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Posted: March 18th, 2022

asanet.org Quick Style Guide This document has been provided to assist students studying Sociology in properly citing and referencing their papers…

asanet.org Quick Style Guide This document has been provided to assist students studying Sociology in properly citing and referencing their papers…

Need writing help for my first draft. please fix Grammar problems.

I attach instruction for understand

Also need ASA format.

It’s better keep quantity of the paper. it’s 4-6 pages with double space.

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American Sociological Association.2010.
American Sociological Association Style Guide
. 4th ed. Washington, DC: American Sociological Association
The ASA has a firm commitment to full and proper attribution and authorship credit, as set forth in the ASA
Code of Ethics.
(a) In publications, presentations, teaching practice, and service, sociologists explic-
itly identify credit, and reference the author when they take data or material ver-
batim from another person’s written work, whether it is published, unpublished, or
electronically available.
In their publications, presentations, teaching, practice, and service, sociologists
provide acknowledgment of and reference to the use of others’ work, even if the
work is not quoted verbatim or paraphrased, and they do not present others’ work
their own whether it is published, unpublished. or electronically available.
Citations in the text include the last name of the author(s) and year of publication. Include page numbers
when quoting directly from a work or referring to specific passages. Identify subsequent citations of the
same source in the same way as the first. Examples follow:
If the
author’s name is in the text
, follow it with the publication year in parentheses:
…in another study by Duncan (1959).
If the
author’s name is not in the text,
enclose the last name and publication year in parentheses:
…whenever it occurred
(Gouldner 1963).
follows the year of publication after a colon, with no space between the colon and the
page number:
…Kuhn (1970:71).
This is the preferred ASA style. Older forms of text citations are not acceptable: (Kuhn
1970, p. 71).
Give both last names for
joint authors
… (Martin and Bailey 1988).
If a work has
three authors
, cite all three last names in the first citation in the text; thereafter, use
et al
. in the citation. If a work has
more than three
authors, use
et al
. in the first citation and in
all subsequent citations.
First citation for a work with three authors:
…had been lost (Carr, Smith, and Jones 1962).
…(Carr et al. 1962)
Quick Style Guide
This document has been provided to assist students studying Sociology in properly citing and referencing their
papers and essays. The information in this document is taken from American Sociological Association Style
Guide (3rd ed.), 2007. We highly encourage students who plan to major in Sociology or pursue their masters in
Sociology to purchase the complete Style Guide which features sections on: Editorial Styles, Mechanics of
Style, Guidelines for Organizing and Presenting Content, and more detailed information on referencing your
scholarly sources. The complete ASA Style Guide can be found at www.asanet.org/journals/guides.cfm.
Text Citations

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American Sociological Association.2010.
American Sociological Association Style Guide
. 4th ed. Washington, DC: American Sociological Association
If a work cited was reprinted from a
version published earlier
, list the earliest publication date in
brackets, followed by the publication date of the recent version used.
…Veblen ([1899] 1979) stated that…
Separate a series of references with semicolons
. List the series in alphabetical or date order, but be con-
sistent throughout the manuscript.
… (Green1995; Mundi 1987; Smith and Wallop 1989).
(last name inverted),
(including full surname, last name is not inverted),
and Author3. Year
Name of Publication (italicized).
Location of publisher, state, or province postal code (or
name of country if a foreign publisher): Publisher’s Name.
Bursik, Robert J., Jr. and Harold G. Grasmick. 1993.
Neighborhoods and Crime: The Dimensions of Effective
Community Control.
New York: Lexington Books.
Hagen, John and Ruth D. Peterson, eds. 1995
. Crime and Inequality.
Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Jaynes Gerald D. and Robin M. Williams, Jr. 1989.
A Common Destiny: Blacks and American Society.
DC: National Academy Press.
( Last name inverted),
Author2 (
including full surname, last name is not inverted
), and Author3.
Year of Publication. “Title of Article.”
Name of Publication
Volume Number (Issue Num ber):page numbers of
Aseltine, Robert H., Jr. and Ronald C. Kessler. 1993. “Marital Disruption and Depression in a Community Sample.”
Journal of Health and Social Behavior
Kalleberg, Arne L., Barbara F. Reskin, and Ken Hudson. 2000. “Bad Jobs in America: Standard and Nonstandard
Employment Relations and Job Quality in the United States.”
American Sociological Review
Text citations continued…
Reference Lists
A reference list follows the text and footnotes in a separate section headed
. All references cited in the
text must be listed in the reference section, and vice versa. It is the authors responsibility to ensure that publica-
tion information for each entry is complete and correct.

References should be double-spaced.

List all references in
alphabetical order
by first authors’ last names

first names
for all authors
Use first-name initials only if an author used initials in the
original publication. In these cases, add a space between the initials, as in
R. B. Brown
M. L. B. Smith.
(see additional guidelines in the full text of the
American Sociological Association Style Guide .
Journal Articles

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This paper should be between three and six pages long, typewritten and double spaced. Proper grammar
and spelling are expected.
In order to understand the ways that conceptions of normality change across generations, you will
conduct an in-depth interview with one person who is at least 65 years old.
A suggested list of questions
is presented below. These questions should provide you with sufficient guidelines for your
conversation. You need not ask every question listed. You should feel free to tailor the interview in such a
way that you capture the experiences and information that are most pertinent to your subject’s life. It’s fine
to interview someone who doesn’t speak English, but you must translate all responses and ensure that
the final paper is submitted fully in English.
Your interviewing will be most effective if you record the interaction. It is not mandatory that you record the
interview, however. You are not expected to have full quotations in your paper. The limitations of simply
taking notes are that you might lose important information and that you might not be able to concentrate
on the information being conveyed during the interview.
The paper will have three parts.
a. The first part is an introduction (30% of paper grade), which provides the background for your analysis.
In this section, you will provide a brief and general discussion of how conceptions of normality change
across history and generations, and vary by one’s subgroup memberships such as gender or national
b. The second part of the paper is your biography, or case study (20% of grade). Here, you will write
(briefly!) the life history of your subject.
c. The third part of the paper is your analysis and discussion (50% of grade); this is the most important
part of the paper. Here, you will discuss and interpret your subject’s conceptions of normality. How are
they similar to or different from your own conceptions? What accounts for any differences that you see?
Given the information you acquired in your interview, what have you learned about how age-based and
gender norms change over time? How have these norms changed from your subject’s lifetime to your
lifetime? How might your subject’s life experiences be different if he or she was growing up today?
Please cite at least one relevant reading from our class. Citations should follow the
American Sociological
Association Style Guide
, which is posted in this assignment’s supporting documents.

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Demographic Characteristics
Relevant demographic data would include age; race/ethnicity; religion; country of birth; educational
attainment; main occupation; marital status; number of children.
Childhood, Adolescence, Young Adulthood
1. When were you born? Where? What did your parents do at that time? How many brothers and sisters,
if any, do you have?
2. When you were a child, what were your favorite activities? What were your children’s favorite activities?
Your grandchildren’s?
3. What sorts of clothes did you wear? How are they different than what people wear today? What about
hairstyles? Do you think they were better or worse than today?
4. What kind of music did you listen to? Do you think it was better or worse than music today? How about
television shows?
5. If you were young now, are there certain kinds of things that you think you would do that you couldn’t
do when you were actually young because they would have seemed too strange back then?
6. What are the major types of technology that you currently use? Are these more similar to or different
than the kinds you used growing up? Do you use email? A smartphone? Facebook? Twitter? In general,
do you think technology is better or worse than what it was when you were growing up?
7. When you were growing up, did you ever think you were abnormal in any way? If so, what ways? What
made you think you were abnormal?
Marriage and Family
1. If married, how did you meet your spouse? How did your children meet their spouses or partners? How
did you decide this was the person you wanted to marry? How long did you know each other before you
got married?
2. When did you move out of your parents’ home for the first time? Where did you move to? Whom did
you live with? Why did you decide to move? Did you ever live with anyone without being married to them?
Did your children? What did you think about that?
3. How many children, if any, did you have? When were your children born? How do you think their views
about what’s normal are different than or the same as yours?
4. How many grandchildren, if any, do you have? How do you think their views about what’s normal are
different than or the same as yours?
Views of Normality/Abnormality
1. What do you think of as the most important changes in what’s considered normal and abnormal that
have happened over your life? Why do you think they have happened?
2. Which of these changes do you think has been a good thing?
3. Which of these changes do you think has been a bad thing?
4. How have your own attitudes toward what’s normal and abnormal changed over the course of your

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Nowadays, during the time passing, a lot of people thoughts are changed. It 
could be some stuff we can touch it or some thought or idea we cannot touch it. Many
factors such as industrialization, trend and society environment could have effect the 
way of thinking and concept of normal or abnormal.
I interview my grandfather who’s name is Soon Jae Lee to understand what 
are different norms of normality and abnormality based on age. Among many factors 
he feel it is abnormality in our new generation society, I choose 4 topics what I can 
really understand why he feel abnormal.  Individualism makes people more selfish 
than passed time. People think that ‘me’ is a most important thing, so cause egoism in 
the society. Capitalism cause many crimes because of money. People have thought 
that ‘with money I can do everything I want’. Making people money is the most 
important goal for the life, not satisfy of quality of the life. Appearance has obvious 
different view between elder and new generation. For example, men wearing skinny 
jean is abnormal for elder people. 
He is my grandfather named Soon Jae Lee. He is 82 years old born in 1932 in 
Seoul South Korea.  His father was a Yangban, which is part of the traditional ruling 
class or nobles of dynastic Korea during the Joseon Dynasty (Wikipedia) and his 
mother was housewife. Mr. lee loved to listen classic music and pop song when he 
was young, that affect his daughter (my mother) graduate college and graduate school 
with piano major. Actually, nowadays people love to listen K-pop (Korean pop), but 
when he was young the K-pop is not poplar as today. He thinks that today’s music is a
loud and cannot understand what they are singing such as hip hap or electronica. He 
said that more and more people like to listen Korean music is positive thing for our 
culture and could have very powerful positive effect or benefit for our country. At that
time, television is only appearing with black color. Also, it was very expensive, so 
only few families have TV in their home. 
He said that he or others in his age will not do Tattoo or body piercing because
it is seemed too strange in their life. Especially, Korean culture emphasis on body 
because we think body is given form parent, so in early 1900’s, even men did not cut 
their hair for entire life. 
The technology is so hard to use and understand for him to use. He is using 
smart phone with few functions. Of course no Facebook or Twitter at all. He met his 
wife during his parent suggestions and his children doing same way. Marriage could 
affect to change one’s whole life, so should be very carful. Therefore, parents 
consider specs such as age, background, job, income, family member, etc of the 
spouse for their children. After getting married, is will become first time to move out 
parent’s home and still doing same way. Majority of people do the same thing. 
Having big different culture with America. He has 5 siblings in their family, but he 
has 3 children and 2 grandchildren in his life, which is, mean that during the time 
passing, less children people want to birth. It is because of many reasons, and affect 
population in the world. 
Nowadays, there are so many now thought about normality and abnormality. 
First thing is ‘individualism’. Long time ago, family or relationship between people is

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one of the most important things in the society. Especially, Korea have a culture that 
younger people must respect elder people such as make room for elder in the bus or 
train. However, it is changed. People think that ‘me’ is only important things ever. 
Therefore, the normality norm of elder people is less important than before. Many 
younger people yell to elders and fight with them, which elder people feel it is 
abnormality because they never think about this situation, will happen. In the other 
hand, young generation think people should show some result to respect. For 
example, Steeve jobs who is CEO of Apple. Therefore, there are some differences 
thought of normality and abnormality between elder generation and young generation.
Second thing is ‘capitalism’. After industrialization, people entered capitalism,
which we also called ‘money society’. That is mean money become the most 
important parts in people’s life. My grandfather said that without profit people would 
not help people or making relationship. In our society, we have regarded mutual help 
as a virtue. It is normal to make community spirit with people, but it is not normal at 
all. Perhaps, harder earn money make people no composure because they need to 
support their family. Therefore, problem of capitalism cause deceasing rate of birth 
affects population rate decrease. In Korea society, raising children and doing parental 
investment are very important because they have to keep their parentage to the future. 
The thought of age based, elder think that live without any children and enjoy their 
life is very abnormality. However, for young generation, leisure time is part of their 
life. Parent should sacrificing for their children is normal for elder generation, but 
young generation cannot understand spend all the time and money on their children 
live without leisure. 
Third thing is ‘appearance’. Appearance is one of the facts that important in 
our life. It implies how other thinks you such as first impression. In my opinion, this 
topic can find the most abnormal for elder people and it is true. Mr. Lee also cannot 
understand why men wear skinny jeans as women wear. It is very abnormal because 
feel like men wearing women clothes. Especially, he feels tattoo and piercing is 
ridiculous because form old times, people think body is inherit form parents in Korea 
culture. So, people do not cut their hair even. The reason is that the new generation is 
always looking for own distinct individuality. Fashion is fast and easy to express their
individuality. Finding what others did not do. Also, people always want to ‘beautiful’ 
either than health, so almost everyone diet all the time because the stigma of obesity is
such as lazy, weak-willed, unattractive, gluttonous, etc. In addition, tattoo, hairstyle, 
hair color, clothes, etc. is also not normal situation when people have tattoo or 
piercing. Therefore, a lot of actions to seek beauty form the fashion or style could see 
as abnormal age based even new generation thinks it is ‘normal’.
Mr. Lee thinks that feeling as he cannot keep up with times rather than nothing
is made him abnormal. He is getting old and the time is passed. In my opinion, the 
norm of normality and abnormality changing is very ‘normal’. During the world 
improving for better life, new politics, new technologies, new generations, new 
cultures are always appeared. Creating new things based on old. Generally, old 
generation wants to keep tradition and do not want to change, but new generation 
usually want to change for better, change for comfort. That is why the norm of normal
and abnormal different all the time. 

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