Question description

In October 2006,
Megan was a victim of cyber-bullying that occurred through the social
networking site, MySpace. The offender, Lori Drew, was the mother of Megan’s
female friend. Drew created a fake profile for a teenage boy and used the fake
profile to flirt with, befriend and then abandon Meier, leading Meier to hang
herself (McCarthy & Michels, 2009). Drew was convicted in November
2008 of three misdemeanor counts of unauthorized access to computers for
violating MySpace’s terms of service, but this conviction was thrown out
(McCarthy & Michels, 2009).
legislation varies between states. Through laws (in their state education codes
and elsewhere) and model policies (that provide guidance to districts and
schools), each state addresses bullying differently (, 2015).
For this discussion I will evaluate the legislation for New York State since
this is where I live. New York State has enacted legislation that specifically
called on the school systems to regulate and monitor bullying. “Dignity for All
Students Act” to afford all students in public schools an environment free of
harassment and discrimination based on actual or perceived race, national
origin, ethnic group, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender or sex;
passed by the NY State Senate on June 22, 2010, signed by the governor on
September 8, 2010 (, n.d.). Senate Bill S7740 was also
introduced and signed into legislation to help with the bullying that continues
once someone is no longer on school grounds. In todays age of advanced
technology, twenty-four hour connectivity and social networking, students who
are subjected to bullying, such as the texting or posting of sexually
derogatory comments via such social networking sites or by other means, have no
reprieve (The New York Senate, 2011-2012). Bullying that begins in school
follows students home every day, and has lasting impacts on such students (The
New York Senate, 2011-2012). Based on this information and looking over other
laws within other states the outcomes of Megan Meier’s case would not be much
different. There are no federal cyberbullying laws. Most states have enacted
laws within the educational system. Drew could be charged with aggravated
harassment via computer which could be punishable with up to one year in jail.
This would have been more than she actually received, but it would not address
the fact that a young girl took her life.

(n.d.). State cyberbullying laws. Retrieved on June 28, 2016 from,

McCarthy, T.,
& Michels, S. (2009, July 2). Lori Drew MySpace suicide hoax conviction
thrown out. ABC News. Retrieved
(2015). Policies & laws. Retrieved on June 28, 2016 from,

The New York
Senate. (2011-2012). Senate bill S7740. Retrieved on June 28, 2016 from,
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