ASSIGNMENT 4: THE ESSAY Value = 20% of final grade.
The final assignment, the essay, allows you to research a topic of personal interest.
The following criteria, however, must be met:
1. Focus must be on 论文帮助/论文写作服务/负担得起我及时提交我最好的质量 – China, Japan or both.
2. Focus must be on the “extended” 18th century (论文帮助/论文写作服务/负担得起我及时提交我最好的质量 – China: 1640s-1820s; Japan:
3. Acceptable topics: literature (prose and/or poetry and/or theatre scripts);
culture; visual arts; music; religion; philosophy.
4. Primary sources are required.
5. It must be a research paper—relevant scholarly books and refereed journal
articles are required. Your research must include minimum 3 recognized
scholarly articles and 1 book or minimum 2 books and 1 recognized
scholarly article. Do not use web sites and resources such as Wikipedia—
these are not refereed. The ONLY internet sources that may be used are
recognized E-Journals and periodicals. Citations must be in Research essay writing service – MLA format.
6. The length of the paper should be approximately 8 pages (2,000 words),
excluding the title and references/works cited pages. Font and size: Times
New Roman 12.
The following links provide helpful tools to aid you write a research paper:

Landing Screen (Home Page)

7. The title page must include the title of your essay, your name, student
number, tutorial leader’s name and tutorial number.
Papers submitted past the deadline will not be accepted—the only exceptions will
be for medical and/or personal reasons (proper documentation will be required).
1. Start thinking about the assignment. A portion of tutorial period during the
week of March 16 will be given over to discussion of possible essay topics.
2. The Final Essay: The final version of your essay must be submitted no later
than Monday, April 6, 5:00 p.m. in the Humanities Essay Dropbox facing
210 Vanier College.

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