Ethical Practice The Final Ethical Practice Essay Assignment is designed to provide a student the opportunity to display his/her understanding of ethical practice using a scenario as the basis for an essay that addresses the following criteria: 1) issue recognition, 2) information engagement, 3) option consideration, 4) action explanation, and 5) outcomes evaluation. Essay Information: Examine the scenario with regard to issue recognition, information engagement, option consideration, action explanation, and evaluation of potential outcomes in an essay. Student responses are expected to show the genesis of their ethical thought. For example, if you are using information and processes developed as part of your work in this class, please explain and remember to cite the resources appropriately. If you are using information and processes developed as part of your engagement in a student organization, social organization, athletic or artistic organization, or civic or religious organization, please explain and remember to cite the resources appropriately. If you are using information and processes developed as part of your familial or social relationships, please explain and remember to cite the resources appropriately. Examine and write an essay on ethical practice regarding the following scenario: Mrs. Bennett is 62 years old, and in the last phases of colon cancer. She is in terrible pain and asks the doctor to give her more pain-killer medicine. The doctor has given her the maximum safe dose already and is reluctant to increase the dosage because it would probably hasten her death. In a clear and rational mental state, Mrs. Bennett says that she realizes this; but she wants to end her suffering even if it means ending her life. Should the doctor give her an increased dosage? Have at least 4-5 citations

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