Final Research Paper
This assignment is a five page ORIGINAL paper on “Racial/Ethnic Inequality that includes a cover page and reference page (seven total pages). The paper needs to have a minimum of four academic reference from peer reviewed journals or books. The paper should be written following the APA 6th edition found in the online library. Each paper should be thoughtful, answer a specific question about racial inequality as related to this course, and be “original” in thought. A paper that answers a specific question will be more likely to demonstrate your understanding of the concepts explored in this course and your ability to apply these concepts in thinking about the world in which you exist.
Suggested Questions:
1) Choose a country other than the United States and document the key diversity concerns for that country. Which groups are dominant and which are non- dominant What are the workforce participation rates, earnings, and employment differences among the groups Does the country have legislation covering those groups How is diversity in the country you chose similar to or different from diversity in the United States
2) Choose an ethnic group (other than yours): What are their values, norms and traditions What are the contemporary issues for this group Explore the consequences of subordinate group status.
3) What is whiteness How does whiteness shape social policy, everyday interaction, employment decision-making, intimate partner selection, etc.
4) What is mass incarceration How has mass incarceration affected racial minority communities What forces drive mass incarceration Why does mass incarceration persist How can mass incarceration and its related consequences be reformed
5) Select a minority religious (other than one you belong): What are the value, norms and traditions How does this affect team development Explore the consequences of subordinate group status.
6) What factors drive immigration How does immigration policy affect the fabric of the American society What role does immigration play in the American society historically, currently, and in the future How would a border-free immigration policy impact the social and economic system
7) Communication is a key part of diversity. What effect does Americas need for a second national language have on the workforce or educational system of society Should everyone in the U.S. speak English What roles does an English only policy have on the global market
8) How are racial stereotypes used in the media What effect do they have on public debates about race relations
9) What is white privilege What role does it play in discrimination What solutions do you see in leveling the playing field
10) What is colorblind racism How do co-workers, family members, friends, classmates, etc. practice colorblind racism How does colorblind racism influence social policy and public dialogue What are the consequences of colorblind racism on racial minority groups
11) How do race/ethnic relations vary between countries What explains these variations What do we gain from international comparison
12) Poverty is the root of many social problems. What role does oppression of minorities including immigrants play in creating poverty How would poverty be effected if the U.S. society embraced pluralism What barriers are there to embracing pluralism

It is strongly suggested that the grading rubric be used in writing the research paper.
Five pages in length (not including cover or reference page)
At least four academic references
o Use library search (ProQuest) or Google Scholar
APA 6th edition
o Title page
o Text (in text citations)
o Reference Page
o 1 inch margins
o Double spaced (no additional paragraph spacing)
o etc
Third person
College level writing skills
No Wikipedia, or similar websites

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