Event Response Plan Basically, terrorism can be described as a strategy and tactic or a crime via a justified reaction to repression and other inexcusable abominations. Indeed, terrorism has been a major issue in the global economies which has tend to denature the promising calm environment for economic growths.
As a matter of fact, terrorism is often used as an effective tactics by the weaker sides in the context of a conflict. Indeed, terrorism confers coercive powers with accruing advantages within military forces at a relatively small cost.
Indeed, due to the secretive and small size of the terrorism groupings, most often they do not provide their opponent with clear organization in which they may defend against or prevent n pre-planned battle.
However, essential background planning is essential to any economy especially in the event that the region has become highly susceptible to terrorist attacks from previous events. The plan below represents an event response plan which would be used in combating terror.
Local-State Communication Effective communication is paramount to the security enhancement across the globe. A county is a section of the state with certain level of independence by virtue of governance. However, the county operates under the state.
Most of the state functions are devolved but security which is a major aspect of the state remains a key function of the state despite some few structures within the county that facilitate security at the county level.
Ideally, using the rigid framework of the security agency set at the county level, the county administration would communicate the security threat to the national security office via the county commissioner office with a view to creating a state sensitization of the impeding terrorist attack.
As a matter of fact, terrorism has been indicatively a secret venture by small groups with vested interest to cause harm. Consequently, the state intelligence services which are sparingly represented at the county level are critical to the reinvention of the attacks (Van & Forno, 2009).
In this regard, the national security department would therefore delegate the investigation and provide further recommendations on the security operation necessary in the region through the state reinforcement.
Both the state and local police have significant role in fighting terror. Essentially, fight against terror in the county and the state at large rests on the law enforcement agencies and the intelligence. Indeed, the local and state security agencies and their law enforcement counterparts have a critical role in mitigating acts of terror. In particular, the state statutes complemented with its technological abilities would be essential in gathering raw intelligence arising from diverse technological and human resources within the local and national levels via the important report from county level over recent terror incidences. Indeed, the local and state agencies would further be responsible for prevention of recurrent attacks through locally provided tips on elemental signs of attacks via an established emergency response (Kahn, 2008).
As a matter of fact, the local agencies in collaboration with state based agencies should further investigate the recent terror incident at the county level which is also significant to the state security. To implement this, the state agencies provide not only resources but also human resource expertise to carryout investigation and subsequently bring the perpetrators to justice. In line with the above, the county security in collaboration with state intelligence service then presents to the department of justice, person involved in either conspiracy or even the actual perpetrators. Indeed, the state has the resources to gather intelligence besides undertaking complex investigations and subsequent prosecution in the event of international terrorists (Kahn, 2008). However, the local security agencies would be pivotal in this case through the provision of pertinent information that would promote the activities of state intelligence activities at the county level.
Local and State Coordination Strategies In order to spearhead safety within the county level amidst severe terrorist threats, the county would engage risk management techniques to overpower the terrorist groups. However, due to low level of resource endowment, the county would have consolidated risk management with the state agencies. The main focus would be risk avoidance while accepting the current situation of previous attack. Furthermore, the county would also seek to communicate awareness messages to the county residence with a view to promote residence-police coordinated efforts in eliminating terrorism. Indeed, county residents are critical to the enhancement of security within the county through provision of essential information towards the intelligence personnel from state government via the county administration (Kahn, 2008). In this regard, county resident would act as the main source of important information while at the same time taking the requisite measures in risk avoidance or reduction.
Through the county request to the State intelligence service, the county administration would seek to liaise with national intelligence service by setting up a devolved office within the county to check on suspicious activities or persons within the counter after the period of attack. Similarly, the county administration would also request for a whole county mop-up in search of illegal aliens who might pose significant peace threats to the region and its residents in general. Periodic security operations would also supplement the investigative measures of the intelligence service via the state security interventions. On aggregate, the county would also develop a network that links up security details on operations, county delegates on intelligence, people’s representative and county administration. In this framework, security would be enhanced across the county through integrated security detail.
Critical Incident Response In promoting overall county security, the county administration would lobby the national government to provide a ground for the acquisition of important technological gadgets towards enhancement of safety and well-being of the community.
Through the small capital layout of the County, the administration will also pull up resources in purchasing high-tech vehicles which are best suited for rough terrains in order to spearhead fast rush in providing emergency response managed by the security personnel at the county level.
Furthermore, the vehicles would be fitted with important communication gadget with immediate connectivity to the state security reinforcement agency as well as the National Intelligence Services. In this regard, the county security will be beefed up to deliver quality and timely security services besides providing significant room for reinforcements in case of huge criminal incidences such as international terrorist attack.
Good communication is pivotal to enhanced security. Due to limited supply of resources, the county administration will also seek administrative taskforce of the Incident Management Plan (IMP) as well as the Crisis Communication Plan (CCP) that would be established at the county level as a call center for the intelligence service center as an ‘ornamental’ devolved intelligence service (Miller, 2009).
In order to enhance critical response at the county level, the county administration will also liaise with the state in establishing three important departments at the county answerable on quarterly basis to the state Intelligence service. In particular, the counter will establish: County Intelligence Integration (CII) office; County Awareness Domain (CAD) office as well as the County Operational Threat Response (COTR) office. Despite the constriction in the county resource endowment and the revenue base, pooling of funds would lead to enhanced security performance with a state reinforcement. Essentially, the county would also foster regular security surveillance in order to promote social integration among the residents (Miller, 2009).
In particular, County Awareness Domain office would be in charge of the public awareness in enhancing the public knowledge of impeding dangers as appertains to terrorism among other security threats. The office will also link up the public with other offices such as COTR and the CII.
Any information regarding intelligence would be however conveyed to any of the three offices directly or via any of the available means within the legal framework. On the other hand, the County Operational Threat Response office will be in charge of the police vehicles and other emergency response equipment that will be acquired by the county in subsequent years.
Furthermore, this office will also be responsible for linking up the county security briefs to the national intelligence services. Finally in this context, County Intelligence Integration Office will have a single representative in the office of the county administrator.
Consequently, the personnel will have absolute functions as a link between the COTR and the national intelligence service. Any information that is gathered at the county level would be transmitted to the national level through the CII office.
In this regard, the CII personnel would be comprised of a senior security officer from the county. Through this chain, the critical response unit would provide a speedy response to terror (Miller, 2009).
Interagency Communication Across the programmed response to terror, there has been an extensive layout of executive agencies. The geographical separation between these agencies ranges county level to the national level. In this regard, communication may prove very essential at establishment. However, in the preliminary stages, the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) will be responsible for both county-county and county-national communication processes. Furthermore, the new county security vehicles will also be important in communicating important security reinforcement from the county to the national levels while the state will provide essential communication in the downward communication.
Due to the rampancy and unprecedented incidences of terror, the county administration would also constitute an emergency response unit among the taskforce within its County Awareness Domain office. Link up stations will also be constituted by the chief county administrator within their jurisdiction gradually particularly in major towns and other hot spots where terrorist have had a major interest on such as churches and mosques.
Clerics and Muslim Sheiks would also be empowered as the centers for report on any suspicious incidences at will. Consequently, the county administration will seek to tap religious interventions in mitigating terror.
Furthermore, the county administration will also demand that each denomination submits in attendant record every two months time to the CII office. Through this network the county will provide sustainable security surveillance throughout the year amidst severe economic challenges with respect to resource endowment (United States, 2004).
Indeed, the county’s communication with the state will be a function of the chief administrator of the counter in seeking technical and financial reinforcement in combating emergency incidences of terror.
Conclusion Finally, from the analysis of the extensive emergency response plan above, resources have been a major ingredient of developing a powerful response plan while at the same time integrating qualified and well equipped personnel. In particular, the supply of efficient communication at every point in the county has been highly emphasized through increased call centers where individuals and group can submit any important information regarding potential security threat, an aspect that would strengthen information gathering prospects of the intelligence service. In order to save manpower while at the same time maintaining effective system through reduced bureaucracy, the above plan employs a network of call centers lying below the three distinct counter anti-terror offices which employs other innovative mechanisms of information gathering and subsequent sharing with the national level intelligence towards undertaking safety measures to promote internal security of the region.

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