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The book is THINK Carl (2013) Social Problems. Chapter 10 (Physical And Mental Health Care).Instructions: Read chapter 10 and post in the forum for this section. Health care is a raging debate in America.  With the passage and upholding of the new health law, it is on many Americans’ minds.  Hopefully this class can help you look at the problems and debates sociologically.  Social epidemiology is the sociological study of health and disease.  How, you may ask, is sociology related to health and disease?  Well, for one, we study how health problems are distributed throughout society.  For instance, how are gender, race, ethnicity, class, religion and geography related to one’s health?  There are correlations for each of these things to our health.  Some of these might seem obvious, well others take some searching to discover.   Health care can be a touchy subject right now.  However it is a fact that the U.S. ranks relatively low on the measures of health care in the world.  Why do you think this is?  We spend the second most per capita on health care, and yet don’t cover everyone.  However, it is worth saying that we have one of the best health care systems for those who can afford it.  The problem is that not many can afford it.  What do you think of the ideas of the sick role and medicalization?  Do you think they hold any water?  What do you think each of the theories would say about some of the social problem related to health?  Once again, stay civil and sociological.  Cite sources outside of your book.Play around with this interactive map of uninsured American to get a better picture of the problem.

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