Describe the historical development and characteristics of literature, literary genres, and printing culture in Tibet. Why can one call Tibet a “culture of the book”? Choose to discuss one concrete example of a specific genre in detail. (For example biographies/hagiographies, Gesar epos, religious histories, songs of realization). One 1500- to 2000-word analytical essay based on one of three assigned topics (or students’ research/project paper that was discussed and agreed on with the instructor). The paper must show a critical understanding of the subjects covered in the course and demonstrate students’ ability to provide critical analysis of the subjects. This paper can draw on readings, lectures, and class discussions, but is meant to be a structured academic research paper intended to synthesize the students’ learnings from the course with a precise topic and coherent thesis and argumentation. The paper will be graded on content, factual accuracy and critical analysis (approx. 60 %), and form and style of academic writing (approx. 40 %). The students are expected in addition to assigned readings, to utilize secondary academic secondary sources and materials, and to include a bibliography or reference list at the end of the paper. Citations may be in-line or footnotes. Addition: Citations must include page numbers, follow both summary and direct quotations, and consistently use Chicago Manual Style

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