In three (full) pages, summarize the following topics covered over the last three weeks. Paper format: Times New Roman – 12 point font, double spaced, no extra space between paragraphs.

1) Faith Development: In one page list and describe the Fowler’s description of faith development. Where in life do these stages of faith development occur (generally speaking)? In terms of faith development, what challenges do children, teenagers, and adults face in developing faith? You must cite from the textbook (Faith, Religion, and Theology) in a least two places on this page.

2) World Religions: In one page describe one of the religions covered in our textbook. Describe it’s content, practices, and beliefs as described in Rethinking Religion or Faith, Religion, and Theology. You must cite from the textbooks (F,R, & T or RR) in a least two places on this page.

3) Science and Religion: In one page, describe the challenges that exist between science and religion. How might they be reconciled? How does Einstein describe the relationship between science and religion. You must cite from the textbooks (Living in Truth, Beauty, and Goodness or RR) in a least two places on this page, and you must cite from the Einstein article at least once.

For full credit you must do the following:

1. Have clearly marked sections (with section headings) consisting of a) Faith Development, b) World Religions, c) Science and Religion.

2. You must use the texts in your paper. This can be through the use of quotes or specific information. When citing the text, use the following format (text name, page #).

3. Write a minimum of 3 full pages. Anything less than a full page will not count toward your total.

4. Do your best to reference specific things. Provide detailed responses by referencing specific things from the notes, texts, and videos.

Other things to consider:

I will not accept sources other than those assigned for this course (notes and texts). Use of any other sources will not count toward your grade.

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