– Assignment 3: Case HistoryNeed Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.- When conducting an evaluation, it is also important to consider the client’s demography as a possible contributing factor.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.- Use the module readings and the Argosy University online library resources to research methods of recording case histories.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.- Create a case history for a person with an addiction that clearly traces contributing factors. Do not include identifying information. At this point, do not include details of any mental illness that would constitute a dual diagnosis. Be sure to cover the following components in your case history:Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.

  • Demographics – including age, gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, marital status, number and ages of children, living arrangements, and religion if applicable
  • Family background
  • Education
  • Employment
  • History of chemical use
  • Description of the current problem (include history of previous treatment, if any)

– After completing the case history, consider ethical standards in relation to this client. What potential ethical issues exist or may come into play with this client? Be sure to include at least one ethical issue. Explore multiculturalism, duty to report/warn, and confidentiality. For example, if the client has children, explain how duty to report may come into play when working with this client.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.- Write a 3–4-page report in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M1_A3.doc. For example, if your name is John Smith, your document will be named SmithJ_M1_A3.doc.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.- By Week 1, Day 7, deliver your assignment to the M1: Assignment 3 Dropbox.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.

Assignment 3 Grading Research Topics – Criteria Maximum PointsNeed Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.
Created a comprehensive and valid case history with all required components. – 50Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.
Identified potential ethical issues that exist or may come into play with the client. – 10Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.
Explored issues of multiculturalism, duty to report/warn, and confidentiality. – 20Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.
Applied online library resources to support factors contributing to substance use and potential ethical issues. – 12Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.
Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. – 8Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.
Total: 100Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.

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