The future prediction in the Victorian science fiction
When thinking of the Victorian writers, one’s mind is not only restricted to the science fiction but the ideas of intricacies of the daily life, the domestics sagas, that often emerge in the midst of the midst of mystery and melodrama. The Victorian writers often employ an approach of writing that would usually take one from the daily reality of life to an imaginary life where things seem to be too real but so fictitious at the same time. The idea of science fiction often seeks to present something out of the world. From these writing, one thing that seems so typical about the authors is that the Nineteenth century was a period when futuristic fiction was rampant with novels being the critical tools of expressing such imagination. The concepts in this writing still influence much of the contemporary drama. The Victorians era was a time that experienced transformation and more critical the industrial revolution. It was at this time that some invention such as the steam engine, use of electricity, the telegraph, film magic, and pornography were finding a place in the society. So it was not a surprise for an imaginative mind to construct a new would revolve around the ideas of the time. Therefore, the typical character about the Victorian writers as exemplified by Verne (1970) is that they based their stories on the evolutionary images of a future of their world.
One of the common characteristics of Victorian writing is that they seemed to predict the future. In many cases, the imagination of the writers turned out to be prophetic. For instance in the book of Verne (1970) “From the Earth to the moon,” he writes about the adventure into the moon. In this writing, he talks about a three human-crewed space ship traveling to the moon and back by slashing into the Pacifica Ocean. In his paper, he tells that the spaceship would be launched in Florida. The prediction comes true when the Apollo mission takes three men to the moon. The vessel that they used was made of aluminum, and on its ways back it splashed in to the Pacific Ocean. Therefore, in looking at the Victorian writers, one can understand the reason for their imagination. They were looking at the world around them, the rapid changes as a result of the industrial revolution and in this ways, they could think of what the future holds. The great thing is that their imagination was not only a fiction since it later becomes a reality. Perhaps at this time most of the people would only read about these stories and think that there is factious thinking. Latter they transformed from fiction, and they now became a reality.
Most of the stories focused much on fictional travels. While some of the stories were merely new creations of imagination, some were retelling some of the old stories but with a modern touch of creativity. However, the typical character is that they were telling of stories back and forth in time, but they never used the actual machine. One of the stories that were able to cross the line and bring about the reality of using the real device was the time machine written by Wells (2005). Many have argued that the story was adapted from the Italian writer El Anacronopete. In a convergence of these stories, it seems evident that the writers were not only telling of a story but a reality of the later years. Wells view was that technical advances might result in the social disintegration of the society. The writers might have tried to reflect on the ancient Roman empire, the 3rd Century 论文帮助/论文写作服务/负担得起我及时提交我最好的质量 – China and but in looking at these stories now they seem too tall of the present day society.
In the same way Jonathan swift set to tell of the story of Lemuel Gulliver who sailed to weird and wonderful places that seem to say of the story of the faults that exists in the government and religion of this day. In their tales, they talk about the disintegration of the society based on greed and the fight over resources in the community. These are societies where religion and power seem to shape the everyday disagreements and the quest to gain more control for regions (Shelley, 2010). Early in the Victorian times, these writers had through of such kind of a world, and they sought to write about them in a fictions way. However, the reality of the development of the world has proven that the industrial revolution has led to social integration.
Victorian writers tend to show that there is nothing new in the world when it comes to the world of science and fiction. We now find ourselves in a situation where we are experiencing some the digital revolution. This seems to be something new and extraordinary and seems to open up the world to even further and unique realms. However, one thing that seems unusual is that the Victorian writers already predicted these things. Mark Twain in 1898 after witnessing the invention of the phone wrote of the idea of mind travel rather than physical travel. The idea was six years before time since there was the invention of the electroscope. These devising is nothing different the internet of today. Thus it was nothing too new in the coming of the internet would already experience these issues.
Another example of the Victorian writing that reflects much of the current world is the writing of Marry and Robert. In writing, this trend to envision the coming of the AI technology, human and cross-species transplantation and animal testing. Today these have merely become a common aspect of the current world scientific innovations. In the same way, Robert L seems to predict a future of the world where the social fabrics get disintegrated (Wells & Roberts, 2000). In his books, he looks at a world where people turn from being humans and they become beast. In this time this was merely a work of fiction that did not necessarily reflect the reality of the time. However, in looking at how the worlds have advanced over the years, it is evident that the people no longer behave in the human ways that we anticipated. There are many cases where people have acted to the contrary. A good example is the Jews massacre during the leadership of Adolf Hitler. Although these seem to be a considerable scale example, there are many small cases where people have turned to cannibalistic activities and other things that would only be read in these fiction stories.
Today the field of science fiction seems to be growing every day. In looking at the science fiction of today, there appears to be minimal divergence with the Victorian fiction stories. It is evident that the field today often tries to look at the future trends based on what is available today. For instance, in the coming of the computed edge has led to the change in the way people communicate and interact. Based on the theme of technology the science fiction predicts that the future might see a world that is populated by intelligent robotics beings that might even go beyond human abilities. In other fiction, some of the prediction shows that there is a possibility of merging the human mind with a computer and getting a superhuman. Just as the Victorian fiction writing predict the world that we are in today, it is possible that the science fiction of today might try to envision what the world would be in the future. One thing that is evident in the world today is that the technological advances are shaping up at supersonic speeds. While something might look alien today, just five years later it becomes a common phenomenon in almost all parts of the world. Therefore science fiction might be said as a tool that brings the future to reality. Although at the moment of the inception their aspect often looks abstract a full of imagination, one thing that is common about innovation in the world is that it is based on creativity. Therefore, Victorian fiction was simply an image of the future that we are in today.
There seems to be some sought of convergence between the different sources and writing about the Victorian fictions stories. Despite the authors seeking to focus on different aspects of the futuristic imagination, one thing that tends to bind their ideas is that most of these aspects have come to be true. The ideas at the time of the writing seemed to focus much more in fiction and imagination but this does not seem to be an imagination anymore. Today, the world has advanced and some of the things predicted in the writing of these authors have become a reality. There one thing that seems to be similar about their writing is that they were all predictive. The individuals would often look at the things happening around the then from these idea predict the future of the world. However, they could not simply call these predictive because the society of the time could not accept such ideas as what would constitute a future of the world. Over times it has come to emerge that the Victorian writers helps to predict what future. In the main text Verne predicts of the future of the world in terms of technological advances in the field of communication and transport. It is only years later that these things come to happen. In the same way the other authors discussed their thinking of the future and these things became a reality just decades after their prediction. Therefore, the Victorian writers were predicting the future of today.

Lang, A. (1895). ‘DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE.’. The Athenaeum, (3507), 49-49.
Ponce, P. (2014). The Time Ship: A Chrononautical Journey.
Shelley, M. W. (2010). Frankenstein: 1818. Intervisual Books.
Verne, J. (1970). From the Earth to the Moon. 1865. Translated by J. and R. Baldick. Dutton, New York.
Wells, H. G. (2005). The time machine (Vol. 6). Penguin UK.
Wells, H. G., & Roberts, J. (2000). The Island of Dr. Moreau(p. 136). Fictionwise, Incorporated.

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