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Respond, add, disagree, agree to this post in 50 words or more and use examples from the pdf attached. Cite within your answer like so: (Mosser, 2013, ch 1.6, para 11).Identify the basic themes, topics, and concepts that make up the discipline of ethics. Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain the themes or ideas that unite the different ethical theories.The basic themes that make up the discipline of ethics are morality and virtue.Morality is the principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior. These principles derived from a code of conductfrom a particularphilosophy,religion, orculture, or it can derive from a standard that a person believes should be universal.Virtue is behavior showing high moral standards, a trait or quality deemed to be morallygoodand thus isvalued as a foundation ofprincipleand good moral being.While Morality is simply a view of what’s right or wrong good and bad Virtue is simply just an behavior that people view as being good.Describe how you might apply one of the ethical theories or perspectives we have discussed in this class to one of the following social issues:Limiting smoking in public places, such as public buildings, restaurants, or city parksMunicipal governments using public funds to build stadiums for professional sports teamsRequiring a private landowner to provide habitat for endangered species on their propertiesI would use Deontological theory- Focus on duty and all the rules one is required to follow to be moral.Deontology focuses on the reasons for which an act is done versus looking at the consequences.  Pretty much do on to other as you will have them do on to you.  (Mosser, 2013, Ch. 1.6, Para. 7) To Require a private landowner to provide a habitat for endangered species on their properties and being that this theory is do on to other as you would want them to due to you well wouldn’t you want a place to stay if you couldn’t survive in your current situation or if you got shot don’t you want a hospital to take you in and treat your wound and get you better and finally if you were hungry wouldn’t you want to be fed.Mosser, K. (2013).Ethics and social responsibility(2nd ed.). San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint  Education, Inc.

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