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Consequential Theory Homework help – Discussion Forum
Assuming that the hospital directors
will make the decision, take the main principles in Act Utilitarianism
and Rule Utilitarianism theory and apply them to see what EACH theory would say is the morally right or best thing for the hospital directors to do. Be sure to recognize that Act and Rule Utilitarianism are different theories.
For example: All paragraphs – not one sentence – Act Utilitarianism
would tend to say that the hospital directors should ______, because
________. Rule Utilitarianism would tend to say that the hospital
directors should ______, because ________. Remember: One original post
applying the theories, and a minimum of 1 reply to other people’s
Case Study:
Two months after being honorably discharged from his job as a military
test pilot, the world of Donald C. exploded in a flash of burning gas.
He was then 26 years old, unmarried, and a college graduate. An athlete
in high school, he loved sports and the outdoors. Rodeos were his
special interest, and he performed in them with skill. After leaving the
military, Donald joined his father’s real estate agency. The two of
them had always had a close relationship, and were looking forward to
running a business together. One July afternoon, they were out together
appraising some farm land. Without realizing it, they parked their truck
near a large propane gas line, and the line was leaking. Later, when
they started the truck, the ignition set off a huge explosion. Donald,
his father, and the truck were enveloped in flames. The father died on
the way to the hospital. Donald was admitted in critical condition, and
barely conscious. He sustained mostly 3rd degree burns over 70% of his
body, both eyes were blinded, and parts of his hands, feet, arms, and
legs required amputations. Heroic actions by the medical staff kept him
from dying. The therapeutic treatments were excruciating. Within a week,
Donald made it very clear that he wanted to be left alone and allowed
to die. He refused to sign any further consent forms, and demanded to be
allowed to leave the hospital and go home. “I don’t want to go on as a
blind and crippled person,” he told his doctor. “Dying can’t be worse
than this!” Donald’s mother fought zealously against this. She had
already lost her husband, and losing her son was more than she could
bear. She was also a devoutly religious person and was concerned that
Donald would die “lost,” without coming back to the Church he had left
several years before. There were others involved, too. Donald’s doctor,
Sam Macon, was the top burns surgeon in the Midwest. He wanted Donald to
keep fighting, believing that with some new surgical techniques that
Dr. Macon had devised, Donald could at least be able to return home
someday to live with his mother. Dr. Macon was also hoping that Donald’s
case would bring some attention from the media that would help to build
a new burn unit at the hospital. Donald’s fiancee, Clementine, was
furious that everyone seemed to be using Donald. His mother was using
him to meet her own emotional needs, and the doctor was using Donald to
further his own medical career. Clementine thought everyone should leave
Donald alone and let him die, if that’s what he wants. She said she
just wanted what was best for Donald, and she insisted that it didn’t
have anything to do with the $100,000 she was in line to get from
Donald’s life insurance. Should Donald be allowed to go home to die?
Should he be kept in the hospital and treated against his wishes, in
hopes that his feelings might change later? How
would each theory tend to argue what would be the morally right or best
thing for the hospital officials to do? Why? (Remember – your post
should NOT reflect your personal opinion – but the application of the moral theories.

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