Posted: March 16th, 2022
NURS4455 Nursing Leadership and Management
NURS4455 Nursing Leadership and Management.
Module 1 Assignment
Leadership Self-Assessment
Overview: Leadership Self-Assessment
Do you view yourself as a leader?
You have, no doubt, served as a leader in some situations, but you may not yet envision yourself as a leader in the nursing environment. This course is designed to help you recognize the leadership and management qualities you bring to the profession, sharpen and enhance those skills, and to encourage you to seek out leadership and management opportunities.
Use the Professional Development Inventory to assess your leadership qualities and skills. Save your results and/or make notes of the conclusions.
• Identify characteristics of leadership and management.
Conclusions and Reflections
Describe your overall leadership characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses. Comment on any characteristics that the tool did not address that you believe to be important.
NURS4455 Nursing Leadership and Management
Module 2 Assignment 1
Organizational Analysis–Shadowing Plan
Open the Assignment document and review the instructions for “shadowing” a nurse leader in your organization.
Overview: Organizational Analysis
The major assignment for this course is analysis of an organization. You will study and report on its structure, processes, and nurse leaders. To get a glimpse of the roles and responsibilities of a nurse leader, meet with a BSN nurse leaderat least two levels above your current position in your organization and request opportunities to observe some of the tasks the nurse leader directs.
If you are unable to observe these tasks you may interview the nurse leader/manager as an alternative. Obviously, there are situations in which you will not be able to observe or participate in meetings or other events or tasks, but you should be able to work with the nurse leader to schedule an interview and at least three specific leadership tasks to discuss.
Complete this assignment to describe which organizational leader you will interview and the plans for the experience. For verification of plans and scheduling, provide contact information of the leader with whom you will be working.
If you are unable to shadow or interview a nurse leader, you may shadow or interview a leader or manager in a non-healthcare related field. You will need to notify your coach.
• Explain how organizations function.
• Compare and contrast characteristics of leadership and management.
• Apply trends, issues, theories, and evidence as guidelines for management decisions.
• Evaluate effectiveness of communications patterns using specific management situations.
Shadowing Plan
In the space below, describe your plan for observing a nurse leader in your organization as the leader is engaged in leadership tasks. First, schedule an interview with the nurse leader (at least two levels above your current position) and record that date and time. Include descriptions of activities, your expected roles or behaviors as an observer or participant, and schedules of the activities. Explain the types of things you will be looking for and how you will record your observations. (Space will expand as you type.)
Please remember to send a thank-you note to the nurse leader you interview.
NURS4455 Nursing Leadership and Management
Module 2 Assignment 2
Change Theories Project
Note: You will create a PowerPoint slide presentation (not an Help write my thesis – APA paper) for this assignment. Submit your assignment through Canvas for grading for this module. If you do not submit a PowerPoint slide presentation you will not receive credit for this assignment.
Overview: Change Theories Project
Each student will produce a plan for implementing a change project in nursing departments throughout the organization. You will beginby selecting one of the options provided in module one and propose a change to solve the problem. If you do not select one of the provided options you will not receive credit for this assignment. Then you will select one of the change theories you have studied that models how you want to implement the proposed change. You will conduct a SWOT analysisanddevelop a comprehensive action plan.
You will create a PowerPoint presentation of your planwith a“script”intheNotessectionbelow each slide, asifyou are presenting this to an audience.Your script must be in the Notes section that is below each slide within your PowerPoint presentation. See the Resource tab for examples. These will be your speaker notes as if you are presenting your PowerPoint to an audience. You MUST have a notes section for your slides. There will be a 50 point deduction if your notes are not below each slide.
Duringandafteryourwork,youwillexaminethetypesofcommunications,decision-making processes,andprocessesyouuse,andcommentuponthoseinthelastpartofthe“script.”
1. Select and utilize a change theory model to implement the proposedchange (chapter 5)
2. Analyzetheleadershiprolesandmanagementskillsnecessarytoimplementanewprogram.
3. Identify your decision-makingprocess.
4. Demonstrate the elements of the changeprocess.
Action Plan (Pivotal portion ofproject)
Your plan will include atleast-
• Supporting rationale for implementing the newprogram.
• Steps and processes necessary to assure staffcompliance.
• Ways in which you will communicate yourplan.
• Thechangeprocessyouhavechosen withanexplanationofhowandwhythismodelwas selected.
• A definition of the leadership style you expect to be mosteffective.
• What management functions you willutilize.
• Any budgetrequirements/implications.
• Theadvantagesanddisadvantagesofusingaworkgroupvs.sendingane-mailannouncing thechange.
• A plan for how you will handle noncompliance, late majority, laggards,andrejecters.
• Specifications regarding how you will evaluate the effectiveness of yourproposal.
Youareexpectedtousecurrentprofessionalreferencestosupportyour workthroughout.Atleast twoofyourreferencesmustbefromseparateprofessionalnursingmanagementjournals
You willopen a newPowerPointpresentation andsave ittoyourcomputerdesktoporotherstorage device with the filename: N4455_ YOURNAME. In the actual file, YOURNAME shouldbereplaced by yourname.
ThepresentationshouldincludeslideswiththescriptintheNotessectionofeachslide.This scriptreflectswhatwouldbesaidatanoralpresentationofthechangeproposaltokey stakeholders.Theslidesshouldbecreatedasfollows-
Slide1: Title Slide – Title and YourName Slide2: Introduction with chosen
Change Theory
Slide3: SWOTAnalysis
IdentifytheStrengths,Weaknesses,Opportunities,andThreatsassociatedwith implementingorfailingtoimplementtheproposedplan.
Slides4-14: ActionPlan
Assignment help – Discussthedetailsoftheimplementationplan.Demonstratetheapplicationof theorytothespecificdecisionsandrecommendations.
• Change theorymodel
• Steps andprocesses
• Communicationplan
• Leadershipstyles
• Managementfunctions
• Budgetrequirements/implications
• Steps to assure staffcompliance
• Evaluation
Slide15: Decision-makingprocess
Analyze the decision-making process used. What was effective orineffectiveandwhat would you change in the future? (Note-Your slides should be indicativeof whatwouldbeusedinthepresentationtothestakeholders,andthescriptinthe Notessectionshoulddescribetothestakeholdershowyouarrivedatdecisions.Then,alsointheNotes,describeinparenthesestheeffectiveand ineffective methods or situations involved in your work. You would probably notgointosuchdetailsinyourpresentationtostakeholders!)
Slide16: References
Throughout: Minimum of three Help write my thesis – APA references, correct Help write my thesis – APAformat,spelling,andgrammar
NURS4455 Nursing Leadership and Management
Module 3 Assignment 1
Financial Management Case Study vfa20(1)
Name: Date:
Overview: Financial Management Case Study
One of the important duties of a nurse leader is to manage personnel and personnel budgets. In this assignment, you will assume the role of a nurse manager. You will use given data to make important decisions regarding budgets and staffing.
Some nurse managers have computer spreadsheets or software applications to help them make decisions regarding budgets and staffing. You will only need simple mathematical operations* to perform the needed calculations in this assignment because the scenario has been simplified. Furthermore,some data have been provided for you that a nurse leader might need to gather or compute in a real setting. Still, you will get a glimpse of the complexity of responsibilities nurse leaders shoulder regarding financial management.
• To calculate the percent of the whole a given number represents, follow these steps:
Change the percentage to a decimal number by moving the decimal twice to the left (or dividing by 100).
Multiply the new decimal number by the whole.
Example: What is 30% of 70?
30%= .30; (.30) × 70 = 21
• To find out what percentage a number represents in relation to the whole, follow these steps:
Divide the number by the whole (usually the small number by the large number).
Change the decimal answer to percent by moving the decimal twice to the right (or multiplying by 100).
Example: What percent of 45 is 10?
10 ÷ 45 = .222; so, 10 is 22% of 45.
* You will only need addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Case Study
You are the manager for 3 West, a medical/surgical unit. You have been given the following data to assist you in preparing your budget for the upcoming fiscal year.
Patient Data
Average Daily Census (ADC): 55
Budget based on 6.2Avg.Hours per patient day (HPPD)
(6.2HPPD excludesNurse Manager and unit secretaries)
Staff Data
Total FTEs 40.0 Variable FTEs
1.0 Nurse Manager
2.5 Unit Secretaries
43.5Total FTEs
Staffing Mix
RN 75%
LVN 10%
NA 15%
Average Salary Scale per Employee
Benefits are 35% of annual salaries
Nurse Manager $75,000.00 per year
Registered Nurses (RN) $34.00 per hour
Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVN) $20.00 per hour
Nurse Aides (NA) $14.50 per hour
Unit Secretary (US) $12.00 per hour
1. How many RNs, LVNs, and NAs, by category, are on the staff of 3 West? (Round FTEsto the nearest tenth.)Compute totals for each column.
Positions Variable FTEs % by Position FTEs by Position
RN 40 0.75 30
LVN 40
NA 40
2. Compute the annual salary budget for 3 West.
Compute totals for appropriate columns.
Positions FTEs Salary Hours Salary Subtotals Amount of Benefits Total
MANAGER 1.0 $75,000 XXXX $75,000 $26,250
RN 30 $34 2080 $2,121,600
LVN 2080
NA 2080
Sec 2080
3. Your hospital unit, 3 West, is a 60-bed general medical-surgical unit. Over the past year, the ADC (Ave. Daily Census) was 55 patients.
Use the following data on 3 West during the last year to perform these calculations and answer these questions.
A. Complete this table to calculate the actualaverage hours of care required per patient day (HPPD) for the patients in 3 West.Round to the nearest tenth
Acuity Mix Average Hours of Care Required Average Daily Census
(ADC) Total Hours of Care Per Day
I 1.4 8 11.2
II 3.9 21
III 5.6 19
IV 8.8 7
Hours per patient day (HPPD)
B. Remember that your established personnel budget for 3 West assumes a HPPD of 6.2. If your calculated HPPD is different, explain the significance of the variance. (If your calculated HPPD is different than 6.2, you must write more than, “We need more/less nurses.”)
What is the Significance of the variance? If you believe you need more staff, what will be your rationale for making this requires? If you have too much staff, what would your proposal be for bringing your staffing into a better balance?
C. What are the implications for the Nurse Manager? As an example, based on your conclusions in Section B, what other observations would you make as you review your total budget and what would you expect to see as a result? (Ex: supply costs; overtime hours, average census of 50 on a 60 bed unit, etc.)
4. Youhave set two new goals for your unit for the next year related to personnel:
• Provide stronger unit management support on evening and night shifts and inthe absence of the manager.
• Correct unfavorable efficiency variances due to overtime.
To accomplish these goals, you plan to make these changes:
• Add 1.0 RN FTE position
• Eliminate 1.5 LVN positions
• Add 1.5 FTEs NA positions
• Add 1.0 Assistant HN position at $62,000/year
Calculate ONLY the costof the proposed recommendations for 3 West.Compute totals for each column. If the change represents a reduction in the budget for that category, record the total as a negative number. If it represents an increase in the budget for that category, record the total as a positive number.
Positions FTEs Salary Hours Salary Subtotals Benefits Total
RN 1
LVN -1.5
NA 1.5
AHN 1 62,000 XXXXX
5. Assume your proposal was approved. Calculate the new personnel budget (You will use your budget from question 2 and account for the changes you requested in question 4). Compute totals for each column.
Positions FTEs Salary Hours Salary Subtotals Benefits Total
Manager 1 $75,000 XXXXX
AHN 1 $62,000 XXXXX
RN 31
NURS4455 Nursing Leadership and Management
Module 3 Assignment 2
Organizational Analysis–The Organization
Name: Date:
Organizational Analysis–The Organization
Them aj or assignment for this course is analysis of your organization (or an organization that you have worked for if you aren’t currently employed).In this assignment, you will report the organization’smission,philosophy,and administrative structure. You will compare and contrast whatyoufind with the characteristicsoforganizations you have learned aboutin the lecturesand presentations and in your own investigative reading.
Complete this assignment to demonstrate your analysis of the big picture of your organization.
• Explain how organizations function.
• Compare and contrast characteristics of leadership and management.
• Apply trends, issues, theories, and evidence as guidelinesf or management decisions.
• Evaluate effectiveness of communication patterns using specific management situations.
Expected elements for scholarly writing:
• Ensure correct grammar and spelling
• Assignment should be submitted as an Help write my thesis – APA Paper, including title page and references.
• Title page is required for this Assignment and the UTACON version is expected format.
• 1-inch margins, 12 size Times New Roman font.
• Please provide all references used to support your opinions and clarify positions in the paper.
• The reference list begins on a separate page from the content.
• Headings are expected and must be connected to the assignment criteria following Help write my thesis – APA style.
• An introduction is expected providing a brief look at what is planned within the body of the paper. However, no heading is used over the introduction in Help write my thesis – APA format. A Summary is usedand should have a heading over it.
• For all other style questions refer to the American Psychological Association. (2020).
Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.) Washington, DC: Author.
Introduction of the Organization
Provide a concise description of the healthcare organization, including type of agency, size ,geographic location, services provided, target clientele, accreditation status, and community relationships.
Examination ofthe Organization
Identify the organization’smission,philosophy,and theadministrative structure.Identifythetypeof organizational structure thefacilityrepresents (functional,matrixreporting,jointpractice,etc.).Give examplesthatsupportthetype you selected.
Strengths and Limitations
Assignment help – Discussmajorstrengthsand limitationsoftheorganization.
Care Delivery System
Describe the nursing care deliverysystem(s)used.Include delegation examples ofmanager,charge nurse,licensed staffto unlicensed staff.
Outcomes and Measurements
Assignment help – Discuss two specific patient outcomes and explain how they are measured and monitored. Include one system–wide outcome and one nurse–sensitive clinical indicator.
NURS4455 Nursing Leadership and Management
Module 4 Assignment
: Organizational Analysis – The Nurse Leader
Name: Date:
Overview: Organizational Analysis – The Nurse Leader
The major assignment for this course is analysis of your organization. In this assignment, you will analyze your nurse leader’s characteristics and behaviors regarding others in managing, leading, and communicating. By respectfully, but critically, critiquing these attributes of the nurse leader you have been “shadowing,” you can identify the attributes that you consider most and least effective, and most and least similar to the way you see yourself managing, leading, and communicating.
Complete this document to record your analysis of your nurse leader.
• Explain how organizations function.
• Compare and contrast characteristics of leadership and management.
• Apply trends, issues, theories, and evidence as guidelines for management decisions.
• Evaluate effectiveness of communication patterns using specific management situations
Expected elements of scholarly writing:
• Ensure correct grammar and spelling
• Assignment should be submitted as an Help write my thesis – APA Paper, including title page and references.
• Title page is required for this Assignment and the UTACON version is expected format.
• 1-inch margins.
• Please provide all references used to support your opinions and clarify positions in the paper. The reference list begins on a separate page from the content.
• Headings are expected and must be connected to the assignment criteria following Help write my thesis – APA style. An introduction is expected providing a brief look at what is planned within the body of the paper. However, no heading is used over the introduction in Help write my thesis – APA format. A Summary is used and should have a heading over it.
• For all other style questions refer to the American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.) Washington, DC: Author.
Nurse Manager
Include your nurse facilitator’s credentials, position, scope of responsibilities, length of time as a manager, etc. Describe his or her participation in professional organizations, which professional journals he or she typically reads, and other pertinent information related to ongoing professional development.
Nurse Leader
Describe the leadership style of the nurse manager with supportive references cited. Provide specific examples of how he or she handles responsibilities and indicate whether you believe the responsibilities were handled effectively or ineffectively. Provide at least two specific examples of leadership skills in practice, and critique the effectiveness/ineffectiveness for the identified situation. (Examples may include situations related to use of power, conflict management, managing personnel, crisis management, effective delegation, team building, etc.)
Provide specific examples of communications interactions upward, downward, as well aspeer communication. How effective or ineffective is the manager in various roles, and what recommendations do you have that would help him or her to be a more effective communicator?
NURS4455 Nursing Leadership and Management
Module 5 Assignment 1
Overview: Organizational Analysis – Your Experience
The major assignment for this course is analysis of your organization. During the span of this course, you have been shadowing a nurse leader, observing and reflecting on skills, behaviors, and strategies that the leader exhibits. You have also been assessing and reflecting on your own leadership and management styles and skills. Now you will gather those thoughts in a more formal retrospective of your experience in the course. You may notice that the rubric for the previous assignment is similar to the rubric for this assignment. Keep in mind that the previous assignment you were presenting an analysis of the leader/manager that you shadowed and with this assignment you are presenting an analysis of the overall experience (which does include the time spent with your leader/manager).
• Explain how organizations function.
• Compare and contrast characteristics of leadership and management.
• Apply trends, issues, theories, and evidence as guidelines for management decisions.
• Evaluate effectiveness of communications patterns using specific management situations.
Please create a new word document with title page, body of paper, and references according to 7th ed Help write my thesis – APA to submit your work.
Essential elements of scholarly writing:
• Ensure correct grammar and spelling
• Assignment should be submitted as an Help write my thesis – APA Paper, including title page and references.
• Title page is required for this Assignment and the UTACON version is expected format.
• 1-inch margins.
• Please provide all references used to support your opinions and clarify positions in the paper. The reference list begins on a separate page from the content.
• Headings are expected and must be connected to the assignment criteria following Help write my thesis – APA style. An introduction is expected providing a brief look at what is planned within the body of the paper. However, no heading is used over the introduction in Help write my thesis – APA format. A Summary is used and should have a heading over it.
• For all other style questions refer to the American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.) Washington, DC: Author.
What types of conflict did you observe? Was your leader/manager effective or ineffective in handling the conflict(s)? Give 2 specific examples of how your leader/manager’s leadership style influenced their method to handle the conflict.
If you didn’t observe any conflict, describe a common conflict that occurred in your workplace. How did your manager handle the conflict and was it effective or ineffective? Give 2 specific examples of how your leader/manager’s leadership style influenced their method to handle the conflict.
Briefly summarize what your initial impression would be of the Nurse Manager and how your impression of the Nurse Manager’s role has changed during this shadowing experience.Briefly describe your own leadership style and whether or not you feel that this style would complement the organization. Summarize how your manager’s leadership skills and style either complements or competes against the effectiveness of the organization.
Professional Development
Would you like this position? Why or why not? What skills would you need to develop and how would you acquire them if you were interested in this position? What types of professional development would help you develop these skills?
NURS4455 Nursing Leadership and Management
Module 5 Assignment 2
Overview: Professional Development Plan
This course aims to help you utilize quality improvement processes and management tools to improve client care outcomes, partly by improving the nurse’s working environment as you make and implement good decisions. Now you will apply those processes and tools to yourself by creating a professional development plan.
Look back at your Professional Development Inventory and Leadership Self-Assessment from module one. Use these tools as you develop your own professional development plan for both short term and long term success. You will develop your own personal nursing philosophy, using previously developed philosophies (cite sources). You will then set short term and long term goals keeping in mind intrinsic and extrinsic forces that may aid or hinder your progress.
Submit this assignment on this template and submit as a docx document.
• Explain how organizations function.
• Compare and contrast characteristics of leadership and management.
• Apply trends, issues, theories, and evidence as guidelines for management decisions.
• Evaluate effectiveness of communication patterns using specific management situations.
Part A. Completion of Assessment Tools
My Vision and Interests: How do each of these areas contribute to or inhibit your ability to reach your goals?
Personal VALUES Influencing FACTORS (positive and negative)
Personal Experience
Family Member(s)
OPTIONS to Consider PLANNED Accomplishments
Financial Needs
Balancing Personal & Professional Life
As an Individual
Team Member
My SWOT Analysis
Personal Strengths/Talents
Professional Interests
Personal Characteristics
Professional Development Areas
Learning Experiences
Planned or Unplanned
Resources and Networks
Balancing Personal & Professional Life
Limiting Factors
My Professional Goals
Homework help – Write at least one goal in each time category. Homework help – Write the goal in measurable terms, and list them in order of those that are most important to you to those that are least important.
As a New BSN Graduate With Experience 3 – 5 Years
New Horizons 10 Years Career Accomplishments 25 – 30 Years
Part B: Analysis and Conclusions
References, Format, and Organization
Homework help – Write at least one paragraph(at least three sentences) in response to each of the categories below. (Each space will expand as you type.) Use at least 3references to support your discussion of each component.The references that you utilize aid in validity of your personal philosophy as well as help to strengthen your argument for prioritization as well as strategies used. Homework help – Write citations in Help write my thesis – APA format, and include a references list (in Help write my thesis – APA format) at the end of the document. (NOTE: To make it easier to distinguish your work from the guiding instructions, use black text.)
Statement of Philosophy
Record your statements of philosophy of Nursing and of personal philosophy. Explain how these are reflected the values, vision, and personal interests that you recorded in your “My Vision and Interests” tool.
Use of Assessment Tools to Formulate Goals
Clearly utilize information from the Assessment Tools as the basis for formulating your goals. Develop a list of prioritized goals based on your assessments. Goals must be stated in measurable terms, i.e., how can you tell you have accomplished that goal?Identify dates for accomplishing each goal.
Specific Strategies
Identify specific strategies for accomplishing your goals.Give specific examples for accomplishing your goals, including resources and major intermediate steps.
Priority of Goals
Explain how the priority of your goals is consistent with your statements of values. Explain how your goals are congruent with each other and with your values.
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