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Read Understanding World Religions: A Road Map for Justice and Peace ​ , Second Edition. By David Smith & Elizabeth Burr pgs. 285-291 & 300-307 on Liberation Theology.Then write a response, as a new thread, answering ALL the following questions: From UWR end of chapter 10.1. How might the circle of praxis apply to a situation that you think needs to be changed? What would you have to do to fulfill each of its four parts? 2. This chapter has discussed several types of liberation theology. Which type is most likely to deal with situations that are important to you? Which of its insights do you find most convincing? Guidelines: you must include a thesis & at least 3 sub-thesis/sub-topics (e.g. “This chapter is primarily about…” & “In particular,… X, Y, & Z”) for each of the two questions; supporting examples with thorough in-text citations for short quotes and paraphrased info; engagement with the author & not just the topic; & 2-3 questions OR critiques you had about the reading. Use Research essay writing service – MLA formatting for proper in-text citations of your sources, e.g. (Aslan, p.56).The initial post should be 450-500 words long.Then two responses to other  posts that I am going to post should be 80-100 words long each; they should critique, ask a question, or suggest other supporting examples.some helping videosOrigin of Christian Religions Christianities

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