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Diversity of Human Services
While learning the diversity of human services, we mainly focus on recognition and appreciation of differences and diversity of human culture. The major focus in this course is on gender, age, religion, race, culture, education, occupation, language, attractiveness, health, and physical appearance among other factors that shape human life. The presentation of the course material presents diversity as a factor that defines human culture. This paper discusses the relevance of the course and study material in understanding human diversity for the learning purposes as well as for the application of concepts in real-life situations.
As presented in the outline, the course material provides relevant information that we need to learn and understand regarding diversity in human services. The lecture presentation forms a relevant format which introduces the course by creating awareness of the aspects of culture that define interpersonal communication. The course is programmed to take 10 weeks which basically involve massive learning to ensure complete acquisition of the course material. The course proceeds to the presentation of understanding American cultural diversity through the study of different cultures which make up America, their beliefs, practices, and social structure. Personally, I feel the format of this class is very helpful as it presents educative and informative material relevant for students’ learning, helping them to acquire maximum knowledge concerning the topic and understand the American culture.
This class was set up in this manner to enable learners to gain perfect understanding of the diversity of human service with reference to American culture. The format of this class involves the presentation of case studies and relevant examples which are educational as they explain in details the cultural meaning of human service diversity. It is very important to note that while talking about diversity in human services, we have to include all the aspects that define human culture including the social-economic structure, transgender rule, and youthful services in society (Fouad and Arredondo). The assessment mode of the course which involves reflective papers and final exam provides students with a baseline to study and revise information appropriately to understand the course content.
Going through this course, I have managed to advance my learning and understanding of human diversity in different ways. Due to this course, I learned the communication system of the culture which enhances interpretation and understanding of the diversity of culture. The course presents human culture as a language, knowledge, ritual, and value-enhancing communication and interrelation of human services. Culture is a complex component of human life which defines the real-life situation of how people interact with each other and their surroundings. This course plays a major role in educating students on the importance of understanding human services in society. This course provides a cultural-specific approach for training students, enabling them to develop intercultural communication competency and reviewing human service work in identified developmental areas.
Culture defines social determinants of human life influencing interrelation among individuals. As presented in this course, it is clear that studying culture begins with the creation of self-awareness among individuals and thereafter expounding on the cheap essay writing help diversity of culture and its impact on human relations. This course has been of relevance in understanding diversity in human services which contribute to the cultural diversity with reference to American culture. This course has therefore been of great use in understanding the cultural perspective of human services and diversity of human beliefs. The course is set up in a way to address all the issues concerning diversity in human services with assessments made to test the understanding of students.

Works Cited
Fouad, Nadya, and Patricia Arredondo. “Becoming Culturally Oriented: Practical Advice for Psychologists and Educators.” 2007.

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