Paper B: a matrix mapping of a key IT-related organizational (or personal) ethical issue concerning privacy and organizational policy designed to correct the ethical issue.
The first step of this assignment is an opportunity to analyze a key IT-related organizational (or personal, if you are not in the job force) ethical issue, related to privacy, subject to relevant laws, regulations, and policies. Both of the following sites provide sources, and an excellent backdrop for issues relating to privacy protection and the law.
See EPIC Privacy Issues at: See List on left and/or: EFF Privacy at [see list below in center on this page].
This includes sub-topics discussing information privacy, privacy laws, applications and court rulings (case law is usually an extension of the basic law based on the facts from specific cases and real-world court decisions), and key privacy and anonymity issues. While the sites provide many interesting topics, be sure to focus on our class IT topics.
1. Use the template below and the list of suggested workforce privacy topics from one of the sites above to produce a matrix to map a key organizational ethical (or personal, if not in the job force) issue and how this issue is affected by laws, regulations, and policies. Use the list of normative ethics below to help you complete the matrix. Choose any three (only three) of the following list of twelve (12) principles of normative ethics described below.
2. Prepare the Ethical Issue matrix (single-space in the cells) and include the following explanation (200 words) —double-space your narrative—below the matrix:
a. Why I chose the dilemma;
b. Why I chose the three principles; and
c. An analysis of the research used to identify the actions in the matrix.
The completed matrix allows you to weigh the different issues involved and assign a rank as to the importance of the actions based on the effect on the stakeholders.
3. Indicate appropriate APA in-text and source citations for all sources. In addition to critical thinking and analysis skills, your assignment should reflect appropriate grammar and spelling, good organization, and proper business-writing style.
Normative Ethics List
Autonomy: is the duty to maximize the individual’s right to make his or her own decisions.
Beneficence: is the duty to do good both individually and for all.
Confidentiality: is the duty to respect privacy of information and action.
Equality: is the duty to view all people as moral equals.
Finality: is the duty to take action that may override the demands of law, religion, and social customs.
Justice: is the duty to treat all fairly, distributing the risks and benefits equally.
Non-maleficence: is the duty to cause no harm, both individually and for all.
Understanding/Tolerance: is the duty to understand and to accept another viewpoint if reason dictates doing so is warranted.
Publicity: is the duty to take actions based on ethical standards that must be known and recognized by all who are involved.
Respect for persons: is the duty to honor others, their rights, and their responsibilities. Showing respect others implies that we do not treat them as a mere means to our end.
Universality: is the duty to take actions that hold for everyone, regardless of time, place, or people involved. This concept is similar to the Categorical Imperative.
Veracity: is the duty to tell the truth.
A sample template for the matrix is shown below. To reconstruct the sample template, you may use the Table Tool in MS Word or copy and paste this template.

Ethical issue:
Stakeholders (Principle 1) (Principle 2) (Principle 3)
Step 1: Identify the ethical issue that you want to analyze, as described above. An example might be the falsification of your personal profile in a social networking site.
Step 2: Identify the stakeholders involved. You, someone who reads your personal profile in a social network site, potential employers, etc. Be sure that each stakeholder category is unique and not similar to another category you use.
Step 3: Choose any three (only three) of the Normative Ethics principles that might apply to your issue such as autonomy, publicity, and veracity.
Step 4: Identify how the ethical issue affects each stakeholder based on the principles you identified. Put this statement in the matrix next to the stakeholder.
Sample Completed Matrix
Ethical issue: falsifying your profile on a social networking site
Stakeholders autonomy publicity veracity
1: Yourself You have the duty to maximize the right to make your own decisions. You have the duty to take actions based on ethical standards that must be known and recognized by all who are involved. You have the duty to tell the truth
2: Other users of the networking site They have the duty to make their own decisions They make these decisions based on ethical standards that should be recognized by the person falsifying their profile They assume that the person falsifying the profile has the duty to tell the truth.
3: The social networking site The autonomy of the site is limited by law (Goldman, 2007) Users of social networking sites are content publishers, as such the site must take actions based on legal and ethical standards and must notify users of these standards so they are known by all. As providers of content the site must conform to the laws regarding truth or be held responsible for legal issues as defamation (making harmful false statements about someone else) or copyright infringement. (Goldman, 2007)
Goldman, E. (2007, May). Social Networking Sites and the Law. Retrieved from
[Note: Plug the above URL directly into your browser, in its entirety to open]
The second step of this assignment requires that you write an organizational policy (or personal policy, if you are not in the job force) to correct the IT-related ethical issue that you had previously described, where you mapped a key organizational or personal issue and identified how the digital ethical issue was affected by relevant laws, regulations, and policies.
The following elements must be addressed:
You may take a look at other policies to see how they are written. While the following site:, provides credible examples of templates for policies, an Internet search may provide other templates, however there is no need to copy a template for this assignment, as the template should only be utilized to provide guidance regarding the following headings.
Your policy should include appropriate information for the following major headings:
• Overview of the policy – an Introduction
• Purpose of the policy – the aim of the policy
• Scope (roles and responsibilities of stakeholders) – who is involved in policy execution.
• Policy Points to follow – (Note: you should be aware that a policy only describes “what,” the staff of an organization will do, while a procedure describes “how,” the staff of an organization will accomplish a required action. As a result, this section should only discuss the specific measures, needs, or changes to behavior within the organization in terms of policy points, i.e., what they must do to conform to the policy. Any procedures that are needed to assist in doing the “what,” are usually included by reference later in the policy – procedures should not be included in the policy points).
• Sanctions/enforcement of policy – what happens in case of non-compliance
This assignment requires a minimum of three external references. Indicate appropriate APA source citations for all sources you use.
In addition to critical thinking and analysis skills, your paper should reflect appropriate grammar and spelling, good organization, and proper business-writing style.
Prepare a 4-6 page, double-spaced paper with your Ethical Matrix and your Organizational or Personal Policy (if not in the job force).
Please submit your Paper B to the LEO Assignments Module as an attached Microsoft Word file. Paper B is due at the end of the fourth week of this course. Include a Cover Page with your Name, the UMUC/Name of the Class, and the Title of the Paper.
Due Date
Sep 15, 2019 11:59 PM
Hide Paper Writing Service – Topic Examples – Rubrics
Paper Writing Service – Topic Examples – Rubric Name: Paper B – Fall 2019
This table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method.Research Topics – Criteria
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
New Level
Ethical Issue – Select a specific ethical issue in accord with the LP requirements.
0.5 points
The ethical issue selected was within the parameters defined and was narrowed down to a specific concern.
0.4 points
The ethical issue selected was within the parameters defined, but was of a general, not specific nature..

0.3 points
The ethical issue selected was too broad, and included sub-issues.
0 points
The ethical issue was not defined
/ 0.5
Stakeholders – Identify stakeholders regarding the issue.
0.5 points
Three or more of the stakeholders directly connected with the ethical issue were identified.
0.4 points
Two of the stakeholders directly connected with the ethical issue were identified
0.3 points
.Only one of the stakeholders directly connected with the ethical issue were identified
0 points
None of the stakeholders directly connected with the ethical issue were identified
/ 0.5
Principles – Choose three normative ethics principles from Conference Session Two for evaluation of the issue.
0.5 points
The three principles identified were logically associated with the ethical issue selected.
0.4 points
The three principles identified had an ambiguous association with the selected ethical issue.
0.3 points
The three principles identified had a weak or no relation with the selected ethical issue.
0 points
The three principles identified had no relation with the selected ethical issue
/ 0.5
Effects of Issue – Determine the effects of the issue upon the stakeholders considering the principles selected.
4.5 points
The effects of the issue on the stakeholders, according to the chosen principles demonstrated a critical thinking process.
3.6 points
The effects of the issue on the stakeholders, according to the chosen principles demonstrated a good thinking process.
2.7 points
The effects of the issue on the stakeholders, according to the chosen principles demonstrated a weak thinking process
0 points
The effects of the issue on the stakeholders, according to the chosen principles did not demonstrate logical thinking.
/ 4.5
Matrix Explanation – Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain the choice of issue, the choice of principles, and a short analysis of the research used to identify the actions in the matrix.
4 points
The paper provided an excellent explanation of the three required points within the length specified.
3.2 points
The paper provided a good explanation of the three required points, but was short of the length specified.
2.4 points
The paper provided a satisfactory explanation of the three required points, but was short of the length specified
0 points
The paper did not provide an explanation for each of the three required points.
/ 4
Overview of policy
2 points
The overview fully introduces the ethical issue and its facets.
1.6 points
The overview partially introduces the ethical issue and its facets.
1.2 points
The overview introduces the ethical issue, and its facets in a cursory manner
0 points
The overview does not introduce the ethical issue, and its facets
/ 2
Purpose of policy
2 points
The purpose of the policy is crystal clear and there should be no question why it was put in place
1.6 points
The purpose of the policy was good and there may be a question as to why it was put in place
1.2 points
The purpose of the policy could have been clearer and there are questions as to why it was put in place
0 points
The purpose of the policy was not clear and there are questions regarding its applicability
/ 2
Scope (roles and responsibilities of stakeholders)
2 points
The extent of the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders was fully defined
1.6 points
The extent of the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders was partially defined
1.2 points
The extent of the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders could have had better definition
0 points
The extent of the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders was not defined.
/ 2
Policy Points – this section should discuss the specific measures, needs, or changes to behavior within the organization in terms of policy points
2 points
The policy points placed in force at the organizational unit were fully described
1.6 points
The policy points placed in force at the organizational unit were partially described
1.2 points
The policy points placed in force at the organizational unit were cursorily identified.
0 points
The policy points placed in force at the organizational unit were not identified
/ 2
Policy sanctions for non-compliance
2 points
The penalties of non-compliance with the policy were fully discussed
1.6 points
The penalties of non-compliance with the policy were only partially discussed.
1.2 points
The penalties of non-compliance were briefly mentioned in a cursory fashion
0 points
The penalties of non-compliance were not included.
/ 2
External References
1 point
A minimum of three or more outside references have been provided which are current, with URLs provided
0.8 points
Only two outside references have been provided which are current, with URLs provided.
0.6 points
Only one outside reference has been provided which is current, with a URL provided
0 points
No outside references were provided
/ 1
APA Compliance
1 point
Reference list and in-text citations were in full compliance with APA style requirements
0.8 points
Reference list and in-text citations were in general compliance with APA style requirements
0.6 points
Only a token amount of the sources and in-text citations were referenced in accord with APA style requirements
0 points
All sources and in-text citations were NOT referenced in accord with APA style requirements
/ 1
Mechanics Grammar – .25 Contractions – .20 Spelling – .20 Punctuation – .20 Green/Red Lines – .15
1 point
Grammar, contractions, spelling, and punctuation correctly applied.
0.8 points
Some grammar, contractions, spelling, or punctuation errors exist. Underlined errors in MS Word not corrected
0.6 points
There were many grammar, contractions, and spelling errors. Punctuation not correctly applied. Underlined errors in MS Word not corrected
0 points
There were numerous grammar, contractions, and spelling errors. Punctuation not correctly applied. Underlined errors in MS Word not corrected.
/ 1
Paper Writing Service – Topic Examples – Rubric Total Score
/ 23

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