Question description

You will complete a 4 – 6 page research paper examining how something that we do not usually think about in our daily lives has been socially constructed.  This can beanything and creativity is encouraged. You will consider your “thing” from four perspectives, every paper will include a historical perspective, and a cross-cultural perspective and then you pick two others (i.e. economical, political, religious, etc.)In the paper you will take a sociological and objective approach.  For example, if you are researching marijuana I DO NOT want a paper about why smoking marijuana is bad for people and should not be legalized (or, on the other hand, why you think it should be legal).  Your paper should be in standard essay form, 12 pt font, double spaced. Please proofread. You must have a works cited page listing at least 3 outside sources.You will turn in a project proposal by week 2 explaining what your topic is and what angles you will be exploring. The final paper is due no later than Friday, May 27 (Week 7) at 11:45pm.  You can upload the paper as a word document or enter the text into the text box.  Please do not use any other word processing programs other than word.  If I cannot open your paper on my computer because you used a different program it will not get graded. 

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