During week 5, you are working on your POWERPOINT presentation, based on your UNIT 4 Individual Project – which is the culmination of your research question and your selected topic in criminal justice. Your PowerPoint presentation will be 10 -15 slides long, which comes from your UNIT 4 IP.  IP4 serves as the guide and foundation for your PowerPoint presentation. You should place most of your narrative in speaker notes.  Be sure to include ALL of the required elements (i.e. Thesis Statement, Research Question, Hypothesis, Literature Review, Measurement and Ethics and of course a REFERENCE SLIDE). Because of scheduling and various time zones, you were NOT required to present this live in class, but you are required to post your PowerPoint to the UNIT 5 DISCUSSION BOARD as your MAIN POST

10-15 SLIDESPrepare and deliver a professional presentation on a selected topic in criminal justice. Your presentation must be at a minimum of 10 PowerPoint slides excluding the cover slide and reference slide.Your supervisor was impressed with your research and has asked you to create a presentation to share what you learned with the department. You will be given 2–3 minutes to present the findings of your research in a formal oral presentation to your instructor using a PowerPoint file as visual support..Send the file that you and your instructor are to have open during your presentation prior to the scheduled meeting time. Prepare to present prior to the last day to allow time for the Homework help – Discussion Board assignment, where you will be reflecting on presentation. Use the microphone provided to you, along with the live chat features of your computer. Give the presentation.


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Escalation of Domestic Violence

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The research paper is a detailed analysis of the rise of domestic violence in an era that is
termed as the most civilized in the history of democracy. To understand why cases of victims of
domestic violence sometimes tolerate this behavior and other times, do not report them at all this
research paper considers testimonies of victims and looks at the profiling of offenders. It reveals
the theoretical explanation of what is deemed as culturing of a society to propagate hate and
biasness based on lines of gender, religion, race and other minority affiliations.

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