Posted: March 18th, 2022
“An analysis into Croatia and Saudi مساعدة التعيين – خدمة كتابة المقالات من قبل كبار الكتاب العرب, Arabia’s anti-corruption mechanisms. A look into how they compare and how they are fighting corruption.”
“An analysis into Croatia and Saudi مساعدة التعيين – خدمة كتابة المقالات من قبل كبار الكتاب العرب, Arabia’s anti-corruption mechanisms. A look into how they compare and how they are fighting corruption.”
Focus within this essay should be on anti-corruption law and comparative perspective. The essay should reference all relevant laws and should use credible references not ie anti corruption for dummies!
Sources that help can be found on transparency international’s website, as well as Croatia’ anti-corruption portal.
The referencing style for the research paper is the Australian legal citation
An analysis into Croatia and Saudi مساعدة التعيين – خدمة كتابة المقالات من قبل كبار الكتاب العرب, Arabia’s anti-corruption mechanisms 1
Abstract; 1
Introduction; 1
Corruption 1
Croatia 3
Programs of the Transparency international 4
Some of their campaign slogan includes: 4
Challenges facing Croatia in its quest for liberating its citizens from the menace 5
Saudi مساعدة التعيين – خدمة كتابة المقالات من قبل كبار الكتاب العرب, Arabia 5
The details of the Saudi مساعدة التعيين – خدمة كتابة المقالات من قبل كبار الكتاب العرب, Arabian Bribery Law: 6
Auditor General: 8
Anti-Corruption Agency: 8
Public Procurement 9
Government Strategies: 9
Whistle-Blowing: 9
E-Governance: 9
General view Comments on the current and strategic Public Anti-Corruption Initiatives: 10
Similarities of Croatia and Saudi مساعدة التعيين – خدمة كتابة المقالات من قبل كبار الكتاب العرب, Arabia in their quest to combat corruption: 10
Subscription to National and International Anti-Corruption Bodies 10
Mechanisms employed to fight corruption and to safeguard integrity 11
Conclusion; 12
Bibliography 12
An analysis into Croatia and Saudi مساعدة التعيين – خدمة كتابة المقالات من قبل كبار الكتاب العرب, Arabia’s anti-corruption mechanisms
The paper begins by giving an insight on some the two countries state of corruption, gives current and strategic contexts on mechanisms being put in place to combat the menace. This is preceded by a slight definition and discussion on terminologies that the paper uses in the body. Some of the terminologies that the paper looks at include the mission and objective that the countries have which form the main objectives of the anticorruption process. It also looks at the goals that the country and its institutions have set so as to attain them successfully in the given time periods. These goals are the ones that the countries use in the daily operations. The paper will look into the key competencies of the countries that give them a competitive edge overcome the vice. The paper goes ahead to provide the missions and visions of the country instituted bodies in the given areas of operations that are specific to certain targeted areas of the countries. The paper also provides complex planning processes that are accompanied by explanations that are applicable in the case of anti corruption authorities. In addition to this, a strategy of themes was formulated for the purpose of the various national and international anticorruption organizations. There has also been conduction of an audit on the environment in which the organizations operates. A stakeholder analysis has to be conducted in order to come up with various benefits that a country can attain by following the set procedures. The paper also looks at the current procedure of the company in order to come up with a means of solving the problems stemming from the strategy. The paper also proved the alternative methods and strategies the company can use relating to the limited growth that the company has been facing, substantive girth that the company anticipates and possibility of retrenchment due to low profitability. The paper has also come up with a future strategy that is relevant to the countries in the near future and the long run. The paper also delves into the role and responsibilities that are requisite for the successful implementation of the strategies formulated for long-term eradication of corruption. Finally, the paper looks at the resources that have to be in availability for the successful implementation of the newly formulated mechanisms for the countries institutions in order or ensure that the outcome is successful.
According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, corruption is an act that involves impairment of moral principle, the expected right way of doing something. It involves breaking of laws or deviation from the expected code of conduct. The act or the illegal behavior is closely associated with power as individuals in places of influence use the advantage to induce wrongness.
Corruption is pervasive. A few years into the 21st century and the menace have sky-rocketed to dangerous levels all over the world. It has affected the developing and even the most developed nations are not an exception as individuals try to force the vice into the systems so as to achieve their selfish aims. Both public and private sectors are a testimony to its endless negative effects.
Different nations experience varying levels of hardships which includes war poverty, disease, and backwardness among others. However, the damages and effects of corruption are far reaching as they are an aggregate of almost all sectors in an economy. Corruption is considered therefore as a national disaster in most of the nations. It is seen as the most destabilizing agent of any economy, a worldwide phenomenon that leaves the masses scathed due to it biasness. It affects event the political goodwill of a country.
Its condemnation is both vibrant in both the Holy Bible and the holy Quran. It’s mentioned about 53 times in the holy Quran. Almighty Allah damned sleaze and said that when he looks away, its intent is to stretch naughtiness everywhere through the world and wipe out vegetation and livestock but Allah does not love naughtiness he goes ahead to declare that they should do good deeds as Allah has been fine to them and not try to find naughtiness in the earth (Vogel, 2000). He also advised that the people give a complete gauge and weight reasonably, not to defraud men their property, and not to act dissolutely in the earth and creating naughtiness. He asks whether those who work and believe in actions of righteousness are to be treated the same as those who execute naughtiness on earth and whether those who safeguard against evil are to be treated as those who turn away from the right (Khalifa, 2001)
Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) (Vogel, 2000) is also quoted castigating corruption when he said “Allah’s a curse befalls those who offer bribe and the judges who accepts the offer.” and, peace be on him, everyone involved, the offered of the bribe, the one who receives it and the who makes the arrangement for it, and peace be upon him, he goes ahead to say “a man’s foot will not be established on ground, no unless he is been asked about four things; one of them being his wealth, from where he got it, and on what they spent it” (Woodhall, 2008).
This exemplifies the serious of this global calamity. Corruption has been forbidden and is considered as a sin in the Sharia laws that were set out by Allah.
For our case study, Saudi مساعدة التعيين – خدمة كتابة المقالات من قبل كبار الكتاب العرب, Arabia, being an Islamic state, combats the menace in all corners of its boundaries’ relentlessly.
Unfortunately, most measures to combat the vice have been narrowed to penal and criminal measures forgetting that some of these practices are rooted deep into our decaying societal moral standards that integrate the economic and cultural factors. This factor should be used as basis for fighting the disaster. Corruption has derailed development in many economies and sentenced many to low living standards thanks to the few selfish individuals.
The following review will focus on corruption in the two individual countries, Croatia and Saudi مساعدة التعيين – خدمة كتابة المقالات من قبل كبار الكتاب العرب, Arabia. Stress will be put to explain the measures taken by both countries in fighting this vice and then comparisons will be drawn on the two countries.
The Republic of Croatia is situated at central Europe. Its capital city and largest town is called Zagreb (McKelvie & McKelvie, 2006). The country enjoys unitary, parliamentary democracy. Just like the case in many contemporary economies, Croatian hasn’t been spared the whip of corruption. The vice is rampant and consequently measure s has been taken to fight the menace. The government has spearheaded the process by putting efforts and various initiatives as follows;
For a reasonable time now, crackdowns have been witnessed one being the arrest of several civil servants from various organizations i.e. the Zagreb land registry, Zagreb taxation headquarters, Croatian privatization fund among others. All cases were charged with the offense of bribery. No stone is left unturned as even the big and mighty have been investigated. This includes the former Deputy prime minister of Croatia and the defense minister in the high level corruption case section.
The government has taken advantage of the digital era by computerizing its institutions procedures into online systems thus reducing the barrier of bureaucracy. It has been termed the e-government initiative. A case example is the internet portal. With it registration is done online thus reducing the number of individuals involved ultimately saving on time and curbing on bribery.
On and on the government has digitalized the registry of land and properties registry which top in corruption cases due to their large capital base. The reforms have facilitated easier acquisition of the registries and henceforth curbing on corruption.
The government association with the Transparency International organization; the assembly of the transparency internal, being the highest body of the institution, came up with the following strategic goals for the period 2010-2012:
Extending Support to the Government’s anti-corruption reforms,
Ensuring the levels of business standards and ethics are at top level.
Fighting corruption in the political decision-making processes,
The above plan has defined priorities that are to be achieved by 2012. They include;
• facilitating the procedures that ensure the right to access to information;
• lessening the levels of corruption in politics;
• Encouraging the administration of anti-corruption education and ethics;
• Endorsement of anti-corruption high ethical standards in the private sector
• Endorsement of execution of the international anti-corruption conventions
Programs of the Transparency international
The association has formulated programs that guide it in its missions in its member countries as follows:
The association first principal is administering the freedom of information. The enactment of rights that enable citizens to access information is recognized as the foundation for fighting corruption. Unfortunately, even though Croatia adopted the Freedom of Information Act in 2003, blame has been vented to the existing legal framework as their duty execution is still not fitting. Instances of Important information being withheld from the public are still rampant especially gagging the media. The project aims to educate the citizens about the law and their rights (McKelvie & McKelvie, 2006).
Some of their campaign slogan includes:
We Have A Right To Know! Campaign –that raising awareness of freedom of accessing information by the citizens.
The Advocacy and Legal Advice Center –this works to ensure the witnesses of corruption cases are protected and their lives are not put in danger.
Legal Leaks- this projects target to support journalists in using Freedom of Information Act as an instrument in their research and spread of information to the masses.
2) Decreasing corruption in politics by promoting transparent financing of political campaigns, as well as by creating legal framework for regulation of financing electoral campaigns. In addition, insisting on regulation of conflict of interest and adoption of amendments of the Conflict of Interest Act. Two key projects are:
CRINIS Western Balkans –which refers to focusing some light on money laundering in politics
The Civil society and public institutions –this works to increase transparency by implementing and averting the conflict of interest.
3) The project culture against corruption that amasses the public about the negative implication of corruption.
4) Endorsement of the anticorruption conventions and surveys that work internationally.
5) Facilitating Networking and cooperation in the various institutions that offer academic knowledge.
Challenges facing Croatia in its quest for liberating its citizens from the menace
The fight against corruption has never been an easy one. Structural barriers in the moral settings always initiate unwarranted barriers (Business Anticorruption Portal, 2003). For the Croatian case, the barriers include:
The Small and Medium sized enterprises perception of those in authority. When transacting their businesses and obtaining legal documents, they have a mind-set that the government representatives must be bribed for any deal to go through. Moreover, they rarely report any occurrence of bribery. They thus form a big burden to the government in eradicating the vice.
The Croatian justice system comprises another log the government has to drift in its fight against corruption. The judiciary, the courts are overloaded with cases thus companies, businesses and individuals opt to resolve their disputes out of court thus judicial remedies are not given. The disadvantage in most cases is that justice is rarely administered.
Inefficiency and lack of transparency in the public administration is a put-off to both the public and private sectors. The legal systems are rotten and loaded with a backlog of challenges like impunity by those high in administration.
Saudi مساعدة التعيين – خدمة كتابة المقالات من قبل كبار الكتاب العرب, Arabia
It’s commonly referred to as the kingdom of Saudi مساعدة التعيين – خدمة كتابة المقالات من قبل كبار الكتاب العرب, Arabia. It’s the second and largest in the مساعدة التعيين – خدمة كتابة المقالات من قبل كبار الكتاب العرب, Arab nations. It’s an Islamic unitary state that enjoys absolute monarchy. Just like Croatia, the country has been widely hit by corruption cases for the past number of years. Consequently, it has put up mechanisms in a bid to fight the menace. The following is review on some of these projects:
Legislation-the government of Saudi مساعدة التعيين – خدمة كتابة المقالات من قبل كبار الكتاب العرب, Arabia has been formulating legislations. The main factors top on the list include fight against anti-bribery, governance and transparency. It has formulated the Sharia Laws that seek their source to Sunnah and Qur’an. Then Qur’an specifically detests bribery and refers to it as sin (Ali, 2011). The Law of combating Bribery was issued in 1992 by the Saudi royal decree. Violation of the law in both public and private sector entails has been criminalized and its violation results in heavy sentences that include even up to 10 years imprisonment and heavy fines. Meanwhile, around May in 2002 (Endownment, 2009), new guidelines were issued by the Saudi مساعدة التعيين – خدمة كتابة المقالات من قبل كبار الكتاب العرب, Arabian monetary agency to detect malpractices of money laundering practices.
The details of the Saudi مساعدة التعيين – خدمة كتابة المقالات من قبل كبار الكتاب العرب, Arabian Bribery Law:
The pioneer anti-bribery law was put in place in 1930 when the General Civil Servants’ Law was issued to implicate bribery and violation of position. The current anti-bribery laws were issued in 1992 by Royal Decree No. M/36 (Modern Bribery Laws), and entailed the ratification of the following main articles:
Article 1: Every public employee who requests for himself or others, accepts or acquires a promise or offer to do one of his duties or alleged duties, even if this duty is a mere draft, shall be considered a bribe and be punished by imprisonment of no more than ten years and fined by no more than a million Saudi Riyal; or by one of either. The employee’s will and decision of not to perform his doing his duties shall not affect the incrimination decision (Human Rights Watch, 1992).
Article 2: Every public employee who requires to himself or to others an offer to cease doing his duties or alleged duties, even if this duty is a mere draft, shall be considered bribery and be punished by the penalties mention in Article One. Employee’s intention of not doing his duties shall not affect the incrimination.
Article 3: Every public employee who requires for himself or others accepts or acquires a promise or an offer to neglect his duties or to award him of what he did even without prior agreement, shall be considered bribery and be punished by the mentioned penalties in Article One of this law.
Article 6: Every public employee who requests for himself or for others, accepts or acquires a promise or an offer because of his job to follow up a transaction in any government department and to whom none of the terms in this law apply shall be punished by no more than two years of imprisonment and filled by no more than fifty thousand Saudi Riyal or by one of either. One who offers or suggests or promises to offer for the aforementioned purpose shall be punished by the same punishment(s). That applies to mediator(s) in any of these cases.
Article 7: Everyone who uses force, violence or threat against any public employee to obtain fulfillment of illegal transaction or to cause him not to perform his official duties shall be punished by the same penalties mentioned in Article One (Heffernan & Kleinig, 2004).
Article 8: A public employee to whom the articles of this law apply are the following:
1. everyone who works for the government or for any institution either body or body corporate either he works permanently or temporarily.
2. The arbitrator or the expert hired by the government or any committee that has judicial Authority.
3. Everyone hired by any government institution or any other administrative authority to perform a given duty.
4. Everyone who works for private companies or establishments that execute administrating or operating, maintenance or exercise of public service of any public institution or work for joint stock companies or companies of shares held by the government and companies and establishments that exercise banking.
5. Managers and members of administrative boards mentioned in (4) of this article.
Article 12: Every advantage or interest obtained by the bribee whichever the type, name of that advantage or interest either corporeal or incorporeal shall be considered a form of promise or offer in inflecting this law.
Article 13: Termination, deprivation of holding a public post and deprivation of holding what is considered a public post mentioned in Article Eight are consequences of incrimination of one of the crimes mentioned in this law.
Article 16: Briber and mediator are exempted from prime and consequent punishment if they inform the authorities before discovering the crime.
Article 17: Everyone who provides information of any of the crimes mentioned in this law and leads to proving the crime and is not a briber, participant or mediator shall be given a reward no less than five thousand Riyals and no more than half of the money confiscated. The reward is identified by the authority issuing the verdict. The ministry of Interior may pay a higher reward than what is been identified in this article after the approval of the Prime Minister. (Refworld, 1998)
Article 20: If any company or establishment either national or foreign is deprived according to Article
Nineteen, government departments contracting with it should forward to the Council of Ministers their views of the possible action toward labor that this company or establishment is executing even if the department(s) has no relation with the crime of the verdict.
Article 21: The Ministry of Interior has to publish verdicts issued in bribe crimes and announce them.
Article 22: This law substitutes the anti-bribery law issued by Royal Decree No. 15 on 7.3.1382 and the following amendments and voids every contradiction to its articles.
Article 23: This law shall be published in the official paper and be put into effect thirty days afterwards.
This law covers all facets of corruption including many programs that relate to the central crime and the resulting effect, regardless of the variation of its degree. It is the crime of misusing public sector responsibility (Human Rights Watch, 1992). Some innovations of this law include:
• A precautionary article to punish public employees who bribe a person to use his post to follow any transaction in any government body. This provision also inflicts the same punishment on a person who is offered or promised a bribe.
• A libel punishment which makes it necessary to publish sentences of all bribery crimes.
• A provision that allows for the sentencing of an offender for doing again a crime of bribery. It is a specific sentence controlled by certain conditions specified in the law. In such instances, When these conditions are met it becomes possible to inflict more than the maximum penalty laid down for this crime, to a maximum of double the predetermined punishment.
However, even after the enactment of the laws, the ultimate goal of a corruption free environment remains a dream. An assessment was carried out by the Freedom House 2012 and found out that enactment and implementation of the anti-corruption law was limited to only closed doors. Moreover, the punishment were administered selectively and biased only to those at lower levels of the society. Unfortunately, the mighty and those with major offences still go scot-free. Another undoing factor is the lack of access by the public to government information’s including the budget.
Auditor General:
In 1954 the council of ministers formulated the General Auditing Bureau. Later in 1971, the GAB was improved to its present form through a Royal Decree (Wilson, 1994). It was tasked with the role of managing public auditing championing the fight against corruption. It mainly deals with public abuse of office. It aims at ensuring the level of administration is clean and of top class in all public corporations and agencies. The results of its findings are directly reported to the king.
Unfortunately, its mandate is also limited as it doesn’t have access to the royal agencies and large government institutions like the ministry of interior and defense. This has been faced by a huge public outcry lead by human rights activists.
Ombudsman: The country of Saudi مساعدة التعيين – خدمة كتابة المقالات من قبل كبار الكتاب العرب, Arabia is among nations without the ombudsman institution. Nevertheless, a substitute, i.e. the Human Rights Commission was established by the government in 2004. It receives all type of complains concerning human rights violation from the agencies and Saudi citizens.
Anti-Corruption Agency:
To stamp its authority and champion the fight against corruption, the cabinet approved the creation of the National Anti-corruption commission of Saudi مساعدة التعيين – خدمة كتابة المقالات من قبل كبار الكتاب العرب, Arabia. It works to fight against administrative and financial corruption. The king finances the commission which ultimately is expected to report to him. It is fully administratively independent. The commission has facilitated the setup of a bank account where individuals could return all the corruption earned cash with amnesty. On a positive note, more than $57 has already been returned and deposited into the account.
Public Procurement:
The establishment of the Government Tendering and Procurement Regulation of 2006 has been hailed by the US Department of state in its 2012 report (Global corruption Report, 2007). It has contributed greatly and positively in the procurement of tenders thanks to publications of the tenders. The tendering process is now online, a big step in the right direction. The only limiting factor is that they are published in مساعدة التعيين – خدمة كتابة المقالات من قبل كبار الكتاب العرب, Arabic. Stern punishments have been put in place for those companies that violate the disclosures. It even reported that some have been barred from participating in any future procurement process with the government.
Government Strategies:
The Saudi government has come up various initiatives of fighting corruption. Top on the list is the approval of the National Strategy for Maintaining Integrity and Combating .Corruption. The organization facilitates the review and enactment of the regulations by the concerned departments. It serves as a unit for internal control and provides the judicial and administrative departments with manpower, funds and technological knowhow. It works with various academic institutions to amass the public on various integrity schemes and researches. The government also works with the media to facilitate the fight against corruption. The media facilitates the amassing of the public by spreading awareness on corruption. It has a general political will to fight corruption.
This has been facilitated by the board of grievances which is the under the ministry of Justice. Various initiatives guided by the Law for Combating Bribery which encourages people to report acts of inducement. They can always report to the security forces and the human rights commissions of the wrongness. However there has been a public outcry on the filing of the cases since 2008 (Loughman & Sibery, 2011)
The Saudi government has made various advancement in making the investment rules and regulations more clearly by making the registration online. Most government departments and ministries offer information about their work in the English language online. The investment levels have been estimated to rise thanks to the Saudi مساعدة التعيين – خدمة كتابة المقالات من قبل كبار الكتاب العرب, Arabian General Investment Authority continued engagement in identifying and minimizing the hurdles to foreign investors.
General view Comments on the current and strategic Public Anti-Corruption Initiatives:
Various bodies have been put to champion the fight the menace. The National Anti-Corruption Commission was created in 2011 and is considered as a positive step in the continued fight against corruption (Mitchell & Hollingsworth, 2012). However, the body is facing public scrutiny as the masses wait to see whether it will overcome and end the impunity the royal family and top individuals in top government institutions have been enjoying. Meanwhile, much has to be done to appease the مساعدة التعيين – خدمة كتابة المقالات من قبل كبار الكتاب العرب, Arab uprisings, the accountability and transparency in use of public funds should be administered openly to ensure embezzlement is avoided. Recommendations by the Center for Democracy and Human Rights in Saudi مساعدة التعيين – خدمة كتابة المقالات من قبل كبار الكتاب العرب, Arabia on government revenue should be implemented. Another sector to consider is the press; freedom of expression should be given to the press and civil society to improve.
Similarities of Croatia and Saudi مساعدة التعيين – خدمة كتابة المقالات من قبل كبار الكتاب العرب, Arabia in their quest to combat corruption:
Subscription to National and International Anti-Corruption Bodies
Both Croatia and Saudi مساعدة التعيين – خدمة كتابة المقالات من قبل كبار الكتاب العرب, Arabia have initiated many local bodies and schemes, both governmental and non-governmental bodies in bid to fight corruption. To put more spirited fight in their campaign, both countries have joined internal anti-corruption organizations that influence is far much reaching (Cruse). They include:
International Group for Anti-Corruption Coordination (IGACC)
International Monetary Fund
Asia Crime Prevention Foundation (ACPF)
International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA)
International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (IAACA)
The worldwide campaign against corruption by these organizations is guided by a composition of themes that facilitates the implementation of their ideas (Business Anticorruption Portal, 2003). Some of these themes include:
Corruption is a crime against development.
Corruption is a crime against prosperity.
Corruption is a crime against justice
Corruption is a crime against democracy.
Corruption is a crime against the environment
Corruption is a crime against health.
Corruption is a crime against education.
Mechanisms employed to fight corruption and to safeguard integrity
In their attempt to combat corruption, both countries have come up with mechanisms and well-laid procedures both locally and internationally.
Local Level mechanisms include;
Institution of various units and associations to fight both general and corruption crimes in particular.
Providing them with training, funds, technology, manpower, experience, and modern scientific methods so as to support the judicial, investigation and the control departments
Formulation of national associations that guide in the fight against corruption. This association works to co-ordinates the necessary strategies such as planning and monitoring the activities in both public and private sectors.
Institution of financial investigations has been set to prevent misuse of the banking system and external parties follow up.
Encouraging co-operation with universities, institutes, academies, and training centers to carry out studies, research, and training sessions in the field of fighting corruption.
Making it possible that the various concerned parties engage itself in a periodic review of the anti-corruption rules and regulations.
Developing internal control systems that keep a watch on the all government and private sectors finances and administrations. Focus is given to the government purchases, customs collection, and the licenses and permits sections among others,
Working together with civil organizations by encouraging them to play their role in fighting corruption.
Fortification of various sectors through the following schemes:
Using media, educational institutions and debates to strengthen the religious teachings that focus on integrity and corruption fighting.
Directed towards making the family role as a basis for building both Christian and Muslim societies that will stand against any corrupt acts.
Encouraging educational institutions to introduce in general education and university program an emphasis on integrity and fighting corruption; wherein ideal cultural programs are administered.
On the basis of the International Level
1. Continued utilization of the experience of international governmental and nongovernmental organizations’ experience in integrity and corruption fighting.
2. Making a Follow up international findings in the fight against corruption crimes by participating in international conferences and forums.
3. Running on more co-operation and exchange of the regulations, information and skill in reverence of integrity and anti-corruption efforts between Islamic countries.
Corruption is pervasive. The menace has sky-rocketed to dangerous levels all over the world. It has affected the developing and even the most developed nations are not an exception as individuals try to force the vice into the systems so as to achieve their selfish aims. Both public and private sectors are a testimony to its endless negative effects. The above study on Croatia and Saudi مساعدة التعيين – خدمة كتابة المقالات من قبل كبار الكتاب العرب, Arabia has heighted many points concerning the two nation’s corruption levels and the fight against it. Details have been put on the review and the ultimate impact of corruption even to the whole world. The paper also delves into the role and responsibilities that are requisite for the successful implementation of the strategies formulated for long-term eradication of corruption. Finally, the paper looks at the resources that have to be in availability for the successful implementation of the newly formulated mechanisms for the countries institutions in order or ensure that the outcome is successful.
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