Question description

Week 8-Assignment
After studying both of the assigned readings, Chapter 55:
Media Portrayals and Representations and 21st Century Communication: A
Reference Handbook: Chapter 57: Agenda Setting and Framing, answer the
following questions and prompts regarding your favorite program or other chosen
media content.
1.  What device do you
most often use for your favorite program watching or other chosen media? Do you
agree that you favor the device that gives you access to the information and
programming that most meets your needs?
2.  How does the
program meet your specific needs and goals? 
Who else do you know that also seeks out this programming (movie, tv,
radio show, game) and do they do so for the same reasons as you?  Why are their uses of this programming
similar or different from your own?
3.  What does this
program or other media tell you about your place in the world in relationship
to how much access you have to things you want in the “real”
world?  When you are stressed out, do you
turn to this programming more or less? 
4.  What does this
programming tell you about people who are different from you in terms of race,
age, sexual orientation, political beliefs, socio-economic status, gender,
religion or nationality?  Are they
portrayed in a positive or negative light? 
What kinds of power do they have?
Make in text citations where necessary, and cite any outside
sources that you use.
21st Century Communication: A Reference Handbook: Chapter
55: Media Portrayals and Representations
21st Century Communication: A Reference Handbook: Chapter
57: Agenda Setting and Framing

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