Posted: March 24th, 2022
Dissertation Process Worksheet
Dissertation Process Worksheet
Updated January 4th, 2021
This worksheet was created to help PhD students keep track of the various steps to completing the dissertation. Every student’s journey is a little different, so it is important to also follow the guidance of your academic advisors and your supervisory committee, when formed.
Forms and Guides
All documents, guides, and forms for the dissertation process are found at
All documents for the IRB application are found at
Step 1: Committee Formation and Prospectus Development
· Review your Program of Study, or discuss with academic advisors, to determine when you need to start your prospectus. At least two quarters prior to this time, complete the Dissertation Premise (see Dissertation Premise Guide for details).
· Receive your dissertation supervisory committee assignment, following the steps outlined on the Capstone Committee Process page of the Center for Research Quality website, and receive notification from MyDR/Workflow.
· Finalize your prospectus, such that it meets all the quality indicators on the Prospectus Dissertation Rubric and submit to MyDr/Taskstream for your committee to review.
· Committee members evaluate your prospectus and complete their rubrics in MyDr/Taskstream. Once approved, the program director receives a workflow notification to complete their review in Taskstream.
· The program director or his/her designee completes the prospectus review in MyDr/TasksStream.
Step 2: Proposal Development and Approval Process
· Work with your full committee to complete your dissertation proposal (the first three chapters) using the Dissertation Checklist that aligns to your methodology and the PhD Dissertation Template (6th ed.), which is available on the Writing Center website, to support development.
· When the dissertation proposal is ready for committee review, you upload it to Taskstream along with a copy of the Turnitin report and the Dissertation Checklist, which you need to complete.
· Check your MyDR Landing Page to see if a URR has been assigned. If one has not, request a URR using the URR Request Form which is available on the OSRA PhD Dissertation Process and Documents page.
· When the dissertation proposal is approved to move forward by your dissertation supervisory committee, the chair reconciles the Dissertation Minimum Standards Rubrics from each committee member and attaches the proposal document in Taskstream along with the Turnitin report and the Dissertation Checklist, which you need to complete. The URR receives a workflow notification to complete his or her review in Taskstream.
· If revisions are requested by the URR, work with your chair and second committee member to address each revision. You then resubmit the proposal to Taskstream.
· After the proposal has been approved to move forward (the chair, second committee member, and URR have rated all areas of the Dissertation Minimum Standards Rubric as “met”), your chair works with you to move forward with the oral conference for your proposal.
· Find a date and time available for your committee members to hold an oral conference and give the time to your committee chair. Note that the request for an oral conference call must be made at least 3 business days prior to the requested date.
· Receive confirmation from Workflow that your conference has been scheduled. All call information will be found on your landing page.
· Participate in and pass your oral conference. Make any remaining updates requested by your committee.
· You and your committee receive notification by Workflow and your landing page concerning the approval of the proposal.
Step 3: IRB Approval Process and Data Collection
· Complete your IRB application with feedback from your chair and/or methodologist.
· After receiving approval of your proposal, submit your IRB application and all supplemental materials to
· Complete any revisions requested by the IRB.
· Receive IRB approval and Notification of Approval to Conduct Research.
· Conduct your study.
· Begin preparing the final document by updating your proposal to be written in the past tense.
Step 4: Dissertation Completion and Approval Process
· Work with your dissertation committee to complete the remaining two chapters, using the Dissertation Checklist that aligns to your methodology and the PhD Dissertation Template (6th ed.), which is available on the Writing Center website.
· When the dissertation is ready for committee review, you upload it to Taskstream along with a copy of the Turnitin report and the Dissertation Checklist, which you need to complete.
· When the dissertation is approved to move forward by your dissertation supervisory committee, the chair reconciles the Dissertation Minimum Standards Rubrics from each committee member and attaches the dissertation document in Taskstream along with the Turnitin report and the Dissertation Checklist, which you need to complete. The URR receives a workflow notification to complete their review in Taskstream.
· If revisions are requested by the URR, work with your chair and second committee member to address each revision. You then resubmit the dissertation to Taskstream.
· After the dissertation is approved by the URR to move forward, the Form and Style review takes place.
· If you haven’t done so already, please ensure that you have submitted your Graduation Application. The Graduation Application is located on the Student Services tab of your myWalden portal.
· Receive results of the Form and Style review from the dissertation editors.
· Make all changes required by the Form and Style review.
· Find a date and time available for your committee members to hold an oral conference and give the time to your committee chair. Again, the request for an oral conference call must be made at least 3 business days prior to the requested date.
· Receive confirmation from Workflow that your conference has been scheduled. All call information will be found on your landing page.
· Participate in and pass your oral conference and make any required revisions that have been requested by your committee.
( Dissertation Process Worksheet – 2 )
· Submit a copy of your dissertation to Taskstream for committee and URR final quality review.
· If revisions are requested by the URR, work with your chair to address each revision. You then resubmit to Taskstream.
· Receive notification of URR approval via Workflow and your landing page.
Step 5: Final Steps Prior to Graduation
· Receive confirmation that your abstract has been submitted to the chief academic officer (CAO).
· If revisions are requested by the CAO, work with your chair and URR to address each revision. Once revisions are complete, you resubmit to Taskstream.
· Receive final approval of the dissertation from Workflow. Receive your final CAO Endorsement/Approval page from the OSRA.
· Complete submission to ProQuest, per instructions from Workflow/OSRA.
· If revisions are requested on your submission, work to complete these and resubmit to ProQuest.
· Receive confirmation that your ProQuest submission has been accepted.
· Complete and return Survey of Earned Doctorates.
· Receive confirmation from that your degree audit has been completed.
· Review my WaldenAlumni for more information on attending commencement. Remember, if you want to participate in graduation ceremonies, approval of your dissertation and your final degree audit must occur at least one quarter before the term in which the ceremony occurs.
Worksheet for the Dissertation Process was last updated on January 4th, 2021.
This worksheet was intended to assist PhD candidates in keeping track of the many milestones in the dissertation completion process. Because each student’s path is unique, it’s critical to follow the advice of your academic advisors and supervisory committee, if one has been constituted.
Forms and Instructions
All documents, guides, and forms for the dissertation process are found at
All documents for the IRB application are found at
Step 1: Committee Formation and Prospectus Development
· Review your Program of Study, or discuss with academic advisors, to determine when you need to start your prospectus. At least two quarters prior to this time, complete the Dissertation Premise (see Dissertation Premise Guide for details).
· Receive your dissertation supervisory
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