Question description

Listen to Billy Holiday singing “Stormy Blues” (acquire through legitimate music source or web search). Then, compare this legendary blues singer with modern day blues singer Amy Winehouse singing, “Love is a Losing Game” (acquire through legitimate music source or web search) What do these singers have in common? What is different about them? Which singer moves you more?Jazz recordings rank slightly lower than classical recordings in volumes of sales in this country. Why do you think the jazz audience is small when compared to that of rock or pop music?Compare and contrast Louis Armstrong’s trumpet style with Miles Davis trumpet style playing the jazz classic “Stardust”. To listen to these two songs, acquire them through a legitimate music source or web search using the criteria:Miles Davis – 13 StardustLouis Armstrong, His Orchestra – StardustDo you agree with the following statement: “Many country songs express the inner conflict between pleasure-seeking and the pursuit of religious devotion or wanderlust and the security of home”.How do you determine what sets country music apart? How do we know it’s country?Think about the ancestry of British Balladry in country music. What is the difference between Child Ballads and Broadsides?


assignment 2

Question 1 Why do you suppose the five categories of classroom training are so popular in HRD?      Identify two types of training programs a manager might not want to conduct in using a classroom format.


Some aspects of self-paced training would not be effective in a classroom setting. write my paper On the job training is generally conducted at the worksite and consists of “training and coaching” in real-time computer-aided instruction is considered to be a part of the self-paced learning method. This method of training consists of electronic workbooks and software


Question 2 Even though most HRD professionals agree that HRD evaluation is valuable, in your opinion what are the most important reasons why it isn’t practiced more frequently by organizations?  How can these objections to evaluation be overcome?


The objections to evaluation can be overcome in the following manner:

  • The top management should realize about the importance of the training activities of the employees and its impact on the success of the organization.
  • Since many training program transform into failures, it is very important to take feedback and collect data related to the training program so that the necessary changes can be incorporated in the next training programs.

This point should be realized by the top management.



Werner, J. M. (2017). Human Resource Development, Talent Development, Seventh Edition. Mason: Cengage Learning.

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