Magazine Ad Paper
Hospitality Marketing Class-
Purchase or obtain a copy of your favorite magazine
The name of the magazine you selected.
Information on what the magazine name means and the target market it appeals to. Need this information by Jan 21***

For this assignment, you will compose a 2 to 3-page paper (hire research essay pro writers) that summarizes the magazine you selected.
Type in paragraph (essay) form and do not use numbering. Respond to each question given and research actual demographic figures to include in your summary. Use proper grammar and spelling.
Follow the steps below to complete this assignment. Refer to the Magazine Ad Paper Scoring Guide for grading details by clicking the link above then View Paper Writing Service – Topic Examples – Rubric.
Create a document using a word processing program (e.g. Microsoft Word) with the following formatting guidelines:
Title Page
Assignment name
12-point, Times New Roman font
1 inch margins
Indent new paragraphs five spaces and between paragraphs
2 to 3 pages in length
Reference Page
APA 6th edition formatting for references and citations
Save your document as yourname_MagazineAdPaper.
Respond to the following:
State the name of the magazine.
Interpret the name and its meaning to its readers (even if it is obvious).
List the company that owns and publishes it (give a brief history).
State the target market of the magazine. (Every magazine has research on these!)
Give the demographics of the people that would buy this magazine.
Example: Age, religion, education level, national origin, etc.
Give the psychographics of the people that would buy this magazine.
Example: Lifestyles, hobbies, personalities, etc.
Homework help – Discuss what types of companies have advertisements in this magazine. Give specific examples of products advertised.
Find at least three hospitality advertisements in the magazine. (If there are no hospitality ads, then find the closest thing.)
Scan the three ads you have selected. Refer to Scanbot app in the Introduction Module.
Respond to the following in paragraph form about each of the three ads you have selected:
Name of company.
Product(s) or Service(s) in the ad.
What does the product or service promise the consumer?
At what price (if listed)?
What target market(s) is the ad trying to attract?
Is the ad effective?
Does it attract its target market?
Would you buy the product?
Do you fall into the company’s target market?
Overall opinion of the ad.
Conclude by sharing your overall thoughts and opinions of the magazine as a whole.

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