1.Tell us how you arrived at the decision to pursue a career in social work at this time. How do you envision using this degree? 2. Social Worker concentrates on social work practice with vulnerable children, adults and families over the lifespan. Tell us why this emphasis is meaningful to you? 3. Describe your experience in interacting with people whose lives, worldviews, beliefs and/or values are different from your own (e.g., age, class, color, culture, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity and expression, immigration status, political ideology, race, religion, sex and sexual orientation etc.). 4.Homework help – Discuss how you have engaged in activities that further social and economic justice for disenfranchised or oppressed populations, particularly poor or minority children, families or vulnerable populations. 5. Identify a personal challenge or adversity that you experienced, how you dealt with the situation, and what you learned from the experience. 6. Share your strengths and areas for continued growth in relation to professional development and how our MSW program might contribute to that growth

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