Posted: March 2nd, 2022
Please choose a Power Point presentation topic within one of the following focus areas:
Focus Area A: Choose a social issue and relate this issue to deviant behavior/deviance and crime/ACJS (for example–Status Characteristics and Judicial Discretion). There are many issues you can choose from that you can related to social psychological theories. For example, if you choose bullying as an issue, you will need to present bullying within the lens of a social psychological theory (again, this is just an example). To help you develop your project, possible ideas of emphasis in relation to the example above, would include the gender treatment/perception of sexual promiscuity by gender, or a historical construction, etc. The key is to relate the project specifically to deviant behavior/deviance and crime/ACJS .
Focus Area B: Choose a specific group and present a criminological constructive critique of the various actors/agents within the group. There are many types of groups you can choose from (e.g. a religious group, drug users, prostitutes, consumers, political parties, ideologies, a social movement, workplace, specific crime types, etc.). Remember that it must relate to deviant behavior/deviance and crime/ACJS in some logical manner.
Focus Area C: Provide a criminological critique of two or more or a combination of the following: book, movie, a genre of music or dance, play, or TV show and its impact on attitudes and perceptions it creates (for example) of a group.
Focus Area D: Provide a social psychological theoretical critique of the US Criminal Justice System and how it does/does not serve as (you fill in the blank with a topic of interest to you—just remember that you have to tie it to our class material)____________.
Your Power Point must be 10-12 slides (not including your intro and reference page) and include written text as well as 4 supplemental items (you-tube videos, clips, photos, etc). Supplemental items can be visual, such as photos, artwork, videos, or graphs; or auditory, such as music or sounds. Please note that having 4 pictures does not constitute having 4 supplemental items. The supplemental items should be a combination of items, for example you may want to include music, pictures, and graphs in your Power Point.
You must gather 6 to 8 (scholarly) sources for you presentation. The sources should be a combination of either books or articles from professional journals
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ACC 502 GCU,
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