Spiritual Self-Assessment: The purpose for this assignment is to own values related to personal spirituality/religiosity and how these affect their nursing practice. Beginning faith integration concepts will be discussed in the context of the student’s self-assessment. a. Use the Questions for Self-assessment of Nurse-Healers in Taylor, Box 3-1 and the Activities for Increasing Self-Awareness in Taylor, Box 3-3 and your readings as guidelines. b. Write a 1page assessment of your own spirituality including areas you feel you would like to work to improve. c. Paper must be typed and in APA format & provide correctly cited references. ***You must do your assessment using table 3.1 and 3.3 Paragraph 1: Intro and main idea focusing on assessment findings, activities that promote spirituality, and areas of improvement. paragraph 2: Assessment findings- elaborate on what you currently practice based on your assessment paragraph 3: Activities that promote spirituality- support your topic with references- Taylor is perfect. paragraph 4: Areas to improve based on findings paragraph 5: conclusion GRADING RUBRIC: Intro 5 Assessment Findings 5 Activities to promote spirituality 10 Areas to improve 10 Conclusion 5 References/Citations 5 Total Points 40 Box 3-1 (Taylor, 2002): 1. Do patients hear in my voice that I care? That I have time for them? That they are safe with me? 2. What is the quality of my facial expression? Of my eyes? Do they communicate care and compassion, or are the perfunctory and distant? Does the patient feel seen by me, or overlooked? If the eyes are the windows of the soul, what is my soul saying to the soul of my patient? What is the patient’s soul saying? 3. Am I focused on the task at hand and simply touching the patient to get the job done? Or does my touch convey care, support, nurture, and competence? Does my touch communicate that I know I am touching this person’s spirit as I contact his or her skin, because where else is the spirit located but in the body? Do I speak of love and kindness and respect through my hands? Box 3-3 (Taylor, 2002): Connecting-Definition:Seeking contact with self, others, universe, Ulimate Other; helps us settle in and touch the earth, heaven, past, present, future, loved ones near & far away. Activities:Tai chi, talking on phone, writing letters, old photographs, and rituals Disconnecting – Definition:Letting go; helps in connecting in different and creative ways.Activities: Free-form meditation, free dance, abandoned laughter, and guided meditation Journeying- Definition:Taking a journey in time and space, moving through space; not “running away’ but a skill to take care of yourself. Activities: Walking, reading epic novels, and journaling Transforming- Definition:Using raw materials to create something new and different or restoring order from chaos Activities:Weaving, gardening, cleaning drawers, balancing a checkbook, and creative cooking Skill Acquisition- Definition: “Logical” problem solving or taking care of it by acquiring new skills Taking a class & consulting a therapist Washing Away- Definition:Purifying, not necessarily with water. Activities: Showering or bathing, fasting, sitting before a fire, deep breathing and gardening to “play in the dirt” rather than to transform the garden Book to use- Spiritual Care Nursing Theory,Research and Practice by Elizabeth J.Taylor

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