The following exam consists of multiple choice, true-false,
and essay questions. The 26 multiple
choice and true/false questions are worth 5 points each. You will answer 4 essay questions worth 30
points each. The exam covers material
from all chapters we covered this session. That includes chapters 1, 2, 3, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, & 16.
(We didn’t cover chapters 4 or 14.)
The exam is worth 250 points. You have 24 hours to take the exam. It’s due
exactly 24 hours after you received it be email. It may not be late. Late exams will receive 0
points (no exceptions). If you receive
this exam Sunday morning at 9am, then it’s due Monday morning at 9am. If you are the group receiving this on Monday
night at 9pm, then it’s due Tuesday at 9pm.
Although you technically have 24 hours to take the exam,
that doesn’t mean I want or expect you to spend more than 3.5 hours taking the
test. Your essay answers do not have to
be more than you could write in a 3.5 hour time limit. So time yourself, and when you reach about
3.5 hours, know that you are finished.
Please don’t write 2 page essay answers. Your essay answers are worth 30
points, so they should be approximately
2 – 3 paragraphs long (each paragraph with 3-4 sentences) or about a half a
page (double spaced).
The exam is pasted into the email and it’s also attached as
a Word doc. Feel free to answer the
questions within the email response, or download the document and write your
answers on the document and send back to me.
Academic Honesty Statement (please sign electronically)
I hereby certify that I, alone, am taking this exam. I understand that I may use my textbook to
look-up answers. I may further use any
handouts, notes, or quizzes from class.
I also understand that I am not to use internet sources, talk to other
students, or work with anyone else in the taking of this exam.

Student Electronic Signature: Charley Baskett

Multiple Choice and True-False Questions

1. Social
change comes from redefining or reconstructing _____ _____.
a. Social
b. Social
c. True
d. Societal

2. Which of
the following is NOT a type of socialization.
a. Anticipatory
b. Social
c. Socialization
d. Resocialization

3. ______ theorists believe that social institutions
help maintain the privileges of the powerful while contributing to the
powerlessness of others.
a. Interactionist
b. Functionalist
c. Conflict
d. Sociological

4. We are
born a certain gender. True or

5. Neutral
language points to the dominate gender.
True or False

6. In the
United States, African Americans have a higher suicide rate than whites.
True or False

7. Following
the thinking of C. Wright Mills, we would expect the sociological imagination
to be more widespread in a population
a. During
times of peace and prosperity
b. Among the
very rich
c. Among
very religious people
d. During
times of social crisis

Sociologist Lenore Weitzman carried out research showing that women who divorce
a. Remarry
within one year
b. Claim
they are happier than before
c. Suffer a
significant loss of income
d. Have a
happier sex life

9. Cultural
lag refers to the fact that some cultural elements change more quickly than
others. True or False

10. Experts
have documented almost _____ languages around the world.
a. 70
b. 700
c. 7000
d. 7 million

11. All of the
following are values, identified by Robin Williams, as being central to U.S.
culture EXCEPT
a. Equal
b. Material
c. Racism
and group superiority
d. Belief in

12. Our basic
drives or needs as humans are reflected in Freud’s concept of the
a. Superego
b. Ego
c. Id
d. Me

13. George
Herbert Mead considered the self to be
a. The part
of an individual’s personality that is composed of self-awareness and
b. The
presence of culture within the individual
c. Basic
drives that are self-centered
d. Present
in infants at the time of their birth

14. Which
concept refers to a status that has special importance for social identify,
often shaping a person’s entire life?
a. Social
b. Master
c. Ascribed
d. Achieved

15. The
Thomas theorem states that
a. A role is
as a role does
b. People
rise to their level of incompetence
c. Situations
defined as real are read in their consequences
d. People
know the world only through their language

16. The sociologist who explored the primary
group was Charles Horton Cooley.
True or False

17. Thinking about the Laumann study of sexual
patterns among U.S. adults, which of the following statements is correct?
a. Over a
lifetime, almost everyone has about the same amount of sexual experience.
b. Single
people have more sex than married people.
c. The
frequency of sexual activity varies widely in the U.S. population.
d. In the
age of AIDS, almost all sex is limited to married persons.

18. Both
Albert Cohen and Walter Miller argue that deviance is MOST likely to arise
a. High-income
b. Middle-class
men and women
c. Low-income
d. All class

19. According
to Karl Marx, social stratification in a capitalist society always involves
a. Class
b. Negotiation
and compromise leading to stability
c. The
abolition of work itself
d. All of
these responses are correct

20. A common
micro-level patter involving social interaction is that
a. Social
stratification is not usually evidence in everyday life
b. Most
people live and work in socially diverse settings in terms of social
c. People
tend to socialize with others of about the same social position
d. Social
position has little to do with the friends people have.

21. The
people of the high-income countries, who represent 23 percent of the world’s
population, enjoy about how much of the world’s total income?
a. 15
b. 35
c. 55
d. 75

22. In the
United States today, women working for income is the rule rather than the
exception. True or False

23. Which of
the following is an important exception to male domination of the US workplace?
a. Women now
own more than 10 million entrepreneurial businesses
b. Women
hold 80 percent of pink-collar jobs
c. Most
college and university faculty are women.
d. A
majority of corporate executives are women.

24. In which
of the following state clusters do we find the least racial and ethnic
a. Texas and
New Mexico
b. Main,
Vermont, and New Hampshire
c. North
Carolina and south Carolina
d. Ohio,
Indiana, and Illinois

25. Which of
the following is a common cause of social change?
a. Discovery
of existing things
b. Diffusion
of ideas from one cultural system to another
c. Invention
of new ideas and things
d. All of
these responses are correct

26. Emile
Durkheim claimed that the defining trait of modernity was
a. Faith in
an established religion
b. Kinship
c. Common
d. An
increasing division of labor

Essay Questions (30 points each)

1. What are
gender roles and how are they different from a person’s sex? What stereotypes have developed from
traditional gender roles? Give at least
3 examples.

2. Analyze
the ways in which military service might affect marriages, using sociological
concepts. Then, if you could design a
sociological study about the military and marriage, what would your hypothesis
be? What would be the independent and
the dependent variable?

3. What is
a social institution? Homework help – Discuss how
“Family” can be considered a social institution. Be specific and provide

4. Define
“Social Movements.” Why do they
occur? Using the women of India as an
example (you received a handout in class Week 7 to use for this question),
describe how the women are starting the movements in rural India. How are the movements spreading?

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