Assignment Component Mark

Introduction clearly explains the key focus of the paper, highlights key substantive issues,
and provides a sense of structure for the entire paper. /15 Students demonstrate an understanding of the intent of the assignment. Key findings are identified.

Literature review
Scholarly articles selected to identify the barriers and and explain the interrelationship among them.

Methodology /design/approach
There is evidence that the research is well planned and executed. The research method of the structural literature review is appropriate.

Recommendation &conclusion
The conclusion provides a clear ending and presents a clear summary of the key factors. Students offer specific recommendations and actionable solutions based on their research findings. Any complexities in the topic are explained, and a definite ‘argument’ is presented.

Quality of Referencing for Final Paper
In-text citation format quality (Correct use of Harvard system of referencing. Adequate usage of in-text citations appropriately referenced in the reference section. Final reference list format quality (Correct use of Harvard system of referencing).
Well thought through and well researched presentation. Excellent communication skills /15 and free speech. Original, critical and reflects well the major content.
Lean Six Sigma (LSS) has evolved as one of the most prominent quality improvement technique adopted by the manufacturing and service sectors across the globe over the past decade. The purpose of this project is to investigate the barriers of Lean Six Sigma (LSS) in the service sector and understand the interrelationship among them using structural literature review (secondary data). Each group will submit a 3,000-word typed double-spaced report. The group has to include citations and references to all sources used, following a standard procedure of UOWD.
• My part is to write about the introduction and the literature reviews only which around 1700 word .

Importance and Advantages of Staffing Strategy
Aspects of staffing strategy that are important and advantageous
Name sInstitution sProfessor sCourse sDate
Aspects of staffing strategy that are important and advantageous
Staffing is a traditional management function that entails the selection and attraction of the most qualified individuals within an organization, as well as the placement of those individuals in positions where their abilities and skills can be fully utilized. To achieve both organizational and individual objectives, staffing strategies must also focus on retaining these individuals through the provision of incentives, advancements, job enrichment programs, and job training, among other measures. These strategies place a strong emphasis on human resource management, rather than on financial or material resource management. It is the result of human interaction within an organizational structure, carried out by knowledgeable employees. Staffing strategies are extremely important in any organization because they ensure that employees are satisfied with their jobs. This has the effect of improving the overall performance of the organization.
Staffing strategies always take into consideration the company’s past staffing patterns, and from there, they determine the number of employees the company will require, both temporary and permanent, in the future. In order to properly manage the situation of the organization’s workforce, it is critical for management to be aware of the exact number of employees that the company requires. It will not be necessary for the company to employ and pay for additional employees whose functions are unnecessary and redundant in this situation. Nonetheless, the staffing strategy is a human resource management plan that necessitates specialized knowledge in identifying a reputable staffing agency to assist in properly planning the organization’s human resource. When a company does not have a proper strategy in place, they frequently overhire employees, which increases the cost of hiring. The company can determine the appropriate number of employees to hire through the use of proper and appropriate staffing strategies, allowing them to maximize their capabilities while simultaneously reducing the number of employees on the payroll.
Staffing strategies, on the other hand, are not limited to the initial hiring of employees. It also includes a number of other components, such as success planning. When a promotion opportunity arises, many companies will always take the existing employees into consideration. Employees’ internal promotions to higher positions are just as important as their initial hiring in terms of organizational success. In both of these situations, a process for determining whether or not a candidate is suitable for the anticipated role must be put in place.
Review of the Literature
According to (Al-Hawary, 2015), the success and performance of an organization is an important factor that must be taken into consideration. The practices of human resource management are widely acknowledged to play a critical role in the development and maintenance of an organization’s overall performance. According to the findings of the study, certain practices are necessary for improving employee satisfaction in order to reduce employee attrition from the company, including: (Al-Hawary, 2015). Knowledge management, hospital factors, and critical success factors are just a few of the practices mentioned in the study. Al-Hawary asserted that the practices mentioned above are the fundamental source of organizational success, regardless of the nature of the organization’s activity, geographic location, or size.
The research conducted by Al-Hawary is a qualitative article in which qualitative approaches were used to collect the data required for the investigation. The majority of the primary data for the study was gathered through questionnaires that were administered to the participants and respondents. The questionnaire questions were designed to gauge the attitudes of respondents toward a number of different variables in the study. The data for the study was gathered through a survey approach. A sample of three hundred employees who were randomly selected from the entire employee population of Amman hospital in Jordan’s capital city served as the basis for the research (Al-Hawary, 2015). The findings of the study also point out that the practices mentioned above have a positive impact on the implementation of knowledge management systems. Ultimately, according to the study’s author, decision-makers and managers should concentrate their efforts on effectively leveraging and managing the expertise and knowledge embedded in the minds of people, allowing them to create more value and achieve a greater competitive advantage.
According to the findings of a study conducted by Hockenberry and Becker (2016), nursing staffing strategies have a significant impact on patient satisfaction. According to the findings of the study, nurse staffing strategies have an impact on patient outcomes, which are in turn influenced by patient satisfaction. Hockenberry and Backer also suggested that the workload and work environment of nurses have an impact on their patients’ overall satisfaction with their care.
The article is classified as a qualitative study because it relied on a survey to gather the information necessary for the research. In order to conduct the study, it was necessary to obtain information from the hospital regarding patient satisfaction. The survey focused on this information. According to Hockenberry and Becker (2016), the survey was primarily used to collect primary data from nurses, while additional information was gathered from hospital documents and patient records. Increased nursing staffing levels, according to the findings of the study, have a positive impact on patient satisfaction, which results in improved hospital performance in terms of patient outcomes. The authors of the article come to the conclusion that the nursing staffing levels and nursing skill mix in a high-performing hospital are the most important determinants of patient satisfaction.
According to Frosch and Zwick (2011), staffing strategies differ depending on whether the organization is currently experiencing a decline or growth in employment, as well as whether it is a dominant or non-dominant employer in the market. The availability of skilled labor in an organization is a very important factor in the success and development of the organization in many ways (Frosch and Zwick, 2011). As a result, the study recommends that organizations adopt and implement staffing strategies that are geared toward attracting and retaining highly skilled workers. The study also suggests that people who are less or more experienced, or who are old or young, are not consistent or homogeneous in terms of unobservable characteristics such as loyalty, creativity, or motivation, according to the findings.
Using secondary data from a connected employee-employer Germany’s dataset provided by the research data center of the German Government Employment Agency at the employment research institute, the researchers were able to conduct their research. According to the findings, organizations can achieve workforce transformation (either through the exodus of older workers or the influx of younger workers) (Frosch and Zwick, 2011). In addition, they looked into the possibility of specific staffing strategies being implemented in different economic environments. According to the findings, the majority of organizations achieve their workforce transformation through the exodus of old-aged employees from their organizations. Thus, according to the findings of the research, staffing strategies differ depending on whether the organization is currently experiencing decline or growth in employment, and whether it is a dominant or non-dominant employer in the market.
The Mechanism of the Staffing Strategy in Action
Staffing is a human resource management strategy that is designed to ensure that the company has the appropriate workforce in place in order to achieve both the company’s future and current goals. Essentially, it ensures that the organization has the appropriate number of temporary and permanent employees required to ensure that the business runs smoothly. In many cases, the organization’s growth and planned expansion are always attributed to the organization’s efficiency and staffing strategies. Immediately after business leaders have sketched out their plans for growth and expansion in the coming days, months, and years, they will be able to determine the appropriate number of skills and employees that will be required to achieve their goals.
According to a study conducted by Kim and Ployhart (2014), staffing strategy can take place and have a variety of consequences. According to the findings of the study, organizations can influence their employees through strategic staffing in order to improve the competitive advantage and performance of the organization. As an additional recommendation, (Kim and Ployhart 2014) stated that internal training and strategic staffing are two of the most important practices of human resource management that companies should employ in order to achieve firm performance through the development and acquisition of human resource capital.
Obtaining primary data for the study was accomplished through the use of survey methods. The article is therefore regarded as a high-quality piece of writing. Using a random selection process, it selected 252 employees from various manufacturing companies. To determine how employees have been influenced to improve the performance of the company, the researchers looked at variables such as training and selective staffing among others. The research findings strongly suggested training and staffing are the essential practices of human resource management employed by organizations to attain high performance through developing and acquiring human capital resources. Also highlighted in the study was the fact that both internal training and staffing have an interactive and direct impact on profit growth through their influence on labor productivity within the organization. Strategic staffing provides a generic human capital resource that enhances the firm’s adaptability and flexibility, making it more beneficial for the company’s recovery after a recession. On the other hand, training is more beneficial for firm profitability before a recession since it creates important human resource capital.
In a similar vein, the study by Munyon, Summers, and Ferris (2011) demonstrated how cluster and individual staffing strategies are critical for team formation in the workplace. Team development in organizations is vital in determining the success of the organization. Staffing strategies ensures that a specific team in the organization has the compatible members who can harmoniously work together with the main aim of moving the company forward and ensuring its success.
Secondary data was used in the investigation to determine how strategic (cluster and individual) influences team development, which in turn influences the development of the organization. the research proved that organization’s competitive advantage is influenced by different hiring techniques. Techniques which ensure hiring of highly qualified and experienced employee ensures the organization of a strong competitive advantage. The success and performance of the organization, in turn improves with the enhancement of the competitive advantage. The study showed that there is a strong correlation between human resource practices and strategic outcomes.
Advantages and Importance of Staffing Strategies
Employee selection and recruitment decisions are have become more complex in the world where there high competition in job markets. Currently, human resource managers have to think whether they need a contractor or an employee, as well as considering the offshore diversity, legal obligations, and options. Once an employee has been recruited, the manager needs to think on how to enhance their morae, skills, work environments, and retention. Staffing strategies comes in by helping in determining the ways of enhancing employee satisfaction, loyalty, skills, and employee retention.
Studies have stated that organizations that make decisions on a case-by-case basis always faces difficulties when it comes to hiring. These types of organizations often make staffing decisions depending on the what makes sense for a specific team or situation. That means, they make hiring decisions based on the individual or team objectives. However, individual and team objectives may sometimes differ from the organizational goals. For example, a manager may have a interest of filling the a vacant position in the organization. The best decision for the manager may be pursue a contract resource, since the need may be a short term. However, the organization may be having a project which is about to end in an area. That means there will be individuals who will need to be reassigned. Therefore, the best action that should be taken from the organization, s perspective would be to consider an internal promotion or transfer even if the individual is not 100% perfect in terms of the possessed skills. Thus, proper and appropriate strategies enable the managers to understand the organization’s objectives. As a result, they will be working in pursuit of attaining the organizational objectives.
A research conducted by (Isidor et al., 2011), has stated how international businesses can be enhanced by strategic staffing. The study has suggested some of the factors affecting international staffing. It used theories and processes to focus on how international staffing can be influenced. Further, the authors tested whether factors allowing organizations to internationalize immediately after emergencies, such as technological intensity, prior international experience, and networks, affect the international staffing of the organization. Research was determining how technology and experience in abroad businesses can affect international staffing. The results indicated that prior international experience is not linked to international hiring of the firm. On the other hand, advancement in technology enhances the possibility of partial staffing policy choices, particularly for early international organizations. Similarly, networks allow the firms to seek geocentric or regiocentric policies of staffing. Therefore, enhancement in technology have eased the processes of developing and implementing staffing strategies which can improve the success and development of the organization.
In a nutshell, organizational strategic planning is very essential in the current and highly competitive world. Staffing is a strategy design of a human resource management to ensure that the company has the right workforce it requires ii order to achieve both the future and current goals of the business. First, staffing strategies is very important in determining the right number of employees required by the organization to meet its objectives. Organization’s success is determined by its competitive advantage and performance. The company can only gain competitive advantage it has a staffing strategy which aims at hiring highly skilled and experienced employees. Employees influences the production quality influencing the general performance of the organization. determining the right number of employees to be hired reduces unnecessary spending by the company. That is, there will be no need for the company to hire and pay for the extra unnecessary works. Therefore, the finances can be directed to developmental objectives of the organization.
Staffing is one aspect that influences the development and success of the organization. To timely meet the goals and objectives of the organization, the human resource management should develop staffing strategies which aims at hiring highly competitive and experienced employees. Similarly, they should develop staffing strategies aiming at improving the employees’ morale, retention and working environments. Morale and retention of the employee can be ensured through provision of and promotion. Once morale of the employee is ensured, their satisfaction is also enhance therefore improving the productivity of the organization.
Finally, in future study like this should be given enough timing to enable researchers to use all available equipment to collect more information.

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