Introduction: What is the objective or purpose in taking a self-assessment to identify management aptitude?

Results: Explain your management aptitude scores and which leadership style you can apply in a contemporary organizational context.

Aptitude scores are:

Technical 16 (highest)

Conceptual (14)

Human (7) Lowest

Assignment help – Discuss servant leadership style

Interpretation: Interpret and discuss which management theory skills you currently practice; analyze areas of strength and weakness. Evaluate how this self-assessment adds value to your plans to identify and attain goals for future management performance.

Assignment help – Discuss Technical as the strongest and Human as the weakest.

Conclusion: Under what conditions could your management weakness hinder your success as a leader or present challenges as a leader? Under what conditions would your management strengths be useful in an organizational situation? Evaluate which management skills you think are most valuable and relevant in becoming an effective manager who can respond to organizational challenges in the 21st century.

References should include 2 peer reviewed articles.

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