Question description

I need 3 questions answered. These questions are for 3 different classes so they are to be answered separate. Each answer to each question has to be 200 words minimum. They have to also be in apa format meaning the reference has to be included in the answer, with a reference at the bottom and the link has to be included.Art History 101:Take a look at these two paintings by Jacque Louis-David and Francisco Goya:’s Death of Marat (Marat was murdered in his bathtub) is representative of Neo-Classical art and Goya’s Shooting on the Third of May is representative of Romantic art. How would you distinguish the characteristics between the two artworks just by analyzing their formal elements? What kinds of emotions do they evoke and how? What distinguishes these two artworks from those we have already seen before (think subject matter)? I encourage any other thoughts or comments about these works, especially while tapping into what you have already learned about thus far. Modern World History:Homework help – Discuss how hyper-identification with non-civic identities such as religion, ethnicity, race, or class undermine governability.Paper Writing Service – Topic Examples – RubricsHistory And Impact of the InternetBased on what you have learned so far about of Web 3.0, do you think Web 3.0 will create privacy and infringement issues since computers will be controlling and linking all information available on the Internet? With the significant changes in design and the variety of mobile devices, do you foresee security upgrades to browsers?

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