable to the world. Similarly, their objective is to make this information easily accessible while maintaining the data’s full integrity. Their fundamental values are perfectly aligned with these because they are largely concerned with doing good in the world and focusing on the user experience while developing breakthrough technologies that may revolutionize businesses throughout the world. It guarantees that employees’ activities are congruent with company strategies by merging personal beliefs with the organization’s underlying ideas. According to experts, the purpose of analyzing value congruence is to diagnose and fix a gap by ensuring that employees’ values coincide with the company’s values.

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