Posted: February 23rd, 2022
Wrtie An Essay
Students may go to the Academic Learning Centre (201 Tier) to receive tutoring help on all assignments for ICM ENGLISH 1400W: Thematic Approaches to
the Study of Literature. For those assignments specifically designated as in-class assignments, please limit help to giving feedback on
thesis statements, topic sentences, and the effectiveness of students’ usage of specific textual evidence to prove their points. Feel free
to contact me at if you require further information.
ENGL 1400W: Thematic Approaches to the Study of Literature
Essay #3 (out-of-class)
Due: November 25, 2020
Choose ONE of the following topics below and write a clear, organized argument of
approximately 1200 words (see syllabus for format for out-of-class essays). Make sure
your thesis statement clearly and explicitly sets out the argument your paper will follow.
Assignment help – Discuss specific examples from the texts to support and develop your points as clearly
and effectively as possible. Make sure all evidence is analyzed in terms of its
significance to your thesis statement. If the evidence does not support your overall
argument, the evidence should not be used in your paper.
- In TWO of the works we have studied this term, explain the relationship between
horror and travel. You should consider the implications of journeying from civilization
and into wilderness when answering this question. - Although the horror genre has often been considered to be radical because it deals
with the violation of social taboos, explain how horror also works to enforce social norms
in TWO of the works we have studied this term. - Homework help – Write an original short story according to the traditions of horror fiction we have
learnt this term. You can have human or non-human characters and are free to set your
story in the past, present, or future. Your story can slightly exceed the word limits of this
assignment – it can range from 1500 words to 2500 words. You must also include a
prefatory paragraph or two discussing your story – explaining if your story is a reinterpretation of another story, what rules of traditional horror fiction you have followed,
which rules you have broken, and your reasons for doing so. You will be graded on your
creativity, character development, the stylistic strength of your writing, and your overall
understanding of the horror genre. You MUST receive permission from me to do this
short story choice PRIOR to submission of your short story. You CANNOT do the
short story option for both Essay#2 and Essay#3. - In TWO of the works we have studied this term, discuss how horror can be the result
of fears surrounding the monstrous-feminine. - Pick ONE of the following Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath OR Greed OR Sloth OR Pride
OR Lust OR Envy OR Gluttony. Explain the significance and meaning of this sin and
trace its variations in TWO of the works we have studied this term. - In TWO of the works we have studied this term, discuss how horror can be the result
of fears of pestilence and or invasion. - In TWO of the works we have studied this term, discuss the relationship between
horror and technology and forbidden knowledge.
Students may go to the Academic Learning Centre (201 Tier) to receive tutoring help on all assignments for ICM ENGLISH 1400W: Thematic Approaches to
the Study of Literature. For those assignments specifically designated as in-class assignments, please limit help to giving feedback on
thesis statements, topic sentences, and the effectiveness of students’ usage of specific textual evidence to prove their points. Feel free
to contact me at if you require further information. - In TWO of the works we have studied this term, discuss the relationship between
passion and the spiritual, mental, and physical degeneration of members of the
establishment. - In TWO of the works we have studied this term, discuss the role of liminal space OR
liminal bodies in horror. Make sure that you explain the concept of liminality when
answering this question. - Choose your own topic. Your topic MUST be cleared with me to make certain you
are on the right track before the paper is submitted.
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