Posted: March 5th, 2022
Essay on a specific disease.
Essay on a specific disease.
Choosing your topic Week 1
Select and define a specific disease or condition. Keep your topic very specific and narrow; do not choose something as broad as ‘pregnancy‘.
View MedlinePlus for more information:
Select and define a specific disease or condition.
Assignment help – Discuss diagnosis and treatment.
Define any new treatments or medicines that are now available due to technological advances. How they are more beneficial than past medical treatments?
Week 2
Homework help – Write an introduction paragraph for your Definition Essay topic. Underline your thesis statement in your introduction.
Week 3
Your outline must be submitted in a formal outline format. The outline should demonstrate enough detail to make it clear that you have considered the organization of your presentation, including the research required for your topic, and the planned sections for your research paper. At the end of your outline, please provide a listing of the sources which you have already identified for use in creating your research paper.
Elements of an Essay
INTRODUCTION: Usually, an introduction starts broad and narrows down to your specific topic, ending in the thesis. This is your opportunity to establish why readers might be curious about your general topic, catch their attention, or put your essay in context. Thesis: Your introduction should end with a clear, specific thesis statement, which will tell readers exactly what your paper will be presenting and defining. The body paragraphs will directly and obviously support your thesis.
BODY PARAGRAPHS: An essay usually has at least three or more body paragraphs, and these will be the evidence or topics that support your thesis.
• Topic Sentences: Each body paragraph will begin with a topic sentence that introduces its topic. All of the information in that paragraph will be clearly and logically related to that topic sentence, which in turn should obviously relate to the thesis.
• Support: You use data, facts, analysis, quotes, anecdotes, examples, details, etc. to support your topic sentences and flesh out your body paragraphs. A good rule of thumb is to have at least three points to support each topic sentence.
• Transitions: An effective essay will show the connection between paragraphs with transitions. These can be the final sentence of each body paragraph or can be integrated into the next topic sentence with transition words.
CONCLUSION: A conclusion should wrap up your essay, but should not introduce new information or arguments. It should begin with a sentence that looks a lot like your thesis to summarize the general points of the paper as a whole, and then draw your paper neatly to a close.
REFERENCES: Be sure to use 7th edition Help write my thesis – APA format. Here is a link to Purdue OWL for examples for the Reference page and in-text citations:
Week 4
The rough draft must be 3-5 pages in length, double-spaced, NOT counting the cover page and the reference pages. You must use at least 3 scholarly sources for your paper beyond the course textbook. Professional journal articles found in the Virtual Library will be key sources in researching your topic. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced and paraphrased; any quoted material must be placed in quotes, and must have accompanying Help write my thesis – APA style in-text citations.
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
The final research paper must be 3-5 pages in length, double-spaced, not counting the cover page and the reference pages. You must use at least 3 scholarly sources for your paper beyond the course textbook. Professional journal articles found in the Virtual Library will be key sources in researching your topic. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced and paraphrased; any quoted material must be placed in quotes, and must have accompanying Help write my thesis – APA style in-text citations.
Answer preview to select and define a specific disease or condition.
Select and define a specific disease or condition.
Help write my thesis – APA
767 words Essay on a specific disease
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