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Respond to the following 2 discussion s with at least a 100-word reply about their Primary Task Response regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. To help you with your discussion, please consider the following questions:What did you learn from your classmate’s posting?What additional questions do you have after reading the posting?What clarification do you need regarding the posting?Denotological ethics- ethical theories that place special emphasis on the relationship between duty and morality of human actions.  The term “denotology is derived from the Greek term ‘deno’ meaning ‘duty’ and ‘logos’ meaning ‘science’.  Denotology focus on right or wrongness of action.  This is saying that our actions are based on our sworn duty to do the right thing and make the right choices or do we follow what is morally right within our own being or do we follow what we believe to be morally the right decision.Consequential ethics- is an approach to ethics that the morality of an action is contingent on the action’s outcome or consequence.  A usually right action is one that produces a good outcome or result, and the consequence of an action or rule generally outweigh all other considerations.  The ends justifies the means.The two are the same in the way that the outcome is the same.  For instance, a demotologist will condemn a their on the basis that he has broken the moral rule “not to steal”.  A consequentialist will condemn the their based on his actions, the forceful removal of anothers’ property has caused real harm.  Both condemn the man for stealing, which is morally wrong.  But both ethical systems follow their own method to arrive at the same conclusion.The two are different because consequentialism states that the consequences of on’t conduct are the ultimate basis for any judgment about the rightness and wrongness of conduct.  A morally right act is one that produces a good outcome.  Consequentilism is usually contrasted with donotological ethics, in that denotologism rules and moral duty are central to the outcome of an act.All criminal justice professionals have a sworn duty to uphold the law.  Whether you are a patrol officer, a narcotics detective, computer expert, or prosecutor, you job requires the ability to gather information about crimes, analyze it for evidence, and use that information to identify and apprehend suspects.  To be able to do you job efficiently you must have a moral standing and within you own self to do what is right in the eyes of the law.  You must also do your duty as a criminal justice profession and make correct and sound decisions.  You are responsible for countless numbers of lives and to make a decision based on self made morals or just because you don’t care for that particular individual because of race, sex, religion, or any other bogus reason is not being an upright professional.  Based on these reason I would choose the denotological ethics because it is base on right and wrongness of actions and because there is a moral and sense of duty to making a decision.I believe that in all fields of criminal justice including probation and parole denotological approach is best because there is a moral stand and sworn duty to uphold the law and carry out judgment to all individuals in all criminal justice fields.—————————————————————————————————————————————————————Ethics are a set of moral principles that governs how we behave in certain situations. Many philosophers have different ways to explain ethics. The deontological and teleological theories are two of the most important. Deontological ethics places great emphasis on the relationship between duty and the morality of human actions. In deontological ethics, an action is considered morally good due to some characteristics of the action itself, not because the outcome of the action is a good one. The consequentialists’ ethical decision making approach, also known as teleological ethics, holds that the basic standard of morality is the value of what the action brings.  In the deontological and teleological ethical approach, consequences are morally important, but deontological theory believes that there are also other factors which relevant to moral evaluation of an action. The focus of teleological approach is based on the outcome of decision: ethical or unethical while deontological approach emphasis on essentially right like truth telling or promise keeping. In deontological approach, the importance when judging whether an action is moral or not is the motive and intent of the actor. This means that if someone is doing something but the outcome results in a bad consequence, it is still considered to be a moral or not moral action depending the motive of this action; for instance, it he did it for goodwill, it will be considered a moral action, otherwise if the action is done with an expect that something will be returned, then the act is not moral. However, in the teleological approach, the action with bad outcome is considered an immoral action in any way.  I think that the deontological approach is more appropriate for criminal justice professionals. I say this ethics is a huge thing in the criminal justice system. Criminal justice professions are expected to act according to accepted moral standards. Criminal justice professionals are tasked with several responsibilities on a daily basis that require them to make sound decisions and always making ethical decisions. It is more important for one’s actions to morally and ethically “right” instead of an officers doing whatever they think is right to get an outcome that they think is ethical. Criminal justice situations can get very critical so it is important for all people of those professions to not take matters into their own hand, so to speak, to receive what they think is a good outcome.  For an example, putting away all people that they think are “bad” people just so that the community is a better place in the end is ethically wrong. Some of those people may not even be “bad”. It is possible that one may decide that a particular approach is better suited to a particular segment of criminal justice. For example, one might believe that the deontological approach is better suited for situations involving corrections, or law enforcement, and the consequentialist approach works best with those involved in the parole or probation function. I don’t think this is the case, I think that all criminal justice professionals should follow the deontological theory. 

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