LAS432 Week 1 Homework help – Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2 Latest 2016 March

DQ 1

and Technology (graded)

If the scientific test of a scientific theory is accepted by the
community of men and women who are called scientists, does that mean that
anything is acceptable as long as enough of the right people agree with it?
Does that mean there is no such thing as scientific truth? How, if at all, does
science differ from politics, art, or religion, in that case?

DQ 2

Revolutions (graded)

Baase states that it is not just technology that changes so
quickly, but also the impacts which they have upon society. Do you agree? How
does that align with the assertion in the lecture that we are now living in a
third great technological transformation called the Knowledge Revolution? Have
computers truly changed our lives so much that we can call this a revolution
like the Industrial Revolution of the 18th century?

LAS432 Week 2 Homework help – Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2 Latest 2016 March

DQ 1

and Social Change (graded)

In what way (or ways) is the current
Knowledge Revolution a child of the Industrial Revolution? Is this a new
revolution or simply an extension of the 18th-century revolution? Given the
history, is it perhaps more appropriate to call the current revolution a
Communications Revolution?

DQ 2

Technology and
Determinism (graded)

Why do the soft technologies open more opportunities for
women? To what extent have these technologies impacted the perceptions of men’s
and women’s roles in the economy, within marriage, and in society as a whole?

LAS432 Week 3 Homework help – Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2 Latest 2016 March

DQ 1

and Modern Culture (graded)

The availability and even dependence upon computer technology is
brought to task by Baase in Chapter 8. What are some of the ways that the ease
and simplicity of our current technological devices also lead us at times to
surrogate our daily responsibilities onto these devices? Please include
examples, and be as specific as possible.

DQ 2

Our Future (graded)

A kind of genetic engineering happens in nature, with naturally
occurring mutations and the dominance of certain strains. What is different
about today’s processes? What makes them potentially dangerous? What should we
consider naturaland what is artificial?

LAS432 Week 4 Homework help – Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2 Latest 2016 March

DQ 1

and Art (graded)

We normally think of the arts as very different from technologies
in spite of the fact that art (with perhaps a few exceptions) is practiced with
the help of technology. This practice creates interdependence between
technology and art. To what extent does art respond to, or is shaped by, the
technology that enables it? To what extent have advanced and accessible digital
technologies, such as websites, digital photography, and YouTube, changed the
relationship between art and technology? Are these technologies reshaping our
attitudes toward artists?

DQ 2

Technologies (graded)

With the introduction of computer-generated animated films (CGI),
there has been much discussion of the impact on the movie industry. For
example, illustrators need to have different skill sets. Have story lines and
musical scores changed in these films? What impact does the emphasis on special
effects have on plot and character development?

LAS432 Week 5 Homework help – Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2 Latest 2016 March

DQ 1

Politics of Technology (graded)

Baase discusses freedom of speech and censorship in light of the
modern digital landscape, especially given the dubious ways in which technology
can sometimes be utilized. Superior expertise about how technologies work does
not guarantee superior judgment about how they should be used, regulated, or
governed. As technology becomes more sophisticated, how can citizens and
political leaders judge and understand whether a given technology offers great
perils or great promises? When great technological projects, such as venturing
farther into the galaxy or developing new life-extending medicines, are
proposed, how should government officials make decisions about how tax dollars
should be spent?

DQ 2

and Globalization (graded)

Many experts assert that globalization has essentially made us
less independent and more closely connected to other people than ever before.
This enhanced connectivity has important implications for individuals, small
businesses, corporations, and governments. What are some of the challenges
experienced by governments that are associated with globalization? What are
some of the challenges experienced by individuals?

LAS432 Week 6 Homework help – Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2 Latest 2016 March
DQ 1

Is Reality? (graded)

Why do we pursue technologies, such as those associated with
virtual reality? Going back to one of our definitions of technology, what
problem are we trying to solve? What are the risks associated with these

DQ 2

Morality, and Ethics (graded)

What are the ethical questions raised by cloning? Is there any
moral difference between applying genetic engineering technologies to humans
and applying them to animals and plants? What role should governments play in
making policies regarding ethical issues?

LAS432 Week 7 Homework help – Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2 Latest 2016 March
DQ 1

Energy Crisis (graded)

Given the current state of energy use, which continues to grow
exponentially in such countries as 论文帮助/论文写作服务/负担得起我及时提交我最好的质量 – China and India, what measures can the United
States and other Western countries take to produce more fuel-efficient and
environmentally friendly fuels? What other sources of energy could be developed
to solve the energy crisis? What can the individual do to alleviate this

DQ 2

and the Threat to the Environment (graded)

Before we decide what to do about the environment globally, let’s
see what we can do locally. What environmental problems are you aware of in the
area where you live? What solutions do you think would be the most appropriate
to solve these problems?

Week 1 topic and outine

Course Team
Project—Topic and Outline
This week, your team must
select a topic for the Final Project, create a detailed outline for the
project, and agree to individual research assignments. Each team will submit a
two-page summary that includes the names of the students on the team, a brief description
of the technology that has been selected, and the outline for the project with
the specific research assignments for each student

Week 2Resources
Review assignment

Concept of Wireless
electricity and its social impact:

Benefits – community and
educational development:
Challenges- Environmental
and Health related concerns:

week 6rough draft

Week 6

Submit individual rough draft portions to TurnItIn via
WK 6 dropbox (100 possible points, individual grade).
Each team member will submit their individual sections
to Turnitin this week, leaving enough time for team corrections. This is
mandatory, and no paper section will be accepted into the final draft
without having been submitted first to Turnitin. This process will take
place exclusively through uploading their paper portion to the WK 6 Rough
Draft dropbox, which is linked to Turnitin. Students will not be visiting
or utilizing the Turnitin website directly. Following submission, the
review information provided by Turnitin will be found within each
student’s WK 6 Outbox. Turnitin will only be utilized for this student
draft review – the final Team Project papers will not go through this

week 7Final
Research Paper assignment

Week 7

Final draft of the paper (300 possible points,
individual grade). Guidelines for this assignment can be found in Doc
All written sections will be compiled into one cohesive
Team Paper. All students should review the paper to ensure that the
transitions are smooth, that the sections fit together, and that the
bibliographies are compiled correctly.
The table of contents should clearly indicate each
student’s assigned sections. An introduction should clearly state the
paper’s thesis, outline the scope of the investigation, and comment on any
challenges the team faced with respect to research sources. Report
sections should be clearly identified using level-1 and level-2 headings.
The paper should conclude with recommendations for further research or
possible solutions that could be evaluated. A complete list of references,
in APA format, should follow along with any appendices.
Although this assignment will result in one cohesive
Team Paper, each
person is required to submit a copy to the Dropboxby the due date. The team leader will distribute the
finished product to each team member, whereupon each team member will
submit the same assignment to the Dropbox.

devry las432 all week assignment latest 2016 march
Week 1

topic and outline (possible 50 points, group grade). Guidelines for this
assignment can be found in Doc Sharing.
team will select a topic for research and a team leader. Using the list of
required elements for the project, each member of the team will take
responsibility for researching specific aspects of the technology. The
team will then produce a detailed outline for the project, noting each
team member’s research sections. Please note, the list of required
elements is just that—a list—and does not constitute an outline.
this assignment will result in a group grade, each person is required to
submit a copy to the Dropbox by the due date. The team leader will
distribute the finished product to each team member, whereupon each team
member will submit the same assignment to the Dropbox.

Week 2

review (90 possible points, individual grade). Guidelines for this
assignment can be found in Doc Sharing.
member of the team will assemble at least five scholarly academic
references that will be used to write the paper (refer to Week 1’s
tutorial on Scholarly References). Each student will list his or her
references using APA format, and provide a brief explanation of each
resource indicating how that resource will be used. The focus should be
upon the student’s specific research assignment. An approximate length of
this bibliography is between two to three pages.
student will submit his or her assignment to the Dropbox by the due date
and provide a copy to the team leader.

Week 6

individual rough draft portions to TurnItIn via WK 6 dropbox (100 possible
points, individual grade).
team member will submit their individual sections to Turnitin this week,
leaving enough time for team corrections. This is mandatory, and no paper
section will be accepted into the final draft without having been
submitted first to Turnitin. This process will take place exclusively
through uploading their paper portion to the WK 6 Rough Draft dropbox,
which is linked to Turnitin. Students will not be visiting or utilizing
the Turnitin website directly. Following submission, the review
information provided by Turnitin will be found within each student’s WK 6
Outbox. Turnitin will only be utilized for this student draft review – the
final Team Project papers will not go through this process.

Week 7

draft of the paper (300 possible points, individual grade). Guidelines for
this assignment can be found in Doc Sharing.
written sections will be compiled into one cohesive Team Paper. All
students should review the paper to ensure that the transitions are
smooth, that the sections fit together, and that the bibliographies are
compiled correctly.
table of contents should clearly indicate each student’s assigned
sections. An introduction should clearly state the paper’s thesis, outline
the scope of the investigation, and comment on any challenges the team
faced with respect to research sources. Report sections should be clearly
identified using level-1 and level-2 headings. The paper should conclude
with recommendations for further research or possible solutions that could
be evaluated. A complete list of references, in APA format, should follow
along with any appendices.
this assignment will result in one cohesive Team Paper,each person is required to submit a copy
to the Dropboxby
the due date. The team leader will distribute the finished product to each
team member, whereupon each team member will submit the same assignment to
the Dropbox.

week8 Peer

LAS432 Peer Evaluation of
Your Name______________________________________
Date ___________________
Title of Presentation Being
Points You Would Award This
Group ________/30
Directions:This course asked you to think
critically about the broader implications of technology. As such, you are now
given the task of thinking and responding critically to the projects and
presentations by your peers in this class. For each team, use the following
items to note your observations and to offer an analysis and evaluation of how
well the team succeeded in its study of the technology and its impact upon
respond using full sentences unless otherwise indicated. (Each
numbered item is worth 6 points for a total of 30 points.)
1) Areas discussed in relationship to the technology (5 points)
a) Place a check mark in each box that shows the areas that were
discussed in the presentation.
(a) Technology description/science
(b) History/Context
(c) Economics
(d) Political/Legal issues
(e) Psychology
(f) Sociology
(g) Moral issues/Ethics
(h) Literature/Cinema/Art
(i) Environmental science
(j) Religion
(k) Anthropology
(l) Mathematical concepts and statistics
(m) Other ____________________________________________________
2) Balance and integration (5 points)
Did the team achieve a good balance in their presentation of
material? Were all sections well integrated as part of a cohesive presentation?
Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain.
3) Effective research and exploration of the issues identified (5
a) Summarize briefly in one or two sentencesthe thesis of the
b) How much of the information was new to you? How much did you
learn about the technology and its societal impact? Did you gain a clear idea
of how this specific technology relates to a larger context? Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain fully.
c) How do you rate the quality of the research and the
persuasiveness of the team’s argument(s)?
d) Are you convinced the technology poses significant issues?
Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain briefly.
e) What do you predict about this technology in its future use(s)
and application(s)?
4)Effectiveness of the team
presentation (Add an explanation when warranted, 5 points)
· ___Yes ___No Did the presenters clearly identify their goals?
· ___Yes ___No Were the presenters well organized?
· ___Yes ___No Was the question-and-answer portion logical?
· ___Yes ___No Were you able to understand each speaker?
· ___Yes ___No Was the pace appropriate (not too fast, not too
5)If you were in a position
to make decisions with respect to this technology, how would you act upon this
team’s message/apply their recommendations? Please explain. (5 points)
6)What did you like and
dislike about the paper and presentation? Please be specific.(5 points)

week 8Final

a study of the beneeits of wireless electricity

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