This lecture, expounds on the origin of our beliefs whether of mythical or spiritual dimensions. In a nutshell, its skewed on aiding us interconnect our mythology with our current understanding of the source of current happenings. In the words of Joseph Campbell, mythology is the explanation of an individual’s religion. The link between the beliefs associated on our life’s state may be either religious or story-based.
Based on the vast dimensions of the dance; i.e. historical, humanities, sociology, political, geographical, psychological or ethnically based, this dance have helped in raising our awareness on the WHY of life. By leaning on the aforementioned dimensions of a dance, we can easily explain the underlying reason of the current state of almost everything in our environment. Furthermore, dance helps us understand that we are the product of our history. This is because of the interconnectivity that dance creates amongst these environmental factors.
From the journal, I have garnered various lessons. To begin with, I believe I am a product of my past. Indeed this is true since the level of my past success and failures have dictated my current predicament. Secondly, I have understood that mythology plays an important role in our daily lives as it aids us understand the origin of aspects of life we experience on our daily lives. For instance, I understand why and how human beings were created. It further points out that humanity is bestowed with extensive creativity and thus we are responsible for the hierarchical levels in lifestyles and in organizations. This journal further creates a comparison of different continents which portrays that the prevalent difference is a factor of mythical and mythological backgrounds of these continents
The major impact I got from the journal is that I am able to change the society by understanding the origin of various aspects of life and the impact of deviating from such norms. This impact has resulted in me making understanding the link between our current societal exposures and the underlying mythologies and beliefs behind them.

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