Question description

Using one of the primary source’s linked below relevant to the colonial period of US history. Write at least 800 words about how it reflects, enriches, and/or challenges what we know about its original setting. Use your knowledge of its historical context (such as the political, economic, cultural, setting etc.) to explain what the source meant to people in its own day, and what it can tell us about their world. This paper should focus on the primary source: analyze it as a piece of evidence from history.When writing the paper:
•Do a
little research to
find out about the historical context of the primary source.
context might
was your source created and/or used?
•By or
for whom?
and how?
notes or start writing the paper as you find useful information. It’s
often a good idea to begin the paper with a paragraph that
clearly identifies the source
and its basic context.
do not need to cite the sources of your information in this paper.
not spend too much time researching and writing about context. This
paper should focus on analysis, interpretation, historical criticism. It is not
a research project. Dive right into the source itself. 
(or examine) your source carefully. Select some interesting
features to
analyze in the paper.
some quotes
or details.
quote, paraphrase, or describe each one.
do they show us about that period in history? About how people lived, thought,
behaved in that time and place?
some connections to historical context. What specific
aspects of historical reality are reflected in each quote or detail?
Use your knowledge of those historical realities explain what the quotes or
details meant to people back then. 
some themes,
concerns, or ideologies.
does the source show us about the general outlook of the people who created or
used your source? About how they viewed the world and their place in it? 
Use one of the following linked primary sources: sample of a previous student’s paper is attached. The paper will be graded using this rubric:Points possible10MECHANICSGrammar, spelling, word count20STYLE Organization, clarity, persuasiveness, historical-critical orientation20CONTEXT What realities and ideas shaped the way the source functioned or was understood in its day? Use your knowledge of those realities and ideas to analyze the source. Think about various contextual layers such as the goals of the author or artist, the experiences of their intended audience, the political context, intellectual, technological, religious, economic, etc. Different contexts are important for different sources.20QUOTATION Utilize quotes, paraphrases, or descriptions of the source. Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain what each quoted or described feature of the source illustrates; never let a quote stand alone; explain its significance. Clearly distinguish between your own statements and paraphrases of the source.70

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