CRJ 105 WK 3 Quiz 1 Chapter 1-41. The field that attempts to define, explain, and predict criminal behavior is known as:a. Criminalistics b. Applied criminology c. Criminology d. Theology2. “The insanity defense allows many dangerous offenders to escape conviction.” This is:a. A biased statement b. A common myth regarding the criminal justice system c. Consistent with research findings in the field of applied criminology d. True in the United States, but not in most European nations3. According to French sociologist Auguste Comte, the last stage of the progression of knowledge is:a. Theological b. Metaphysical c. Scientific d. Postmodernist4. Most of the modern-day developments in criminology have taken place in which country?a. England b. Italy c. Spain d. United States5. Behavior that is outside the range of normal societal toleration is best described as:a. Criminal b. Deviant c. Felonious d. Mala in se6. As society becomes increasingly complex and heterogeneous, which of the following is typically true of society’s efforts to maintain order?a. Society becomes increasingly reliant on informal methods of social control. b. Society becomes increasingly reliant on formal, codified laws. c. Society becomes entirely reliant upon police and the criminal justice system. d. Society becomes more reliant on religious organizations.7. Which of the following is true of laws?a. Laws are the most efficient means of social control. b. Laws define which behaviors classify as “deviant” in a given society. c. Laws can be enforced by either political or moral authorities. d. Laws become more common when informal methods of social control are weakened.8. Which of the following is an example of a person violating a folkway?a. Johnny was eating dinner at a friend’s house and openly expressed distaste for the meal being served. b. Jenny hadn’t studied for her calculus exam, so she copied answers from the student sitting next to her. c. Jessica was bored on a Friday night, so she stole a car to go joyriding. d. Joe killed a bartender in a botched robbery attempt.9. Prohibition had the unintended effect of increasing corruption, disobedience, and public disrespect for the law. This unintended effect is an example of:a. A manifest function of law b. A latent function of law c. Mala in Se d. Mens Rea10. Gemeinschaft refers to:a. A communal society that predominantly relies on informal methods of social control b. A heterogeneous society in which codified laws are necessary to maintain control c. A view that holds that law is a means of preserving the status quo on behalf of the powerful d. A person who has a strong knowledge of law and criminal justice procedures11. The argument that drug laws are a tool for the wealthy to control the dangerous classes is consistent with the:a. Conflict view of crime b. Purist legal view of crime c. Consensus view of crime d. Metaphysical view of crime12. Overall crime rates:a. Remain stable across societies and through time b. Tend to be stable across societies, but fluctuate over time c. Vary across societies, but within a particular society tend to be stable over time d. Vary by social and historical context13. The residents of country X have diverse viewpoints regarding which behaviors are considered moral. People in this society tend to be individualistic, which may be a product of the economic structure, which is characterized by extensive division of labor. Country X would be considered a:a. Gemeinschaft society b. Gesellschaft society c. Theocratic society d. Communal society14. Famed sociologist Émile Durkheim argued that crime is normal. By this, he meant that:a. Criminals should be viewed no differently than non-criminals within society. b. Criminal labels are arbitrary and serve no function in society; thus, criminal law should be abolished. c. Crime is a predictable product of, and in some ways a useful element of, the structure of society. d. Crime is so pervasive in society that it becomes normalized.15. The use of rationality and logical argument to explain crime is most reflective of which stage of the progression of knowledge?a. Theological b. Metaphysical c. Scientific d. Futuristic16. Driving 26 miles per hour in an area where the speed limit is 25 miles per hour would best be described as an act:a. Mala in se b. Mala prohibita c. Of overcriminalization d. Of felonious proportions17. Mores are:a. Norms that are preferred, but carry no serious consequences if broken b. The comprehensive set of morals in a given society c. Strong norms that carry sanctions if broken d. Always codified into law18. A particular crime is punishable by 5 years in prison; this crime is most likely:a. A misdemeanor b. A felony c. A folkway d. Mens rea19. Which of the following is not a characteristic of criminal law?a. It is assumed by political authority. b. It contains penal sanctions. c. It is uniformly applied. d. It must be administered by federal authorities.20. Criminology is considered a sub-discipline of:a. Biology b. Psychology c. Sociology d. Theology21. True or False? Crime as a violation of criminal law can only have negative consequences for the social solidarity of any society.a. True b. False22. True or False? Females and the elderly suffer the highest rates of victimization in the contemporary United States.a. True b. False23. True or False? “Deviant behavior” is defined as “behavior which is in violation of written laws.”a. True b. False24. True or False? Definitions of deviance are relative to the time, place, and person(s) making the evaluation.a. True b. False25. True or False? Folkways refer to serious customs that involve moral judgments as well as sanctions.a. True b. False

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