Week 6 Draft BCP/DRP Project Plan
Attached Files:
•  Oregon State university – Guin Disaster Recovery Plan.pdf (679.438 KB)
•  Reduced-BCP-MIT 20151005 1345.pdf (52.726 KB)
•  Disaster Recovery Plan-Tulane_University.pdf (1.252 MB)
• Read – Introduction to Business Continuity Planning (BCP), SANS (2002)
Based on the scenario provided in Week 4, assume your assigned group is assisting the Wilmington Library.  Your group’s task is to develop a BCP/DRP Project Plan with one of the four disaster scenarios:

o Group 1 – Natural Disasters – Snow, Flood, Hurricane, Tornadoes, and Earthquakes
o Group 2 – Manmade Disasters – Hazardous Materials, Building fire, Electrical Outage
o Group 3 – Manmade Disasters – Protest, Active Shooter, Bomb/Unknown Package
o Group 4 – Manmade Disasters – Cyber Hack, Denial of Service, Data Compromise. 
Given your group’s disaster scenario, ensure your group has conducted a Business Impact Analysis (BIA) for the library.
• As a group, develop a business response strategy for the Library. (Hint: Look at the other library plans for examples.) 
• Within your forum using the group discussion board link below, discuss and draft your group’s proposed BCP/DRP Project Plan in accordance with the MIT BCP template.  Again, this is only a draft; once you receive feedback (via the the group discussion board) your group will revise the plan and submit a final draft in Week 7. 
• Using this assignment link, EACH group member MUST submit the group draft for the BCP/DRP Project Plan.  (This is how each group member will get credit for the assignment.)
• Your assignment will be graded based on the rubric, which can be viewed when clicking on the assignment link.

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