Posted: March 18th, 2022
CCA1108 Communications & Digital Technology
CCA1108 Communications & Digital Technology, Semester 2, 2019 [1/19]
Unit Plan [CCA1108]
Communications and Digital Technology
School of Communications and Arts
Faculty of Education and Arts
Edith Cowan University
This unit provides an introduction to multimedia and digital technologies. The unit includes: an
introduction to the various technologies associated with multimedia development and delivery, including
hardware, software and human components; an introduction to the Internet and World Wide Web; using
the Web as an information and communication resource; visual communications and design; and issues
associated with these developing technologies. The unit also includes an introduction to multimedia
development processes.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this unit, students should be able to:
1. Use contemporary technologies to support, organise and manage university learning activities;
2. Use electronic and digital resources effectively for research and inquiry;
3. Communicate ideas using a range of personal productivity tools;
4. Design and develop effective communication products using contemporary technologies; and
5. Apply design principles creatively to the development of communication products;
6. Evaluate and synthesise the quality of digital and print-based visual designs.
Unit Content
This unit will cover the following topics:
1. Use of the WWW as an information source;
2. Using and applying contemporary productivity tools including Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and
3. The principles of visual design;
4. Page layout and design;
5. Use of digital images and media;
6. Elements of human-computer interaction;
7. Electronic information organisation strategies; and
8. Copyright and intellectual property.
Teaching and Learning Process
Lectures and workshops.
Graduate Attributes
The following graduate attributes will be developed in this unit:
1. Ability to communicate
2. Critical appraisal skills
3. Ability to generate ideas
4. Cross cultural and international outlook
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Jung, J., & McMahon, M. (Eds.). (2012). CCA1108 – Communications and Digital Technology. South
Melbourne: Cengage Learning
Academic Misconduct
“Edith Cowan University regards academic misconduct of any form as unacceptable. Academic
misconduct includes, but is not limited to:
• plagiarism;
• unauthorised collaboration;
• cheating in examinations;
• theft of other students’ work.
The university defines academic misconduct as follows:
“academic misconduct” means conduct in relation to any academic work that is dishonest or unfair.
“cheating” means conduct in any assessment that is dishonest.
“plagiarism” means to knowingly or unknowingly present as one’s own work the ideas
or writings of another without appropriate acknowledgment or
referencing This includes, but is not limited to:
paraphrasing text without acknowledgment of the source;
paraphrasing text inadequately with acknowledgment of the source;
copying the text of another student’s assignment or other students’
assignments; and
copying of visual representations (cartoons, line drawings, photos,
paintings and computer programs).
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Unit Semester Schedule
Week Lecture Module
1 Introduction to the unit
• Unit requirements
• Unit organisation
• Assignments
2 The WWW • Digital Acrobat Module 1
3 Copyright & Referencing • Digital Acrobat Module 1
4 Visual Design • Digital Acrobat Module 1
5 Page Layout • Office Rocket
• Presentation Guru
Module 2
6 Digital Imaging • Office Rocket
• Presentation Guru
Module 2
7 Digital Media • Office Rocket
• Presentation Guru
Module 2
8 Screen design • e-Portfolio
• Learning portfolio
Module 3
9 STUDY BREAK (23 – 27 September)
MID SEMESTER BREAK (30 Sep – 4 October)
10 Web 2.0 • e-Portfolio
• Learning portfolio
Module 3
11 Information Organisation • e-Portfolio
• Learning portfolio
Module 3
12 The Internet
• e-Portfolio
• Learning portfolio Module 3
13 Revision • In-class Test
*Assignment submission due following Sunday, 11:55pm.
Assessments (Grading schema 1)
Assignment # Assignment name Value Due date
Assignment 1 Module 1 (Digital Acrobat) 20% Week 5 (SUNDAY 1 Sep)
Assignment 2 Module 2* (Office Rocket or Presentation Guru) 20% Week 8 (SUNDAY 22 Sep)
Assignment 3 Module 3* (e-Portfolio or Learning Portfolio) 30% Week 13 (SUNDAY 3 Nov)
Examination In-class Test 30% Week 13 (Tutorial time)
Total 100%
*Complete one assignment for each module from the two options available.
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Unit Lecturers
Unit Coordinator Unit Lecturer / Tutor
Dr Jo Jung Dr Luke Brook
9370 6162
Room 6.219, Mount Lawley Campus
Assignment Submission & Late Penalty
At ECU, assignments must be submitted by the due date and time or else a penalty will be applied. The
penalties that will be applied in this unit are as follows:
• Assignments not more than one week late (five working day), the penalty of 5% of the maximum
assignment mark for each working day; and
• Assignments more than five working days late, a mark of 0% shall be awarded.
Late Submission and Due Date Extension
Students who wish to submit an assignment after the due date and avoid a late penalty must apply in
writing (using a correct assignment due date extension form) to the Unit Coordinator stating the grounds.
To do this, student must obtain an application for assessment extension form from the ECU website:
Complete and submit this form with a medical certificate before the due date to the Unit Coordinator.
The Unit Coordinator will only grant exemptions in case of medical certificate or demonstrated hardship.
Problems for which extensions will NOT be granted include:
• Too many assignments due at one time;
• Computer failure;
• Loss of data due to computer failure; and
• Work commitments, etc.
The penalty for late submission without Unit Coordinator approval is calculated as above (see Assignment
Submission and Late Penalty).
Return of Assignments & Feedback
Where possible and practical, assignment feedback will be provided within 2 weeks of submission/due
date. After your assignment has been returned to you, review the comments and grade given to you by
your Tutor. Should you have a question regarding any comments or marks you should contact your
Primary Tutor immediately.
Reviews & Appeals
If you are dissatisfied with an assignment mark and wish to seek an explanation as to why you were
awarded that grade, discuss the matter with your Tutor. If you are still not satisfied with the grade after a
discussion with your Primary Tutor, contact the Unit Coordinator. After a meeting with the Unit
Coordinator, you can lodge a formal appeal. Formal procedures for student appeals and grade reviews
can be found at:
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Your final semester grade will be based on all the assessments and the scaling to meet ECU
Assessment Policy. Your attendance and participation at workshops/tutorials would be considered when
it comes to scaling your final grade. CCA1108 uses the following system for the final grade:
Grade Description Mark (%)
HD High Distinction 80 to 100
D Distinction 70 to 79
CR Credit 60 to 69
C Pass 50 to 59
I Incomplete 50 to100
C* Pass (conceded) 45 to 100
N Fail 0 to 49
Academic Misconduct and Plagiarism
ECU has a very firm policy on academic misconduct and plagiarism. It is very important to ensure that
whenever you use materials and ideas in your assignments and class-work that you have taken from
others, you acknowledge the source of this work.
If you use work that has been taken from other people in your own work and do not acknowledge it, you
are plagiarising and strong penalties apply. Whether it is intentional or unintentional, it is an act of
academic misconduct and the equivalent of intellectual stealing.
Academic misconduct includes all forms of cheating, plagiarism, coercion, and lying. ECU has a number of
strategies in place that help identify when work has been plagiarised. You must be very careful to ensure
that you do not accidentally or intentionally plagiarise any material at any stage.
The University regards academic misconduct of any form as unacceptable. The penalties for an act of
academic misconduct depend on the severity of the misconduct but can include exclusion from the course
or suspension from the University. If you have any queries or concerns, talk to your tutor or lecturer.
Staff are very keen to help students learn how to use and acknowledge sources in the university work.
ECU uses the APA referencing system and all assignments that cite material taken from other sources
should contain a reference to that work. When work is cited in text, it is cited as follows:
You will need to learn all the rules of referencing and we encourage accurate referencing in this unit. If
you need more help, you can download an ECU Web referencing guide from:
There have been many attempts to describe the best search engine of the Web (e.g. Jones &
Smith, 2004) but no one engine is claimed to be better than all others. Brown (2004) argues that
Google is the best search engine at this stage.
Jones, B., & Smith, W. (2004). Web-based search engines. Journal of Web Studies, 5(1), 23-32.
Brown, A. (2005). Google is best this year. Retrieved June 24, 2005, from Edith Cowan University
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Backing Up of Assignments and Files
It is very important that students keep an electronic copy of all assignment files until after they have
received a grade and assessment. Sensible people will try to keep 2 copies of all important computer
data and computer files. The SCA system enables students to temporarily store data to SCA drives but
these drives cannot be relied upon 100% and students are required to manage their own software
backups. Several strategies are suggested.
Thumb Drives Students are encouraged to purchase a USB thumb drive or two that can be
used for backup purposes. These drives fit into the USB port on both Windows
and Macintosh computers and can be used for data storage.
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Semester 2, 2019
Module selection &
Assessment process
Assignment topics 13
Digital Acrobat 14
Office Rocket 16
Presentation Guru 18
e-Portfolio 20
Learning Portfolio 22
In-class Test 24
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Module Selection
CCA1108 consists of 3 hours of contact time per week during the semester, and they are:
• 1 x 1-hour lecture; and
• 1x 2-hour tutorial.
The tutorial will be broken down into 3 modules during the course of the semester:
• Module 1: weeks 2 – 4 (Digital Acrobat)
• Module 2: weeks 5 – 7 (select either Office Rocket or Presentation Guru)
• Module 3: weeks 8 – 12 (select either e-Portfolio or Learning Portfolio)
NOTE: Review the module assignment descriptions and attend the workshop in Week 1 before selecting
modules. This will help you to make an informed decision to select modules that compliment your major
and support your academic skills.
How to sign up for module
To sign up for a module:
1. Go to Blackboard.
2. Login using your ECU user name and password.
3. Click Groups option located under the Menu.
4. Click the Sign Up button to enrol in the module you wish to attend.
Week 5 – 7 (Module 2): sign up available from Week 4, Monday
[NOTE] You can select and join only one module at a time. Select your next module in Week 7.
Group # Module Module Time Room #
Group 1 Office Rocket MON 10.30 – 12.30 13.230
Group 2 Presentation Guru MON 12.30 – 14.30 13.230
Group 3 Office Rocket TUE 10.30 – 12.30 13.230
Group 4 Presentation Guru TUE 12.30 – 14.30 13.230
Week 8 – 12 (Module 3): sign up available from Week 7, Monday
Group # Module Module Time Room #
Group 1 ePortfolio MON 10.30 – 12.30 13.230
Group 2 Learning Portfolio MON 12.30 – 14.30 13.230
Group 3 ePortfolio TUE 10.30 – 12.30 13.230
Group 4 Learning Portfolio TUE 12.30 – 14.30 13.230
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Assignment Topics
Choose one assignment topic for both modules 1 and 2.
Web 2.0 The Twitter phenomena
Graphical user interface The future of talkback radio
Human-computer interaction Tabloid television
User centred design A historical period in fashion
Interaction design Work/collection by a contemporary fashion designer
Games and their effect on the brain Creative music software
Perspectives on classification of video games Music technology
Serious Games Music for film and video
Visual abstraction & reduction in communication Electronic photomedia
Visualising data to improve understanding Photomedia-installation
Graphic design in advertising The future of newspapers
Graphics of protest, peace and social justice The new media landscape
Universal design Citizen journalism
Environmentally sustainable design Digital technology and the media
Signs, symbols and language Media ownership
Psychology of colour The 24 hour news cycle
The importance of the past in the present in design Ethical journalism
Mathematics, spatial arrangement and layout design Celebrity journalism
Visual communication in business Reporting fact or fiction
The impact of technology on design The media in 2025
Graphic communication & way-finding The Film Director
‘Creative Industries’ and the economic implications The Cinematographer
Glass sculpture Sound in Film
Photographic printmaking The future audience in film and video industry
Visual & computer arts Short Film: Structure and Aesthetics
Modernism & visual arts The experimental moving image
Australian contemporary performance The sensory impact of film
The recent history of Australian circus Perth International Arts Festival (PIAF)
Physical theatre and performance practices Black Swan Theatre Company
YouTube and us Blue Room
Citizen journalism Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts (PICA)
The Death (or not?) of Newspapers Spare Parts Puppet Theatre (in Fremantle)
The rise of Social Networking Child obesity
Popular radio trends and paradigm shift Coffee and health
Reality TV Sustainable environment
Journalism and the Internet Globalisation
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Digital Acrobat Assignment (20%): Annotated Bibliography
The purpose of this assignment is to present the information and findings you have collected for your
chosen topic in the form of annotated bibliography (see the next page for the definition/description of
annotated bibliography). This assignment is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your understanding
and skills in critical reading and writing using cotemporary technologies (e.g. EndNote, Web).
Where do you start searching information? How would you know if the information you have collected is
credible, trustworthy, and useful? By utilising the skills and knowledge of searching, evaluating and
storing learned in the module workshops, collect information for your chosen topic and provide reflective
summaries of the sources.
Sample annotation structure
Type of source: Book
Evans, P., & Thomas, M. A. (2008). Exploring the elements of design (2nd ed.). Write my essay for me – CA Essay writer Canada: Thomson Delmar
This is the annotation of the above source. In this example, I am following APA style of referencing (6th
edition) for the bibliographic information listed above. If I were really writing an annotation for this
source, I would offer a brief summary of what this book says about visual communication and design.
After a brief summary, it would be appropriate to assess this source and offer some criticisms of it.
Does it seem like a reliable and current source? Why? Is the research biased or objective? Are the facts
well documented? Who is the author? Is she qualified in this subject? Is this source scholarly, popular,
some of both?
The length of your annotation is described in this unit plan. After summarising and assessing, you can
now reflect on this source. How does it fit into your research? Is this a helpful resource? Too scholarly?
Not scholarly enough? Too general/specific? Since “visual communication and design” is a very broad
topic, has this source helped you to narrow your topic?
Minimum Assignment Requirements
You need to submit a zip file including an annotated bibliography completed in Word and contains the
following components/information:
• 3 sources from the following list that could answer your assignment topic question
(minimum of 250 and no more than 350 words for each).
– 1 x book
– 1 x journal article from a database (e.g. ECU online library databases)
– 1 x newspaper article (either online or printed)
• Provide 3 annotations of 3 sources reviewed following the structure below:
– Summarise: provide a summary of each source you reviewed considering
questions such as; What are the main arguments? What is the point of this book
or article? What topics are covered? If someone asked what this article/book is
about, what would you say?
– Assess: After summarising a source, it may be helpful to evaluate it. Is it a useful
source? How does it compare with other sources in your bibliography? Is the
information reliable? Is this source biased or objective? What is the goal of this
– Reflect: once you have summarised and assessed a source, you need to ask how
it fits into your research – or why it did not meet your expectation. Was this
source helpful to you? How does it help you shape your argument? How can you
use this source in your research project? Has it changed how you think about
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your topic?
Research tool • Provide a table showing key terms and synonyms used to research the assignment
topic – a minimum of 3 concepts and 6 synonyms.
• Provide a full reference before each annotation (in-text references are not needed
in an annotated bibliography). See the sample annotation structure provided in the
previous page.
EndNote • Provide your EndNote library containing 3 sources used in this assignment.
• Combine and submit annotated bibliography and EndNote library files as a single
Zip file.
• The Zip file you submit must include your name and student number (e.g.
Marking Research Topics – Criteria
• Quality of submission (e.g. meeting of the submission requirements, annotation format)
• Quality of product design (e.g. scope of information reviewed and used)
• Quality of conceptual underpinnings (e.g. understanding of the sources reviewed)
• Quality of referencing (e.g. correct usage of APA referencing style and scope of references)
Frequently Asked Questions (Digital Acrobat)
Q. What is an annotated bibliography?
A. An annotated bibliography gives an account of the research that has been done on a given topic. Like
any bibliography, an annotated bibliography is an alphabetical list of research sources. In addition to
bibliographic data, an annotated bibliography provides a concise summary of each source and some
assessment of its value or relevance. Depending on your assignment, an annotated bibliography includes
a summary and/or evaluation of each of the sources. For more information about annotated bibliography
as a form of assessment, read the A guide to assessments and skills in SCA’ handed out to you in Week 1.
Q. How can I get a copy of EndNote on my computer?
A. You can obtain a free copy of EndNote via ECU software website (You will need your ADS login and
password to access the site):
Q. Do I have to use the annotated bibliography structure outlined in this unit plan?
A. Yes, each annotation must have type of source (e.g. book), a full reference, and body text – in this
exact order. If you are not sure, use the annotation template document provided in the SCA Learning
Portal site > General Documents.
Q. How do I zip files (using a Mac computer)?
A. Select the multiple files you want to combine as a Zip file. Right-click one of the selected files and then
select “Compress # items” from the drop-down menu. You will see a Zip file named where
your selected files are located. Rename the file accordingly.
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Office Rocket Assignment (20%): Creative Report
The purpose of this assignment is to produce a report providing information about your chosen topic. As
the title of the assignment suggests, your report requires your input of creative approach to introduce
and convey the topic to the reader. You will be required to conduct research into your chosen topic as
well as into effective ways to write a visually engaging report. This assignment is an opportunity for you to
demonstrate your understanding and skills in visual communication, and the development of legible and
readable documents.
Example: cover and TOC pages submitted by a previous student.
Minimum Assignment Requirements
You need to submit a report created in MS Word in either Publishing Layout or Print Layout view.
• Your creative report must contain following sections:
– Cover page
– Table of Contents: shows headings and page numbers
– Content pages: provide written and visual information about your chosen topic
(approx. 4 – 5 pages)
– Design rationale: see the requirements below (word limit 800 words).
• Provide a reasoned explanation of your design decisions by discussing design
principles applied in your work.
• Your design rationale must be substantiated and supported with references.
References • Provide a full in- and end-text references of the materials you used following the
APA referencing style.
• Submit a PDF copy of your assignment.
• Your assignment file must include your name and student number (e.g.
Assignment Marking Research Topics – Criteria
• Quality of submission (e.g. meeting of the submission requirements)
• Quality of product design (e.g. visual, information designs, scope of information reviewed and used)
• Quality of conceptual underpinnings (e.g. design principles, articulation of visual communication)
• Quality of referencing (e.g. correct usage of APA referencing style and scope of references)
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Frequently Asked Questions (Office Rocket)
Q. What sorts of information can I include?
A. There is a wide choice of information you can include in your report including statistics, historical
background information about the topic, etc. You should also include visual information supporting the
written information of your report.
Q. Do I have to create images and graphics myself?
A. No, you can use images and graphics from a variety of sources so long as you provide in-text and endtext references. You can scan images from printed materials (e.g. magazines and pamphlets) and can use
digital photos/images from Web sites.
Q. Do I have to write the content of the report myself?
A. No, as the main purpose of the assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of visual
communication through a development of printed product, you do not need to create your own text.
However, you will need to provide written information that is related to the topic and focus of area of
your topic – you must provide in-text and end-text references to acknowledge that the information is not
yours and sourced from someone else’s work.
Q. Can I simply copy a report I created previously or use a template created by someone else?
A. No, the purpose of this assignment is that you demonstrate your skills in laying out pages and present
the information in a clear and concise manner. You are not allowed to use MS Word gallery templates or
previous assignments – your assignment will be awarded a mark of 0%.
Q. Do I have to use MS Word?
A. This assignment is in part a means to practice using Word and its various tools. The Office Rocket
assignment must be completed in MS Word, and submitted as a PDF file.
Q. What do I do if my file is greater than 10Mb and won’t upload?
A. Make it smaller!! You need to use lower resolution images in your file. Your tutor can show you how to
do this or download Photoshop Help document from SCA Learning Portal site for instructions to reduce
your image file sizes from the courseware site.
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Presentation Guru Assignment (20%): Presentation Zen
The purpose of this assignment is to produce a PowerPoint presentation about your chosen topic. This
assignment is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your understanding and skills in:
• effective ways to visually articulate information; and
• development of a screen-based communication product.
What makes one presentation better than another? How does a printed product differ from a screenbased product? There are many different aspects to any presentation, which act to make it achieve its
intended purpose (e.g. presenting a new idea). Research to discover the important criteria that determine
the quality of a good presentation to convey a visually engaging and functional presentation.
Example: cover and content slides submitted by a previous student.
Minimum Assignment Requirements
• Your presentation must contain following sections:
– Cover slide
– Content slides: provide information about your chosen topic (7 – 10 slides
excluding a cover slide).
• Use the Notes feature to provide the presenter’s speech notes for each slide on
what and how it will be delivered.
• Your notes must be detailed enough that you can pass the presentation file to
someone else, and the person should be able to deliver the presentation as you
• Provide a reasoned explanation of your design decisions by discussing design
principles applied in your work (word limit 800 words).
• Your design rationale must be substantiated and supported with references.
References • Provide a full in- and end-text references of the materials you used following the
APA referencing style.
• Submit your presentation and design rationale files as a single Zip file.
• PowerPoint file must be either .ppt or.pptx format.
• Your assignment file must include your name and student number (e.g.
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Marking Research Topics – Criteria
• Quality of submission (e.g. meeting of the submission requirements)
• Quality of product design (i.e. visual, information designs, scope of information reviewed and used)
• Quality of conceptual underpinnings (e.g. design principles)
• Quality of referencing (e.g. correct usage of APA referencing style and scope of references)
Frequently Asked Questions (Presentation Guru)
Q. Can I use a PowerPoint template?
A. No, the intention in this assignment is that you demonstrate your skills in laying out a slide and writing
a clear and concise presentation for the chosen purpose. Therefore, using one of the MS PowerPoint
templates will not enable you to demonstrate the requirements. And also we expect you to demonstrate
your ability to select appropriate visual elements and communication strategies to deliver the particular
type of information.
Q. Do I have to use PowerPoint?
A. Yes. This assignment is in part a means to practice using PowerPoint and its various tools. This
assignment must be saved as a “.ppt” or “.pptx”, which is the extension name for the latest version of
PowerPoint. Do not save your PowerPoint assigmment as .pps or .ppsx.
Q. What references can I use in this assignment?
A. You will be able to find lots of references describing how to design and develop an effective
PowerPoint presentation. You will be able to use these to help you decide what you think are the most
important attributes to discuss in your presentation and how they should be presented.
Q. How do I zip files (using a Mac computer)?
A. Select the files you want to combine as a Zip file. Right-click one of the selected files and then select
“Compress 2 items” from the drop-down menu. You will see a Zip file named where your
selected files are located.
Q. What do I do if my file is greater than 10Mb and won’t upload?
A. Make it smaller!! You need to use lower resolution images in your file. Your tutor can show you how to
do this or download Photoshop Help document from SCA Learning Portal site for instructions to reduce
your image file sizes from the courseware site.
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ePortfolio Assignment (30%)
Your task is to create an ePortfolio website that showcases yourself. As a university student who will be
seeking employment, either now or in the future, a website showcasing your capabilities and
achievements will be a very useful item. The idea of the website is that it could be used as your online
curriculum vitae and/or portfolio-resume. You are at liberty to choose much of what you display and the
theme or style of the website. However, the website needs to contain relevant pages such as personal
details, academic history and achievements, previous work experience, and work samples from the
workshop activities and assignments completed. You should not include such other materials as your
pets, your favourite actors, etc.
In this assignment, you should aim to display all the assignments and/or skills you have acquired. You are
required to create a website that is easy to use and shows the information in a clear and concise manner.
The assignment will be assessed according to the quality of its design, layout and construction and of
course the information and message it contains.
Examples: cover pages submitted by a previous student.
Minimum Assignment Requirements
We would expect, as a minimum, a site that contains:
Web pages
• Your site must contain at least 5 pages with relevant sections including a cover page
(i.e. home page).
• Pop-up windows or gallery windows or external links are not considered as part of
your website.
• Plenty of graphics and images suitably sized and compressed (you are free to copy
images to use in your site so long as you clearly reference the sources that have not
been developed by yourself).
Work samples
• Provide projects and/or assignments that you have developed during the semester.
You are strongly encouraged to include projects completed outside of your
university units if available.
Links • A variety of internal and external links and paths.
• Provide a reasoned explanation of your design decisions by discussing design
principles applied in your work (word limit 800 words).
• Your design rationale must be substantiated and supported with references.
• Save the report as a single PDF document and provide a hyperlink to include them
in your web site.
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Site map
• Provide a site map showing the navigation structure and organisation of the site.
• Include the site map as either an image or a PDF document (hyperlink the
• Provide in-text references of the materials you used (e.g. images) within the
• Provide in-text references within your reports to support and substantiate your
design/development decisions.
• Provide a reference list (i.e. end-text references) for the materials used (e.g.
images), within the website.
• A reference list for your report should be provided at the end of report.
• Publish your website on student project server
• Submit the URL of your website on Blackboard assignment submission box.
File Size • Your site should not exceed 20Mb in size and the first page should be saved as
Assessment Research Topics – Criteria
The assignment will be marked according to the following criteria:
• The quality of the documentation (e.g. rationale report, sitemap, referencing)
• The quality of product design (e.g. page and interface designs)
• The quality of the navigation and orientation (i.e. usability and accessibility of the site)
• The quality and scope of the information contained
• The extent and scope of the system produced in terms of HTML features (e.g. understanding and
demonstration of creating HTML documents)
Frequently Asked Questions (ePortfolio)
Q. Is the number of pages important for ePortfolio assignment?
A. The assignment requires you to design and develop at least 7 pages (including a home page) but you
can have more if you wish. The idea of 7 pages is to give you the chance to design a site where there is a
consistent navigation approach and at least 7 pages are needed to demonstrate this.
Q. Do I have to use Dreamweaver to develop my e-Portfolio?
A. No, you can use whatever tool you find most suitable. However, since you will be using Dreamweaver
in this unit, we would expect most people to use this package. If you wish to use software other than
Dreamweaver, tutors may not be able to assist you with technical problems you may encounter with the
chosen software.
Q. What if my file is greater than 20Mb?
A. You must reduce its size. Lower the resolution of some of the images and perhaps reduce the number
of images. Your tutor can show you how to do this or download Photoshop Help document from SCA
Learning Portal site for instructions to reduce your image file sizes from the courseware site.
Q. Can I upload my website from home?
A. Yes, but since you will be uploading such a large file, you will need to make sure it uploads correctly.
The best way to upload is to use the network at ECU where the bandwidth is huge! (you will need to set
up a VPN connection first)
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Learning Portfolio Assignment (30%)
Your task is to produce a learning portfolio containing discussions of weekly readings and activities from
weeks 8 through to 12 (see the Blackboard site readings). A learning portfolio is a reflective practice for
improved learning and is a good learning tool to demonstrate your understanding of the study area. Your
learning portfolio should demonstrate high level of analytical and critical understanding skills.
Minimum Submission Requirements
• There are 4 sets of learning portfolio items to be completed. They can be found on
• Each set of learning portfolio items contains questions and activities to be
Appearance of
• Appropriate blog theme and style by customising the Appearance menu.
• Not all Appearance themes are practical and user-friendly. Choose a theme that is
usable and accessible.
Category • Use the Category menu to group your posts in a coherent manner.
RSS feeds • Use the RSS widget to display at least 3 RSS feeds related to the unit content and/or
learning portfolio items.
Widgets • Add at least 5 widgets to increase the functionality of your Blog.
submission • Submit the URL of your blog site on Blackboard.
Assessment Research Topics – Criteria
The assignment will be marked according to the following criteria:
• The quality and scope of information contained
• The quality of the conceptual underpinnings (e.g. critical analysis and reading)
• The quality of presentation (e.g. appearance theme and organisation of the information)
• The extent and scope of the system used in terms of features and functions of WordPress
• The quality of referencing (i.e. correct usage of APA referencing style)
Frequently Asked Questions (Learning Portfolio)
Q. Do I need to sign up with to complete the Learning Portfolio assignment?
A. Yes, membership is free and it takes a couple of minutes to complete a sign up.
However, you may need to pay fees if you want to join or use advanced features.
Q. What happens to final project once I complete the unit?
A. Your e-Portfolio site will be removed from the server after 1 month from the due date to make the
server space available for future students. For Learning Portfolio assignment, is not
maintained by the University, and therefore you can continue to use the blog to maintain your learning
portfolio or use it as your personal blog site.
Q. How big can this submission be?
A. For ePortfolio assignment, the file size limit is 10Mb. There is no file size limit for Learning Portfolio
assignment – however, you may need to follow the image file size limit specified by
website when uploading images.
CCA1108 Communications & Digital Technology, Semester 2, 2019 [19/19]
In-Class Test (30%): Week 13
The last assessment of CCA1108 is an in-class test completed in Week 13 workshop. The online test
consists of 30 multiple-choice questions and each question is worth 1 mark/1%.
Things you should know before attending the online test
• Arrive 5 minutes before the workshop as timing is strictly scheduled.
• Location: attend your Module 3 workshop room to participate in an in-class test.
• Duration:
Briefing time 5 minutes
Working time 30 minutes
Total time 35 minutes
• The online test has time limit. Once the specified time (i.e. 30 minutes) has elapsed the test will be
automatically submitted by the system.
• Your belongings: place your belongings at the front of the class under the whiteboard.
• Mobile phone: switch off your mobile phone and leave it in your bag.
• This is an exam: you are not allowed to talk during the test and pay attention to your tutor’s
• Type of Test: Closed Book exam and unit guide, reader, and textbook are not permitted.
• No browsing: you are not allowed to browse the Web as such this is a closed book exam.
• You must bring your student identification card.
Alternative examination conditions
You need to register with the Student Equity and Diversity Officer who provides a coordinated service for
students with disabilities or medical conditions, permanent or temporary that may affect various aspects
of a student’s life while at university.
Deferring your examination
You may apply for deferral on one or more of the following grounds:
• ill health or injury
• compassionate grounds (see your unit coordinator)
• representation in sporting activities at a state or national level
• representation in cultural activities
• a matter relating to your employment
• other special grounds considered appropriate by the unit coordinator or the Assessments Manager
(e.g. religious circumstances)
Use of bilingual dictionaries
Students whose first language is not English are allowed to use a bilingual dictionary. The following
procedures will be followed:
• Prior to the commencement of the examination, your tutor will ask the students if they intend to use a
bilingual dictionary.
• Tutor will check the dictionaries to ensure they have not been tampered with.
• Extra time will not be given to students in light of English language proficiency considerations.
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