Posted: March 18th, 2022
KINDNESS research essay
Kindness is an ethical characteristic which has great value in many cultures and religions. It is associated with a helpful hand towards one in need without expecting anything in return. Acts of kindness involve being concerned about the welfare of others and seeking to help make their life better. (Isen, 1972). It always makes people happier.
A kind person behaves and acts in a manner no to hurt other people and his/her acts are directed to the welfare of others. Moreover, such acts of kindness are not only directed to those we know but also to strangers whom we seek to help through our selfless acts of making them happier without necessarily benefiting ourselves.
A kind person is usually sensitive to other people’s welfare and emotions and seeks to avoid making them unhappy through what he/she does or says. It involves an act of seeking to heal the emotional wounds of other people. (Taylor, 2009 p. 12)
Moreover, there are acts of kindness demonstrated by kind people. They include being courteous, giving compliments to others, uttering encouraging words with comfort to others and being heartwarming and welcoming to others. This also means being kind to the unthankful and demonstrating charitable deeds to them and a self-sacrifice act with generosity.
Kindness is coupled with the act of being caring and tenderhearted towards others. It should be demonstrated to both people and animals. Any one moved by compassion always looks for an opportunity to show kindness to others. A kind person does not talk about others behind their back but seeks to compliment and encourage them.
Being kind is a basic act of easing other people’s suffering and making them afford a smile. Moreover, you have to feel good towards others and understand what they go through in their life and lessen that burden by socializing with them.
Isen, A. M. (1972). Effect of feeling good on helping: cookies and kindness. . Journal of personality and social psychology, 21(3), 384.
Taylor, A. P. ( 2009 p. 12). On Kindness. London.
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