module 1 dq 1The textbook discusses the different stages of the life cycle. How difficult is it to determine when each stage begins and ends, using biological, cognitive, and socioemotional criteria? Contrast this discontinuity perspective with the continuity perspective. Which perspective do you favor?module 1 dq 2Theories about child rearing go back thousands of years, yet developmental psychology is only about a century old. How has psychology been impacted by the philosophical and religious theories of child rearing?module 2 dq 1As technology advances, the issue of “designer babies” and gene therapy will become a very real issue. Should we explore “modifying” genes? If so, in which cases? What are the implications for altering genes for health reasons (e.g., a genetic disorder) versus altering genes for cosmetic reasons (e.g., to get a child with blue eyes)?module 2 dq 2Homework help – Discuss some of the controversies involved in infant routines (e.g., scheduled versus demand-feeding, handling sleep problems, breast- versus bottle-feeding), and state your opinions on which technique is superior. Why?

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